Atony of the proventriculus in cows

Atony is accompanied by a complete refusal of food. A sick animal becomes inactive. A sign of the development of pathology is intestinal obstruction. Atony of the proventriculus in cows is accompanied by a violation of the digestive organs.

Cow suffering from atony

Description of the disease

The proventriculus includes the scar, mesh and book. These organs are directly involved in the process of digestion of food. Violation of their activity leads to atony.

Causes of the disease

There are several factors that lead to the development of atony in cows:

  1. The disease occurs if the owner feeds animals with heavy feed.
  2. The tone of the muscles of the proventriculus is negatively affected by poor-quality hay or concentrates. Often animals eat stale food and rotten potatoes.
  3. Violation of the process of digestion of food occurs with a sharp change in diet.
  4. The cessation of muscle contraction may be due to drinking too much cold water.
  5. The disease is most often detected in animals that are constantly indoors. Lack of physical activity leads to weakening of the muscles of the proventriculus.
  6. The disease occurs due to infection with harmful bacteria. Parasites are dangerous for cows.

Symptoms and signs

You can recognize atony in a sick individual by the following signs:

  • cattle refuse to feed;
  • his milk yield is reduced;
  • the cow does not show the same activity;
  • the temperature of the animal rises to 40 degrees;
  • the cow is rapidly losing weight.

The milk yield of a sick cow is reduced

The milk yield of a sick cow is reduced

The veterinarian can determine atony by probing the abdomen. Pathology leads to compaction of the scar. In a healthy cow, the stomach should contract 2 times per minute.

Violation of contractility occurs due to mastitis or endometritis. The initial stage of the disease is called hypotension. The painful condition is accompanied by bouts of eructation. The cow is suffering from increased gas formation.

The owner should pay attention to a decrease in appetite in a sick individual. Violation of the contractility of the scar leads to a change in the behavior of the animal. The cow always lies in one place.

If left untreated, the disease progresses to an acute stage. Within a few hours, the contraction of the muscles of the proventriculus completely stops in the cow. The condition of the animal is rapidly deteriorating.

Important! Violation of the digestion process leads to the appearance of dense feces. The sick animal suffers from chronic constipation.


The process of rotting food is accompanied by the release of a large amount of toxins. Harmful components are carried throughout the body. The cow shows signs of intoxication.

To restore digestive function, it is necessary to put the animal on a starvation diet during the day. Water can be given to a sick animal without restrictions. Such measures will help the animal’s body get rid of dangerous substances.

To restore the alkaline balance, you need to add table salt to the liquid in a ratio of 10 g per bucket. When the condition improves, feed can be added to the animal’s diet. The cow should not always lie in one place. She must be walked for 2 hours a day.

Glauber's salt

Glauber’s salt

For the treatment of atony, it is recommended to use a remedy based on Glauber’s salt. Water must be boiled before feeding a sick animal. To prepare 1 liter of solution, 200 grams of Glauber’s salt will be required. After that, 400 g of vegetable oil must be poured into the liquid. This mixture will help restore the tone of the proventriculus.

The benefits of the animal will bring physiotherapy. You can improve the functioning of the digestive system with the help of electrical stimulation. To eliminate atony, it is recommended to conduct irradiation sessions using the PRK-2 apparatus. UV rays penetrate into the affected tissues and contribute to their recovery.

Important! To restore muscle function, experts recommend massaging the scar 3-4 times a day. The procedure is performed with a fist. The optimal duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.


You can eliminate the symptoms of atony with the help of injections of Pilocarpine and Prozerin. Thanks to the sodium sulfate solution, doctors accelerate the process of removing toxins. The disease is accompanied by fermentation in the intestines.

You can stop putrefactive processes if you give a solution of ichthyol to a sick cow. The veterinarian recommends watering the cow with Creole. The tool helps to fight pathogenic microorganisms.

It is possible to normalize the functioning of the digestive system by using Protosubtilin and Amylosubtilin.



To get rid of the symptoms of atony, Prozerin injections are used. Laxatives are used to restore the tone of the intestinal muscles.

Important! You can cope with constipation with a solution of magnesium sulfate. Lactic acid is used to fight harmful bacteria. To prepare the product, you need to add 25-75 mg per liter of water.

Folk remedies

A positive effect in the treatment of atony can be achieved by using herbal decoctions. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, breeders use an infusion of hellebore. This herb contains substances that stimulate the intestines.

To improve appetite, it is recommended to feed the animal with a decoction of wormwood. The infusion has a bactericidal effect. It suppresses the activity of parasites that provoke the development of atony.


To prevent the onset of symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Give the cows clean water to drink.
  2. Watch the diet of the animals. Rotten hay and expired feed can lead to atony.
  3. The animal needs daily walks for 2 hours.
  4. Maintain cleanliness in areas where cows are kept.

Atony of the proventriculus is accompanied by a violation of the digestive system. This leads to a weakening of the muscle tone of the proventriculus. A sick animal may die due to intestinal obstruction.

Anna Evans


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