Service period in cows

Cattle breeders value cows very much, from them you can get meat, milk, leather, lard, calves. The main purpose of divorce is to obtain offspring and a dairy product. A cow is capable of giving birth to several calves in her life. A pregnant individual requires special attention: the necessary amount of food and water, proper care, but this does not mean that during the service period in cows, the animal does not require proper handling and attention.

Animal life cycle

Periods of a cow’s life

The life cycle of an animal consists of several stages. All of them in their own way distinguish from each other and are beneficial to a person. Among them:

  1. Lactation. There are two types: service period and part of pregnancy.
  2. Stelny dry period.

Based on different periods, a cow requires different care, feeding and maintenance.

What is the service period in cows?

Cattle are highly valued by farmers. Therefore, at any period of his life, great attention should be paid to its development. One of the stages of her life is the service period.

The process includes the time after the birth of the calf until the next pregnancy. In simple words, this is the time interval from one pregnancy to another. At this time, the cow is preparing for insemination, so for a faster and more efficient process of bearing a calf, you need to pay considerable attention to feeding and keeping livestock.

Reference. The duration of all individuals is different, it depends on weather conditions, breed, food, content. On average, the service period lasts about 60 days. Most importantly, no more than 90 days. Much can affect the duration of this process, but it can be accelerated.

Factors affecting the length of the service period

To speed up the preparation process, you need to take into account a number of factors that directly affect the duration of this period. In addition, we should not forget that the service period for cows falls on the lag period. At this time, recovery processes take place in the animal’s body, and a huge amount of substances is spent. Factors:

Cow nutrition

Cow nutrition

  1. Food. You need to feed the animal as well as possible, because it is during this period that the cow is preparing for insemination, so she needs a good supply of nutrients. The animal requires a gradual increase in the amount of feed. This is simply necessary, since during gestation the female spends huge amounts of nutritional forces. It is worth adding natural vitamins, introducing a large amount of hay and grass. It is especially good to feed the heifer in the last week before calving. An insufficient amount of food will not be able to provide the cow with the necessary energy and will affect the reproduction of offspring.
  2. Bad content. The animal must be in acceptable conditions: the room needs cleanliness and dryness. Sheds need to be regularly cleaned and disinfected. Also, a cow requires constant walking in warm weather; in cold weather, it is important to provide the animal with the necessary amount of hay and grass. Under adverse conditions, cattle can get sick, which will affect reproductive function.
  3. Proper milking. Even the wrong milking process can cause unpleasant consequences. Do not forget to massage the udder of the animal and remember the rules of milking.

Many farmers have a question about how to increase the amount of feed if the cow eats little or refuses to eat after giving birth. There are 2 ways to solve this issue. It is simply necessary to increase the amount of dry food. You need to increase the usual amount of food by 1,5 times. You can add to the feed what the animal loves the most (fruits, vegetables, cereals, hay, or something else at the discretion of the farmer). You should also increase the frequency of feeding up to 4-5 times a day. You can add proteins.

Important! Do not forget that excessive consumption of food can lead to diseases that directly affect the condition of the animal. Everything should be in moderation.

It is worth introducing vitamins into the daily diet. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of such important components as A, D, E, carotene. With a lack of these substances, the service period will be too long.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A

  • A – with its deficiency, pregnancy can proceed with complications, subsequent recovery is almost impossible;
  • D – regulates the production of sex hormones;
  • E – is responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system.

Attention! The lack can be filled with good hay, grass. You can also add fruits and vegetables. In extreme cases, you should give the cow special complex preparations that increase the amount of vitamins in the body.

What to feed a cow during the service period?

As already mentioned, a cow requires special attention to her diet. It should be in large volume and careful selection of products. These include:

  • Grass. This is an essential component of the successful development of the cow. In no case should you completely replace the grass with hay. It does not have as many useful substances as in the grass;
  • Hay. Although it does not have many useful substances, it is also a source of a large amount of vitamins;
  • Roots. These are: beets, potatoes, carrots and so on. They contain many substances that will help you recover faster after childbirth;
  • Grain, bran, cake;
  • Cereals;
  • Silage. It is obtained by lactic acid fermentation.

Feeding should be regular and voluminous. The required amount of various substances is 60. You can enter dill, corn.

Corn for cows

Corn for cows

Mineral nutrition

Minerals are very useful for any organism. Even a person tries to maintain the required number of elements. One of the leading ways to increase appetite and restore the condition of a cow after childbirth is mineral nutrition. These include phosphorus, sodium, calcium, and so on. The effect of elements on the body:

  • Phosphorus. Its deficiency can slow down estrus, affect the condition of the ovaries. It is best to use monocalcium phosphate or DPP;
  • Sodium. It will help you recover faster and return to your previous shape. It is used in combination with phosphorus.

These are the two most important components, without which rehabilitation is impossible.


The service period is the process during which the cow rests from a previous pregnancy and prepares for the next one. With proper maintenance and enhanced nutrition, your wards will recover in a short period of time. Do not forget about vitamins and minerals, which are so necessary for the proper development of any organism, not just cows. It is also worth paying attention to the diet of the animal. And what you feed her, perhaps the problem lies precisely in this.

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Anna Evans


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