Unusual cactus hymnocalycium: species, reproduction and care at home

Gymnocalycium belongs to the Cactus family. Under natural conditions, it grows in southern Brazil and Argentina. There are many types and varieties of flowers, but only a few of them are suitable for growing at home. The cactus is popular not only for its attractive appearance, but also for its unpretentious care. In addition, he is able to bloom even at an unfavorable time.

Species and varieties

Gymnocalycium is a perennial plant with a rounded stem and dense roots that extend deep into the soil. There are over 80 varieties of cactus, but only 15 of them are suitable for growing at home.

The following types and varieties are most popular with florists:

  • Gymnokalycium Mikhanovich.

Unusual cactus hymnocalycium: species, reproduction and care at home

This type is one of the most common. The cactus stands out for its large crimson or salad pink flowers that form at the top of the stem.

Unusual cactus hymnocalycium: species, reproduction and care at home

This miniature cactus, reaching a height of no more than 15 cm, is a variety of Mikhanovich’s hymnocalycium. The flowers of the plant are rich in red, yellow and orange.

  • Gymnocalycium balda, or Baldianum.

Unusual cactus hymnocalycium: species, reproduction and care at home

This globular cactus with a gray-green stem is no more than 9 cm in diameter. During the flowering period, it has numerous flowers of white, pink or dark red color.

  • Gymnocalycium of Friedrich.

Unusual cactus hymnocalycium: species, reproduction and care at home

Cacti of this species differ in that they have the least amount of chlorophyll. Their flowers are colored lilac or brownish-red.

  • Gymnocalycium is Japanese.

Unusual cactus hymnocalycium: species, reproduction and care at home

These plants are a hybrid of Friedrich’s hymnocalycium and were obtained by crossing mutating cacti.

  • Gymnocalycium saglionis, or saliona.

Unusual cactus hymnocalycium: species, reproduction and care at home

This variety differs from others in its long flowering, which begins in spring and continues until mid-autumn. During this period, pink, yellowish or red flowers appear in the upper part of the cactus.

Unusual cactus hymnocalycium: species, reproduction and care at home

This species is one of the largest, as it grows up to 30 cm. Sallo are distinguished by a spherical stem and long curved spines, which are considered decorative.


To plant a cactus, you need to purchase a small pot made of plastic or ceramic. It must have drainage holes. Large containers for hymnocalycium are not suitable, since the plant needs to feel the walls of the pot with the root system.

You can prepare the soil yourself by combining the following components:

  • 3 parts of leafy earth and sand;
  • 2 parts of sod soil and peat;
  • 1 part crushed charcoal.

The soil for the hymnocalycium should be neutral or slightly alkaline, since the cactus does not tolerate acidic soil.

Unusual cactus hymnocalycium: species, reproduction and care at home

Ready-made cactus soil can be purchased at a flower shop. Before planting, it is necessary to put a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot and only then fill the soil.

Conditions of detention: table by seasons

Gymnocalycium belongs to unpretentious plants, but it is also necessary to create minimal conditions for it, which vary depending on the season.

The hymnocalycium is completely undemanding to humidity. The plant tolerates dry air well and does not need spraying. At home, the cactus must be protected from drafts that negatively affect its growth.


Gymnocalycium care in room conditions consists in carrying out the following procedures:

  • correct watering;
  • timely transplant;
  • fertilization.

Pruning is required only for decaying and chlorophyll-free cacti, which must be grafted onto the columnar stem of other hymnocalycium.

Watering and top dressing

Watering should be sparse. It is necessary to moisten the soil as its top layer dries up. By autumn, the frequency of watering should be further reduced. In winter, it is enough to moisten the soil 1-2 times throughout the season.

Water for watering a cactus must be filtered and warm. It is desirable to slightly acidify it with lemon juice.

Unusual cactus hymnocalycium: species, reproduction and care at home

It is recommended to feed the hymnocalycium no more than once a month. As a fertilizer, it is necessary to use mixtures with a reduced nitrogen content for cacti and succulents. In this case, the concentration of top dressing should be half that indicated in the instructions. It is not required to fertilize the plant in winter and autumn.


The procedure for pruning a cactus is called grafting. In the course of it, the top of the diseased hymnocalycium is cut off and grafted into a healthy succulent. In this case, the part of the plant that should be grafted is called the scion, and the cactus used for grafting is called the stock.

During the procedure you will need:

  1. Take a sharp knife and disinfect it.
  2. Make cuts on the rootstock and scion and connect them.
  3. Fix the cactus in this position with a bandage.
  4. Remove it after the plants have grown together (after about 5-7 days).

Unusual cactus hymnocalycium: species, reproduction and care at home


Gymnocalycium does not need frequent transplants. Adult specimens are recommended to be transplanted no more than once every two years. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the spring. The new pot should be 2 cm larger in diameter than the previous one.

The transplant is carried out as follows:

  1. The cactus is removed from the pot and cleaned of old soil.
  2. The plant is washed in hot water and dried for 2 days.
  3. Gymnocalycium is transplanted into a new container with a drainage layer.
  4. The pot is filled with cactus substrate.

After transplanting, it is not recommended to water Gymnocalycium for a week.

Methods of reproduction

A flower can be propagated in two ways:

The first method is used most often. Chlorophyll-free varieties are propagated by grafting. But if, during pruning, a diseased plant is grafted onto a healthy specimen, then for reproduction both the scion and the stock must be in good condition. The rest of the procedure is similar to pruning.

Seed sowing

Sowing seeds can be done at any time of the year. First you need to prepare a small, shallow pot and a fine-grained substrate. It is recommended to pre-calcine the soil in the oven to disinfect it. Then the soil must be poured into the selected pot and moistened.

Seed propagation is carried out as follows:

  1. Sow seeds on top of the soil.
  2. Cover them with a film or plastic bag.
  3. Spray the periodic soil with a spray bottle or water the plantings through a sump.

Unusual cactus hymnocalycium: species, reproduction and care at home

In the room, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for seed germination, namely, to maintain the temperature within + 18 … 20 ° C and provide the plantings with sufficient lighting. Seedlings grown from seeds grow quickly, and after a year they should be transplanted into pots.

Using side layers

Unusual cactus hymnocalycium: species, reproduction and care at home

Lateral processes

Lateral layers are called babies. They must be torn away from the mother cactus by turning slightly. The babies are separated with ease, since they almost do not have their own root system. Sometimes the cuttings have roots intertwining with the main rhizome, and in this case, the roots of the children should be carefully dug out. Then they act according to the following scheme:

  1. Dry the separated processes for two days.
  2. Fill pots with substrate and moisten.
  3. Put the kids in prepared containers.

The shoots take root quickly enough. You need to take care of them in the same way as for an adult hymnocalycium.

Growing problems

Problems when growing hymnocalycium in indoor conditions arise with improper plant care. Most often, flower growers are faced with the following troubles:

If the base of the cactus has darkened, but remains dry and hard to the touch, then this phenomenon indicates the beginning of the corking process. In this case, no special measures should be taken.

Diseases and pests

As a rule, pests live in the soil or migrate to the cactus from other indoor plants. Most often, the following parasites attack hymnocalycium:

As for diseases, most often the hymnocalycium suffers from root rot, which occurs when over-watering. The signs of this disease are stunted growth and lack of flowering. The problem is solved as follows:

  1. The injured roots are cut off with a sterile instrument (knife, scissors).
  2. The root system is washed with hot water.
  3. The roots are processed with crushed coal or ash.
  4. Gymnocalycium is dried and transplanted into a pot filled with a moistened substrate.

With proper care, the hymnocalycium will delight the grower with its flowering and will be an excellent decoration for any interior. Growing a plant does not require special skills and even a beginner can easily cope with this.

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Anna Evans


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