The most delicious and reliable varieties of white cucumbers

At one of the country parties, a friend put pickled cucumbers on the table, some of which looked pale. Well, those cucumbers were straight white! The hostess of the house ordered to evaluate the novelty, although she herself does not like pickled white-fruited cucumbers – they seem to her … drowned! Now I can tell you about white cucumbers.

What is the difference between white cucumbers and ordinary ones

I found in stores and on Internet sites a very large selection of seeds of this berry (cucumbers are a berry). Modern varieties (and a broad start to culture was laid in the 60s of the last century) can be smooth-fruited and prickly, short and long. Almost all varieties of white-fruited cucumbers are classified as early-ripening varieties, most of them can be grown in open ground.

Shoots of white cucumbers grow well in early summer, their height can reach two meters. A sufficient number of side shoots are formed on the lashes. Varieties and hybrids of white cucumbers do not require formation, since the ovaries are equally well formed on the main and side shoots.

They can tolerate slight temperature drops and even temporary shading. With an increase in temperature even more than 40 ° C (which was confirmed this and last summer), ovaries continue to form on their lashes.

The foliage is usually medium in size, bright green in color. The ovaries have a light green color, no different from green gherkins, and by the time of ripening, the skin of the fruit acquires a characteristic white color. Fruit size is medium, except for Chinese varieties, which resemble long pipes. The yield is very high.

Most varieties and hybrids are versatile: cucumbers can be used fresh, as well as canned and even fried.

By the way, in the national Bulgarian dish – a cold soup with the cheerful name “Tarator” (I often cook it at home) it is better to chop white cucumbers into yogurt or kefir: they are almost invisible in sour milk and have a pleasant sweetish taste.

Ripe white cucumbers differ from green counterparts in a richer taste and aroma, their flesh is sweeter, without bitterness. However, this variety of cucumber does not keep well, so they must either be sent for processing shortly after picking or crunched fresh. Interestingly, if such a fruit is overripe, its skin will coarsen, but the seeds in the pulp remain almost invisible.  

White cucumbers are highly resistant to most diseases. They are not affected by peronosporosis, they are not attacked by aphids due to their strong immunity.

They really strive up, so their lashes require mandatory support. They feel great on a coarse plastic mesh, when all plants receive more light and are better blown by the wind. Creepers can even climb an apple or pear tree!

My 7 White Cucumber Harvest Secrets

1 White cucumbers are best not grown in spreading. As for green cucumbers, soil fertility for white varieties should be high enough.

2 The soil should be loose and easy to pass water. Its acidity is close to neutral. In open ground in early June (in the middle lane), it is better to plant ready-made seedlings of white cucumbers, on which there are at least 5-6 permanent leaves. Then the harvest can be obtained earlier than with the direct planting of seeds immediately in the beds.

I am fond of organic farming, so I never use chemical fertilizers. It is quite enough ash, compost and infusion of weeds.

3 Care – as well as for green-fruited counterparts: timely and high-quality watering (but not a swamp!), weeding (leave weeds right under the vines), if necessary, carefully loosen the ground (the roots do not lie deep).

4 You should also take into account the weather conditions, especially in the middle lane. When waiting for frosts, I cover the plants with thick lutrasil (density 40-60) until the temperature normalizes. At this time, the plants are still small, not on supports, so it is not difficult to cover. There is no lutrasil, you can put a plastic bottle over each sprout. And if there are serious frosts, then a bottle and lutrasil, away from sin. For the accumulation of solar and general heat, ordinary dark-colored glass bottles are dug up to the shoulders around the perimeter of the garden bed, accumulating the sun’s rays and warming the soil. And if you dig in plastic bottles with unscrewed lids, cut off the bottom of them and pour water (with fertilizer), then such watering will help out if you have not been in the country for a long time. 

5 At first, while the ground is still wet from the melted snow, and plus the spring rains do not skimp, I water the plantings once a week. After the appearance of the first ovaries, I increase the frequency of watering – the more often, the better the cucumbers. But not to the state of the swamp! Lianas of white cucumbers are very fond of moist air, therefore it is recommended to also moisten the ground near the garden when watering. I make it simpler: my land is mulched with a layer of weeds, which I do not skimp on moisturizing.

6 To increase the yield (although the white varieties of cucumbers are already fruitful), experts advise feeding the vines well. This should be done several times per season: during flowering and fruiting. I prefer ash, herbal infusion, and I also buy a concentrate of horse manure or bird droppings and dilute it with clean, sun-warmed water (cucumbers are afraid of watering with a stream from a tap or a well!) An infusion of onion peel also proved to be excellent (possible with ashes). After steaming in boiling water for a day, I insist on the husk, filter it and, after mixing with wood ash, put it under the cucumbers. And I spray the leaves with liquid.

7 Although white-skinned cucumbers are not prone to diseases and are not very afraid of pests, I change the planting site every year.
White-fruited cucumbers have not yet gained popularity in our country, but varieties with white fruits deserve the attention of gardeners, if only because they feel great in the open field and never bitter. And breeders developing new varieties of vegetable crops focus not only on improving their taste, but also on the exotic color of ripening fruits.  

What varieties and hybrids of white cucumbers did I check

Hybrids of white cucumbers of the Chinese series are especially suitable for greenhouses: their graceful fruits, reaching a length of 35 cm, hang spectacularly from the bushes, but these plants are more thermophilic. In more southern regions, they will reward gardeners with an excellent harvest in open ground conditions.

More than others I like Italian white – the variety began to be cultivated already at the end of the century before last! The pulp is very juicy, tender, aromatic. Cucumbers reach 20 cm in length, tubercles (thorns) are rare. The liana itself is high, but it is permissible to grow it in a horizontal way, which is convenient in our suburbs: in case of cold weather, it is easy to cover with lutrasil. The variety is immune to the main “cucumber” diseases and pests. 

White angel – a popular hybrid with excellent resistance to night temperature changes, unpretentious, productive. The fruits are tied without the participation of insects. Mature fruits have white skin and thorns. You can grow lashes both in the beds in the garden and in greenhouses. It is versatile, cucumbers are good fresh and also suitable for canning. As indicated in the annotation to the variety. But it is clear that in different climatic (and just garden) conditions, the variety will behave differently. In the first year, I discovered that the flowers on the vines are male. Therefore, it was not necessary to wait for fruiting on the main vine in the foreseeable future. I had to cut the whip so that it would give side shoots. And the fruits on the main trunk waited only in July. They were really milky white, only a light green hue is noticeable on the cut. Their aroma is classic, cucumber. But for some reason, the cucumbers diligently “got fat”, rounding right before our eyes. These barrel-shaped cucumbers, not picked in time, are rich in seeds, but I didn’t grow them for seeds! Therefore, we had to watch vigilantly so as not to miss the moment and collect very young Zelentsy. In a salad, “angels” taste like green cucumbers. And they don’t get angry. The pluses include the fact that the vines did not hurt anything and tolerated the unpredictability of the weather near Moscow well. But the annotation on the bag does not say, for example, that the central stem needs to be pinched in order to get lateral stepchildren and a good harvest. I did not notice the beam ovaries declared by the manufacturer either. This is the cons of the variety.

In a bag of seeds, there is usually a sufficient amount of them – up to 10 pieces. At the end of May, I sow the seeds of any cucumbers in peat pots and cover them with cut plastic bottles, because the soil has not yet had time to warm up by this time. They stand in a country house, on the sunny side. I send grown specimens to the garden. If the spring is early and warm, as this year and last year, then in early June I sow dry seeds immediately into the ground. My little white “angels” grow on a par with their green-fruited counterparts, no different from them.

The most delicious and reliable varieties of white cucumbers

The most unusual white cucumbers

The varieties listed below, I and my friends planted during several seasons of different weather and were generally satisfied. But rather not by taste or aroma (they are, in general, ordinary, cucumber), but by an external exotic look. Of course, many more names can be found on sale, but I believe that the same seeds in different places can be called differently (for example, white kite – he is Chinese white).

Martini – an early hybrid, pleasing with a harvest in 40 days from the appearance of the first sprouts. It is necessary to collect cucumbers in time, not allowing to outgrow. The shape of the fruit is slightly oval, when overgrown, it is closer to round. Self-pollinated.

White sugar – a hybrid of universal purpose: good both fresh and canned. Works well in the garden on the beds, and in the greenhouse. After about 50 days – the first harvest. The fruits are small, crispy and fragrant. Harvest. The bush is compact, does not form long lashes, can be grown without formation. 

Snow Leopard – Ripe fruits have excellent taste and have a presentation. Harvest. Fruits in length can reach up to 20 cm. Cucumbers are used fresh and for pickling.

Blond – its fruits are about 20 cm long, have a greenish top, a creamy tone on the bottom of the fruit and dark spikes. The plant is vigorous, needs timely shaping, otherwise the greenhouse will turn into a jungle. 

Snow White – tolerates a short-term drop in temperature well, so it is successfully grown in open ground. Early maturing, high yield. The fruits are thin-skinned and versatile: they are used fresh, pickled and salted.

Bidigo Lungo – a hybrid bred specifically for growing in greenhouses (bearing fruit there in October-November). Refers to early ripe cucumbers with high yields. The fruits are used both fresh and preserved.  
Bride – has excellent taste, but is more capricious than the above. A variety from a series of Chinese cucumbers, early: bears fruit in 40–45 days. The fruits are oblong, light-light green in color, with spikes, crispy. The taste is the most delicate cucumber. Good for conservation. Pollination requires insects. Probably better to grow it in the southern regions.

White Dragon – has snow-white fruits of an even elongated shape with rare white spikes. A hybrid of medium ripening, after 55 days pleases with the first fruits about 30 cm in length. Needs a tie. It shows excellent resistance to diseases and frequent temperature changes, pollinates itself, brings a crop in any weather.

white kite – a relative novelty among Chinese white-fruited cucumbers. Fruits are elongated, without thickening downwards, from 25 to 35 cm in length, white-thorned. Productive and effective hybrid.

Headquarters captain – a representative of a series of Chinese white-fruited cucumbers. Works well in a greenhouse. In the conditions of the Moscow region, it forms a crop if the growing conditions are met. The fruits of a delicate light green tone at the stage of technical ripeness, and then – snow-white, up to 30 cm long.

white delicacy – An excellent variety of Chinese cucumbers with whitish cone-shaped fruits. The variety is productive, but it works better in greenhouses, although cultivation in open ground is also possible. It is necessary to form lashes, removing stepchildren and part of the leaves from mid-July to ensure ventilation. Fruits with thorns, up to 25 cm long, without a hint of bitterness (even in drought!) The skin is tough, so they are easily transported. It has good immunity to major diseases and pests. 

Chinese white is an interesting and most popular representative of the Chinese cucumber series. Medium-yielding, it is necessary to grow in protected ground conditions. Fruits up to 30 cm long. Cucumbers are sweet, with a bright cucumber taste. However, you need to wait three months after germination before harvesting. The plant almost does not suffer from fungal diseases.

The same can be attributed to most other varieties of white-fruited “cucumbers” (cucumber – cucumber in Latin). Every year I grew 4-5 varieties at the same time, and my friends were fond of them. Favorites – White Angel, Bride, Snow White, White Guard, White Crunch. Planting seedlings in open ground usually occurs in early May. But you need to prepare the ground first. It should be slightly acidic, and even better neutral. For this, a mixture of humus – soddy land – ash is well suited. The latter, in addition to fertilizer, also serves to prevent fungus (quicklime can be added to the soil).

Photos in the carousel: 1 – White-fruited cucumbers (assorted). 2, 3 – White angel. 4 – White dragon. 5 – White kite. 6 – White crunch. 7 – Italian white. 8 – F1 Quirk. 9 – Martini. 10 – Bride.

Anna Evans


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