Kholmogory breed of cows

The Kholmogory breed of cows is popular in farms. It is valued for its high performance and endurance. Especially often these animals are bred in the northern regions, as they are adapted to the cold. This article will discuss the main external characteristics of hillocks, their advantages and disadvantages, and features of care and nutrition.



Cows of the Kholmogory breed are predominantly represented in black and white colors, however, there are individuals of red-and-white and black. Pure white and red color in this breed is extremely rare. Consider the characteristic external features of this breed:

  • Animals are distinguished by a strong constitution.
  • The head of the animals is of medium size, the muzzle is slightly narrowed.
  • The chest is round and not too wide.
  • The dewlap is poorly developed.
  • The body is elongated, slightly angular.
  • The line of the back is usually straight.
  • Stable limbs.
  • The back is well developed.
  • The sacrum is slightly raised.
  • The udder is often bowl-shaped.

Kholmogory cows are quite tall and large, their weight reaches 550 kilograms. The average measurements of the height of the withers vary within 135 centimeters. Calves that belong to this breed are also born large enough. Their average weight is 35 kilograms.


The first mention of this breed dates back to the 18th century AD. It is known that these animals were raised in the Arkhangelsk region of the Kholmogory region, hence their current name came from. Cattle from different countries of the world were repeatedly brought to the city of Arkhangelsk. Over time, the genetic tree of the kholmogorka began to change as a result of crossing, acquiring the gene characteristics of other breeds – Dutch and Holstein.

Kholmogory breed of cows

Kholmogory breed of cows

This is how the now known breed of cows appeared – Kholmogory, which in 1937 was entered into the register. The Kholmogory breed of cows has the following characteristics:

  • Unpretentiousness.
  • High productivity.
  • Endurance.
  • Good immunity.

Now breeders are actively working to improve the characteristics of this breed. They direct their main efforts to increase milk yield. To obtain purebred individuals, the following measures are taken:

  1. For insemination of cows, only the best bulls are used, which are distinguished by high rates in all respects. In the Arkhangelsk region, a bull sperm bank was specially created, which makes it possible to fertilize more than 500 thousand heifers.
  2. The selection of individuals with high rates is also carried out on the maternal line, that is, cows are bred in families.

Holsteinization is of great importance for increasing the level of milk yield of Kholmogory cows. Breeders have found that the optimal result of crossing is achieved by adding no more than 50% of Holstein genes to the hillock DNA.


Holmogorok milk is nutritious, fatty and tasty. The proportion of fat mass in it reaches 3,6-3,8%, while the protein mass is 3,3-3,5%. Arkhangelsk breeders continue to work on increasing the fat content of milk, their goal is to overcome the 4% mark. Kholmogory cows are valued for their high productivity.

Holmogorok milk is nutritious, fatty and tasty

Holmogorok milk is nutritious, fatty and tasty

A healthy heifer in one lactation under moderate conditions is capable of producing about 3200-3600 liters of milk. If you provide her with the best feed and quality care, then this value can be increased to 5000 liters.

Reference. The record holder cow of the Kholmogory breed showed an amazing result – her milk yield exceeded 7000 liters of milk per year. This indicates the good potential of this breed.

The indicators of the live weight of hillocks are also quite high. On average, the weight of heifers ranges from 470 to 500 kilograms. Bulls, on the other hand, can gain weight of 830-950 kilograms. These values ​​will increase significantly if the conditions for cows are improved. Breeding cattle of this breed is economically profitable. The slaughter yield of high-quality meat is 50-54%. You can increase this value to 58% if you feed the Kholmogory castrated bull, which is gaining mass at an accelerated pace.

Features of the content

Although the cow of the Kholmogory breed does not have a whimsical disposition, it still needs high-quality care and proper maintenance. Of particular importance is its nutrition and the organization of proper preparation for calving. The lack of vitamins and minerals adversely affects the profitability of keeping animals:

  1. Decreased milk production.
  2. The quality of the product deteriorates.
  3. The lactation period is shortened.
  4. The quality of the meat is declining.

In order for the kholmogorka to please the farmer with good milk yields and high-quality products, it is necessary to keep it in a dry and clean stall, provide it with walking in the warm season, and regularly milk it. She does not tolerate heat well – the northern origin makes itself felt. The main attention in caring for an animal should be given to the diet.

Kholmogorka on the run

Kholmogorka on the run

Care of young animals

Youngsters need more care. Newborn calves fed exclusively on their mother’s milk should be near her until they are 3-4 weeks old. The conditions in the stall must be organized taking into account the needs of the calf. A thick soft bedding is laid in the room, it should be dry and warm there, you need to take care of good lighting.

Closer to the age of one month, the calves are separated from the mother cows and combined into groups. For them separate a place with a thick litter and feeders. The diet for them is selected taking into account the needs of a growing organism. It must include vitamin and mineral supplements.


Kholmogory cows are able to generously give milk and meat to farmers, provided they are provided with a full diet. What should be on their menu:

  • The basis of the diet is high quality hay, and in the warm season – juicy grass.
  • Legumes.
  • Cereals.
  • Roots.
  • Silage (no more than a quarter of the total amount of feed).
  • Cake of flax, sunflower.

Attention! In the northern regions, where stall keeping of cows predominates, it is necessary to introduce vitamin and mineral complexes into the diet without fail.

Advantages and disadvantages of breeding

The advantages of the Kholmogory breed of cows include:

  1. Endurance, adaptability to different climatic conditions.
  2. High productivity.
  3. Good health, resistance to various infectious diseases.
  4. Good quality milk.
  5. Unpretentiousness.
  6. Excellent taste of meat.

Great tasting meat

Great tasting meat

Such a set of positive characteristics for many farmers becomes the main criterion for choosing this breed. However, it also has several disadvantages. Consider them:

  • Kholmogory cows do not tolerate a hot climate; in such conditions, milk yields and quality indicators of products are reduced.
  • The external characteristics of animals are far from ideal – many are embarrassed by their underdeveloped dewlap, lowered buttocks and crooked hind limbs.

Cows of the Kholmogory breed are ideal for farmers living in the northern and central regions of Russia. Unpretentious, disease-resistant, highly productive animals with good care will bring huge profits to their owner.

Anna Evans


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