Orchid odontoglossum and its photo

Orchid odontoglossum and its photoThe odontoglossum orchid is a sympodial, epiphytic plant that grows naturally in the mountainous regions of Central and South America. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the description of this species, see a photo of the odontoglossum orchid and get acquainted with the related genus of Rossioglossum orchids.

The name odontoglossum comes from the Latin odontos – “tooth” and glossa – “tongue”, which indicates two tooth-like protrusions at the base of the tongue.

On peduncles of various lengths, large, showy star-shaped flowers with a rich palette of shades bloom, often with a pattern in the form of a “leopard skin”; some varieties have a pleasant aroma of lily of the valley, vanilla.

Orchid odontoglossum and its photoOrchid odontoglossum and its photo

One of the most beautiful views is considered curly odontoglossum (Odontoglossum crispum) – epiphytic short-rhizome plant with closely adjacent pseudobulbs. More than 12 large, spectacular flowers bloom on the peduncle, differing in a wide variety of sizes and colors. It is actively used when crossing with species of other genera.

On sale are most often garden hybrids obtained from the crossing of various species of this genus and flowering from October to May. They are most easy to care for.

Orchid odontoglossum and its photoOrchid odontoglossum and its photo

Pay attention to the photo of the odontoglossum of the most popular hybrid in the culture – Odontoglossum Roy Hipkins ‘Royale’. It was received by Robert Hamilton from California, USA. Variety ‘Royale’ has bright yellow-orange flowers.

Orchid genus Rossioglossum

Rossioglossum is a related genus to odontoglossum. It is a small group of orchids from Central America. At one time, Rossioglossums belonged to the genus of orchids Odontoglossum. Then the scientists divided them into two related ones.

Orchid odontoglossum and its photoOrchid odontoglossum and its photo

Bloom with Rossioglossum late autumn and winter. Due to their color and flower structure, they are called “tiger orchids” or “clown orchids”. The very name Rossioglossum was obtained in honor of J. Ross, who collected orchids in Mexico.

Rossioglossums prefer warm, moist contents and bright light during growth. In winter, plants need a dry maintenance regime. They are best grown in pots in a pine bark substrate.

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Anna Evans


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