Aladdin potatoes care how to grow

The late-ripening potato variety Aladdin, bred by the Dutch, has already proven itself well in our fields, and every year it is gaining more and more popularity among Russian summer residents and farmers. 

It has excellent taste, it is perfectly stored in cool rooms for six months and transfers transportation over long distances without loss. It is a worthy competitor to those potato varieties that are recognized as the best today.

Variety description

Aladdin “registered” in the state register of Russia in 2011. This is a representative of late-ripening table varieties, the tubers of which are ready for use 90-100 days from the moment they are planted in the ground. In colder regions, the ripening period lasts even longer – up to 110 days.

Aladdin has excellent protective characteristics. It is resistant to late blight, rarely suffers from such a serious ailment as potato cancer, scab is not afraid of it either. It grows well on loam and sandy soils, tolerates dry periods, so it can be safely grown in the south of our country.

Bushes of plants are erect, about half a meter high. The stems are fleshy, strong, with a purple hue. The leaves are slightly elongated, mostly dark with a barely noticeable emerald tint. Flowers are collected in a corolla, small in size.

The yield deserves special praise, in many regions its indicators reach 450 c / ha. Up to 12 potatoes are formed in each bush, the mass of which varies from 100 to 180 g.

Characteristics of tubers

You can distinguish Aladdin potato tubers by the following characteristics:

  • the average size;
  • almost regular rounded shape;
  • shallow dark eyes;
  • smooth, bright red skin;
  • light pulp with a pleasant creamy shade;
  • high starch content – 21%;
  • excellent taste.

These potatoes are used to prepare first courses and side dishes for meat or fish. In soups and borscht, the pieces of potatoes keep their shape perfectly, and the mashed potatoes from it are homogeneous, tender, literally melting in the mouth. Also, the Aladdin variety is suitable for frying, stewing, baking. Sometimes tubers are bought by the manufacturers of everyone’s favorite fast food – chips and French fries.

potato alladin

Advantages and disadvantages

Aladdin has both positive and negative qualities. This is important to consider when choosing seed.

The advantages of the variety include:

  • high productivity;
  • excellent taste;
  • versatility of use;
  • transport portability;
  • excellent keeping quality;
  • marketable condition;
  • prolonged dormancy (half a year does not germinate);
  • high immunity to common cultural diseases.

The variety has one drawback, but for many gardeners it is of great importance. In practice, it turned out that Aladdin potatoes do not respond to specific feeding, such as growth stimulants or fertilizers containing nitrogen.

aladin potatoes


To get friendly shoots and a rich harvest of potatoes, it is advisable to germinate the tubers before planting in the ground. This is especially important for those who grow the Aladdin variety in the northern regions. The planting material is removed from the storage facility approximately 30-35 days before the breeding planting in the ground. Seed tubers must be reviewed to reject spoiled specimens and potatoes with few eyes. Then all the planting material is scattered on the floor or laid out in wooden boxes in one layer. The room in which the potatoes will sprout should be lighted and warm.

You need to plant tubers in the soil in early May. In the southern regions, subject to stable warm weather, this can be done earlier, already in mid-April. The main thing is that the soil warms up under the spring sun to the optimal temperature, and the sprouts on seed potatoes grow to 4-5 cm.

sprouted potatoes

The planting scheme for the Aladdin variety is slightly different from other varieties. Since the stolons on its bushes grow moderately, the depth of the seed tuber may be less than 10 cm, but not under the surface itself. The width between the bushes is 30-35 cm, and the recommended distance between the rows is 60-70 cm.

At the planting stage and the first time after it, the variety completely dispenses with growth regulators, they will not help it in any way. But he responds well to organic matter and mineral supplements with a minimum nitrogen content. It is better to apply them to the soil before watering or during the rainy season, directly under the bush.

Plant Care

During the growth period, Aladdin, like any other potato, needs proper care. It includes several agrotechnical measures: weeding, loosening, hilling, watering, and pest control.

weeding potatoes

Loosening of the soil must be carried out so that more oxygen penetrates to the plant roots. This will ensure rapid growth and active formation of tubers. You need to loosen the soil several times per season, especially after watering or heavy rain. Together with loosening, weeds are also removed, which constantly grows between the rows of potato bushes. Weeds take up nutrients, so they must be ruthlessly removed along with the roots.

Hilling is recommended at the moment when young plants rise above the surface to a height of 12-15 cm. The more land under the bushes, the better the root system will grow. After a couple of weeks, it is advisable to repeat hilling in order to restore the heaps, washed out by rains. By the way, it is better to huddle potatoes again after rain, due to which the earth becomes softer. It’s much easier to work with this one.

hilling of potatoes

Plants need additional watering during the flowering period. It is at this moment that future tubers are laid, and their number and size directly depend on the degree of moisture. If the weather is dry at this time, the tubers will not be able to get the required amount of moisture. If the summer is rainy, then watering will not be needed at all throughout the growing season.

Enemies of the grade

As mentioned above, Aladdin has a fairly high resistance to such serious diseases as:

  • late blight of potatoes;
  • scab;
  • potato cancer;
  • golden nematode.


However, some other diseases, as well as attacks by insect pests, can significantly reduce the yield. What should you be afraid of?

  • Dry spotting. Provokes the appearance of brown spots on the tubers. It occurs as a result of a long stay of tubers in the ground.
  • Alternaria. Not only potatoes in the ground are affected, but also the ground part of plants. Brown spots appear on the leaves and stems, then the bush begins to fade.
  • Fungal diseases. They are caused by fungi that live in the soil. If there are a lot of them, then you can lose a large percentage of the crop.


Chemical preparations will help prevent the development of diseases. In addition, crop rotation is of great importance. You cannot grow potatoes in one place for more than 3-4 seasons. Ideally, every two years this part of the plot should be sown with cereals, legumes or grasses. Thanks to this, the soil will rest, be saturated with nutrients from siderates, and the potato yield will double.

Often, the bushes of the Aladdin variety are attacked by insects. Plants can be occupied by such pests as:

  • Colorado potato beetle and its larva;
  • wireworm;
  • bear;
  • potato moth.

How to protect landings from them? There are many folk remedies, but store-bought drugs are still more effective. Aktara, Prestige, Corado and their analogues have proven themselves well. Opponents of “strong chemistry” can use the means of light action: onion peel, ash, boric acid, copper sulfate, garlic infusion and others.

the drug is acting


The table variety Aladdin has a fairly wide range of applications. Tubers are suitable for roasting, oven cooking, adding to first courses. Both in home cooking and in the restaurant, these potatoes are appreciated for the delicious and tender pulp of an appetizing creamy shade. It makes excellent mashed potatoes and first courses. Nutritionists recommend Aladdin to those who follow a diet. Chips producers also do not refuse this potato, they buy it to their factories and factories in large quantities.

In conclusion

To date, Aladdin potatoes have gathered many fans. It is successfully grown both in small gardens and large farms. And all over Russia. With simple agricultural technology, it has a high yield and stable preservation, as well as a beautiful presentation. Try to grow Aladdin on your site. Without a doubt, he will become your favorite for many years.

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Anna Evans


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