Fat woman (“money tree”) at home

Fat woman ("money tree") at homeThe fat woman (Crassula) is grown at home so often that it can be called the leader among the favorites of indoor florists. This plant is popularly called the “money tree”: the fat woman, according to popular belief, “attracts” money into the house, and there are no difficulties in caring for her.

Among fans of feng shui, the fat woman is also popular, as it is believed that it is the guarantor of success and prosperity.

Family: Crassicaceae, light-loving, moderate hydration.

A succulent plant with a tree-like stem, succulent leaves and small white or pink flowers, collected in semi-umbilical apical inflorescences.

Fat woman ("money tree") at homeFat woman ("money tree") at home

The people call the fat woman a “money tree” for the coin-like dark green or bluish leaves. Can grow up to 1m tall.

“Money tree” fat woman is considered a wonderful wedding gift.

Fat woman ("money tree") at home

It is decorated with gold and red threads, coins, metallized paper and presented to newlyweds as a symbol of prosperity and material prosperity of the future family.

Houseplant care bastard

Caring for a fat woman at home is not difficult – like many succulents, it is absolutely unpretentious. She needs a lot of light and moderate watering all year round. In winter, it is better to put it closer to the window glass – it is cooler there (the optimum temperature in winter is + 8 … + 12 Β° C) and better lighting. In order for the bastard houseplant to form beautifully, it must be watered regularly, keeping the clod of earth slightly moist. They are fed once a month during the warm season. Transplanted in the spring every 2-3 years, using a soil mixture of sod and leafy soil, sand and peat (1: 1: 1: 0,5). It is better to choose a container that is wide and shallow. You can propagate the house plant bastard throughout the year with leafy and stem cuttings, having previously dried for a day.

Feng Shui fatty house plant

According to feng shui, the tree fatty is considered one of the most powerful activators of the Wealth zone. It should be placed in the southeastern sector, and, despite its unpretentious care, maintain it in good condition – provide sufficient lighting, regular watering, periodically turn relative to the light source so that the tree grows evenly, and keep the leaves clean. It is also recommended to bury in the soil or put one or three coins under the pot, or tie a red ribbon to a branch, preferably with coins. The maximum effect is given by a plant grown from a cuttings, and not bought by an adult. Having such a guarantor of success and prosperity “behind” any hardships and troubles is much easier to bear, and faith in success strengthens the strength of the spirit and cheers up.

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Anna Evans


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