Premixes for piglets

Premixes for piglets are enriched feed for special purposes. They are designed to fill the diet of the animal with the necessary components. Premixes underlie the rational nutrition of artiodactyls. With a lack of useful components, the animal feels worse, which negatively affects growth and development.

Premix for pigs

What are premixes?

For the full development of animals, their diet must be filled with useful supplements. Premixes are a special mixture that is used to enrich concentrated feed. They contribute to the saturation of food with useful components, making up for their deficiency in the body. An insufficient amount of substances negatively affects the well-being of the animal and increases the risk of developing diseases.

The premix for pigs is properly prepared. It is completely ready for enrichment of mixed fodders. The rich composition of the additive allows you to use it in a minimal amount, which has a positive effect on the financial side of the issue. According to numerous studies, it has been found that regular consumption of the supplement improves the well-being of young animals. At the same time, the cost of fattening piglets is minimal.

Types and chemical composition

There is no standard composition; premixes are based on many components (from 1 to 10). The main substances include: minerals, hormonal substances, vitamins to accelerate growth, enzymes and auxiliary elements (depending on the goal).

The following types of supplements are available on the market today:

  • vitamin;
  • mineral;
  • vitamin and mineral;
  • vitamin and mineral with amino acids.

Vitamin and mineral supplements

Vitamin and mineral supplements

The mineral complex is aimed at strengthening the protective functions of the body, normalizing metabolism and accelerating the growth of animals in a natural way. The chemical composition of premixes is represented by the following vitamins:

  • retinol (A). Designed to compensate for the lack of weight, accelerate growth and improve coordination of movements. Vitamin A is used for intestinal damage and problems with the organs of vision. The inclusion of the component in the basis of the bioadditive contributes to the rapid growth of animals;
  • D3. It has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect in the development of rickets;
  • E. Plays a dominant role in the process of reproduction. With a lack of component E, the gait of pigs becomes unsteady;
  • K3. Responsible for normal blood clotting. With its deficiency, the animal suffers from hemorrhages in the skin and lameness;
  • IN 1. Deficiency leads to impaired muscle function and negatively affects the performance of the central nervous system;
  • IN 2. Without this component, the normal course of metabolic processes is impossible. B2 is involved in the normal absorption of amino acids;
  • AT 4. Performs a protective function, protects the liver from excessive accumulation of fat, is responsible for the synthesis of cartilage tissue;
  • AT 6. With a lack of vitamin, the development of dermatitis and seizures is recorded. In advanced cases, there is a high likelihood of epileptic seizures;
  • Sun is involved in the formation of the reproductive system. A sufficient amount of the component contributes to the proper development of offspring.

In addition to the extended vitamin complex, the premixes are based on minerals. They play a dominant role in the functioning of many organs and systems of the body. The main minerals include:

  • Calcium. Responsible for the formation of bone tissue, contributes to its strengthening. Calcium performs the supporting function of the body, maintains the normal functioning of the nervous tissue and eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • Potassium. The mineral is involved in the regulation of tissue fluid;
  • Copper is involved in the process of hematopoiesis;
  • Iron is responsible for the synthesis of hemoglobin, is involved in the oxidation process;
  • Zinc has a positive effect on the formation and functioning of the reproductive system. An additional property is the acceleration of regeneration processes;
  • Iodine plays an important role in the production of thyroid hormone. It has a positive effect on the performance of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems. Responsible for a normal physical and mental state;
  • Manganese is involved in metabolic processes, is responsible for growth and reproductive function.



The optimal composition of premixes is represented by 70% filler, 30% active additives. An important role is played by the quality of the filler, the distribution of useful components and their unhindered penetration into the body during meals depend on it.

The auxiliary substances included in the basis of premixes include:

  • enzymes or enzyme preparations. Participate in the process of assimilation of nutrients;
  • amino acids;
  • antioxidants;
  • feed antibiotics. Used to stimulate the growth of animals. Prevent the development of pathologies of an infectious nature;
  • carotenoids.

The composition of premixes for piglets is selected according to the goal pursued (restoration of health, elimination of infectious diseases, strengthening of the protective functions of the body, etc.).

Advantages and disadvantages

An active feed additive has many advantages. First of all, it helps to strengthen the protective functions of the body. Regular use of premixes helps to improve the recovery and oxidative processes in the body. Additional pluses include:

Increasing the number of offspring

Increasing the number of offspring

  • increasing the nutritional value of food intake;
  • increase in the number of offspring;
  • removal of excess fluid, toxins and dangerous components from the body;
  • normalization of physiological processes in the body;
  • reduction of the fattening period;
  • improving the palatability of pork meat.

Reference. There are no shortcomings in the active additive. Experts recommend not to abuse premixes. Excessive intake of vitamins and minerals in the body is dangerous for the development of hypervitaminosis.


Premix is ​​the best way to saturate your pet’s daily diet with useful ingredients. It has been established that the use of the substance is a cost-effective strategy. The active supplement replaces many vitamin and mineral complexes, which does not require special financial costs.

Author: Olga Samoilova

Anna Evans


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