Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Grapes are one of the most popular garden crops. It is grown by both professionals and amateurs. When cultivating grapes, it is important to recognize various diseases in time and neutralize pests. You will learn how to do it correctly from this article.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

What is damaged?

If the grapes are exposed to any disease or insect, this is always reflected in its appearance.

Both individual parts of the plant and the whole culture as a whole can suffer.


Grape buds are usually the most affected by leaf-eating parasites. These are mainly scoops, kravchiki and scythe beetles. Also, on shoots with damaged buds, special holes with raised edges may appear. This means that the grapes are attacking the stem cricket.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Overview of grape diseases and treatments


Leaves always suffer the most, and many diseases are immediately recognized precisely by them.

Some of the more common types of leaf damage include:

  • galls (thickenings) of a rounded shape, located at the bottom of the leaf plate, will indicate the presence of phylloxera;
  • flat tiny galls indicate the presence of a grape mite;
  • medium-sized yellow spots with an orange tint appear when a spider mite parasitizes the culture;
  • an uneven yellow shade of foliage (veins are green at the same time) will indicate the presence of chlorosis;
  • yellow / red edging of the leaves means that the plant has jaundice / rubella;
  • the first sign of oidium is a gray coating;
  • oily spots, white below, are almost always a sign of mildew;
  • dark red spots with black specks – the result of the appearance of black rot;
  • gray-violet spots mean anthracnose;
  • deformation, underdevelopment, strange leaf shapes are signs of viral ailments.


Inflorescences of grapes are affected infrequently, therefore, in most cases they remain intact. But a few changes can still happen. For example, white, like a felt coating, will tell about the presence of a grape mite. Powdery coating, similar to flour, is the result of exposure to mildew.

The presence of cobwebs, silk threads is a sign of the appearance of various caterpillars.


Damage to berries mainly appears in the presence of fungal diseases:

  • if it is an oidium, then the clusters will crack and become covered with a gray coating;
  • black spots, as well as wrinkled peel, will indicate black rot;
  • mold on young green berries is a sign of gray rot;
  • ulcers will indicate anthracnose;
  • if blue-brown spots appear on clusters that have just begun to actively grow, this will mean sunburn.

Diseases and treatments

If the grapes are grown in the wrong region or climate, they receive less care and attention, then they will often be affected by various types of diseases. Consider what gardeners have to deal with.

mildew (downy mildew)

This is a fungal disease that affects all parts of the plant: from tendrils to leaves and clusters. The causative agents of the disease hibernate in the soil, they are especially dangerous during heavy rains, high humidity. If the air temperature is above +8 degrees, and the soil has been wet for a day, spores begin to germinate. Infection occurs after an incubation period. At temperatures from +20 to +26 it will be only 4 days.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Symptoms are as follows:

  • yellow or rusty spots on young foliage;
  • necrotic spots with a whitish coating in the lower part of the leaf plate;
  • drying and yellowing of inflorescences;
  • wrinkling of berries.

The size of the spots will depend on the resistance of the variety to mildew. Highly resistant varieties will have a diameter of 1-2 mm, while susceptible ones will have large spots with abundant sporulation.

The fight against mildew is carried out with the following frequency.

  • The affected parts are cut off and burned.
  • Before and after flowering, preventive treatment is carried out (highly resistant varieties do not need it). The best drug is Ditan Neotech. Dosage – 3-4 kg per hectare. Before flowering, you can also use “Acrobat”, “Ridomil Gold”. After – “Topaz”, “Vektru”. At the last treatment in August (5-10th day), it is recommended to apply “Quadris”.
  • In autumn, when the leaves fall, you can spray the culture with 1% Bordeaux liquid.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Oidium (powdery mildew)

Oidium is another dangerous disease that often affects grapes. All parts of the plant are affected.


  • in the initial stage, small greenish spots appear with a matte surface (they can still be gray);
  • a little later, a pronounced powdery coating appears;
  • leaves dry up and die;
  • longitudinal dark spots are visible on the shoots;
  • the skin on the grapes dries up, cracks badly, the berries burst.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

It is difficult to determine the immediate moment of infection, but when spots appear, you need to act urgently.

Once every three years, gardeners recommend using the drug “DNOC”. It is diluted in water (100 grams per 10 liters). As a preventive measure, fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium, colloidal sulfur are used. When infected, only fungicides, for example, Strobe, Topaz, will help.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

rubella leaf

This is another fungal disease that often affects grapes. When the plant becomes ill, yellow spots with a green tint appear on its leaves. The veins turn brown. After a short time, the spots begin to dry. If the berries are white, the spots will be brown and the border yellow. Red varieties are characterized by brown spots with a red tint with a purple border. The berries ripen slowly, the bushes grow poorly, they have a high chance of winter freezing.

Treat rubella with fungicides. The same drugs are suitable as for the fight against mildew. The first spraying is carried out when there are already 3-4 leaves. The second – before flowering, the third – after.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Overview of grape diseases and treatments


Chlorosis is a rather ambiguous disease, which can be caused by several factors at once. It is non-infectious and infectious. The first appears if the grapes grow on too alkaline soils, and also in cases where the gardener uses too much ash for fertilizer. The leaves turn yellow, discolor, the shoots dry. Infectious chlorosis is also called mosaic. The leaves turn yellow along the veins, acquiring an uneven yellow-green color, they become small, deformed. Clusters are underdeveloped.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Treatment will depend on the form of the disease. In the case of a non-infectious variant, soil should be dealt with. You can use ferrous sulfate by mixing it with 20 g of citric acid and dissolving it in 10 liters of water. One bush will require from 10 to 40 liters of liquid. In addition, you should use a drug such as Fetrilon. If grapes are grown on heavy soil, frequent loosening and composting are used.

Infectious chlorosis is not treated. This is a very rare disease, unable to survive the winter. If it nevertheless proved itself, you will have to uproot diseased bushes.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Overview of grape diseases and treatments


This disease is characterized by the appearance of black dead areas on the plant. Necrosis can be caused by bacteria, viruses. The sleeve of the bush dries up. As for treatment, it should be noted that viral necrosis cannot be cured. Stains cannot be removed, because this is already dead material. You can try to clean them using iodine or potassium permanganate. But in many cases, this will not give a special result.

The only possible ways to fight are preventive. Use healthy cuttings, disinfect inventory. The cuttings are put into storage only after processing with copper sulfate. It is important to use the correct covering material.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Bacterial cancer

The disease is dangerous because it can only be recognized by the middle of the growing season of the bush. A white tumor appears on the plant, which grows rapidly. Very often, tumors occur in places that were previously injured.

There is no cure for this disease. It is only necessary to observe prevention, choosing healthy cuttings and disinfecting the instrument in time. The affected bush is dug up.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments


Anthracnose affects clusters, as well as green parts of the crop. It is characterized by gray spots with a brown border (on the foliage). Holes soon appear in their place. Spots can also be seen on the shoots, where they are brown. As for the clusters, here the formations have a purple color.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Treatment is carried out with strong fungicides, the same ones as for mildew are suitable. All affected parts are removed.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Gray rot (gray mold)

Some signs of the disease:

  • large spots with a light border on the foliage;
  • the presence of spores and white pollen;
  • drying of inflorescences, their brown tint;
  • deformation of berries and plaque on them.

Treatment is often ineffective, but you can try. Spraying is carried out with such preparations as “Switch”, “Horus”, “Antrakol”. There will be several procedures: before flowering, at the end of the growth of berries, at the time of softening of the clusters.

For prevention, the stems should be raised so that the bunches do not touch the ground.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

black rot

Begins to progress in early summer. First, small reddish spots appear, then they grow and brighten. Disputes are clearly visible, passing even to berries.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

When an ailment is detected, diseased specimens are immediately removed, the remaining bushes are sprayed with Antrakol, Topaz. In the spring, they are treated with 2% Bordeaux liquid.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

White rot

Very common in regions where hail is normal. The berries shrivel, dry quickly, turn brown. The branches are covered with brown spots, and the shoots are covered with plaque.

Damaged specimens must be removed, as they contain fungus. Then they are treated with drugs intended for the treatment of mildew.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Black spot

It affects the entire plant. Green spots appear on the leaves, which quickly darken. Soon such a sheet is torn. Black longitudinal lines appear on the shoots. The shoot is weakening, it can break from the wind. The berries dry, fall off, mummify.

It is almost impossible to treat such an ailment, spores penetrate so deeply. Prevention will help:

  • at the end of autumn, the grapes are treated with copper sulphate (3%);
  • in the presence of 3 leaves and almost half of the blossoming buds, the culture is sprayed with the drug “Ridomil Gold”;
  • when flowering use “Quadris”.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Common pests and their control

In addition to diseases, any grape variety can be attacked by pests. Consider the most common insects that parasitize on vineyards.

Grape pipeworm (weevil)

Green shiny beetle with a body length of 10 millimeters.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

It twists grape leaves (which subsequently dry) and lays eggs in them, from which voracious larvae hatch, eating all parts of the bush. The pest can be removed if it is good to dig up the soil in the spring. In case of dominance, “DNOC” is used.


A popular pest that can infect the leaves and roots of a crop. Parasitizing on the foliage, it pierces it with a proboscis, provoking the appearance of dark pimples.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

The insect is a small yellow aphid. Before wintering, it lays eggs, so it can harm for years. The bad thing is that the treatment almost does not give results, since the drugs are extremely toxic.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

The only protection option is vaccination. Affected leaves should be cut off and burned, the remaining parts should then be sprayed with insecticides. You can use “Confidor” and similar insecticides.

Khrushchi (May beetles)

The beetles themselves are not dangerous for grapes, but their larvae are extremely voracious. They live in the soil for several years, feeding on the roots and causing the death of plants. To find them, you need to regularly loosen the soil.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Of the drugs, Aktara and BI-58 will give a good result.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

spider mite

A tiny yellow arachnid creature. Lives on the bottom of the leaf, feeding on its juice.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

The foliage turns yellow, then turns red and falls off. Grapes lose their taste, stop growing. It is necessary to get rid of the tick with preparations containing sulfur. Do this at least a week before bud break. If insects have bred strongly, acaricides should be used. Not bad with this task will cope “Apollo”, “Ortus”.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Grape felt mite (itch)

Such a small insect that it is not visible. Lives on leaves. It is characterized by the appearance of pimples on the upper part of the leaf plate. In the lower part there will be small depressions, covered with a coating resembling felt. If the parasite is not controlled, it will move to other parts of the plant.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

In treatment, pollination with sulfur powder will give a good result. In addition, the mite will not appear if prophylaxis against downy and ordinary powdery mildew has been carried out.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

grape leaflet

Small dark brown butterfly with spotted or striped wings. The caterpillar is green with a black head. The parasite eats absolutely all parts of plants, which begin to rot from this. If there is no struggle, the harvest will be lost. For treatment in winter, the trunk is cleaned of exfoliated bark, the bark itself is burned. Then follows the treatment of the soil and bushes with the preparation “DNOK”.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

grape leafworm

A small spotted butterfly with blue spots on its wings. Caterpillars of the parasite eat buds, flowers and berries. The pest regularly breeds, bringing out new generations. You can get rid of them with a solution of chlorophos (20-30 grams are dissolved in a 10-liter bucket of water). This must be done 2 weeks after the appearance of butterflies of the 1st and 2nd generations.

The use of pheromone traps is also recommended.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

grape mealybug

A tiny oval-shaped parasite, covered in a white fluff. It feeds on leaves, flowers, berries and shoots. The affected parts quickly dry out, wrinkle. For the fight, it is important first of all to clear the bark and raise the bole. Treatment with benzophosphate will also help.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Corn dung beetle

It is a dark brown or black beetle up to 24 millimeters long. Lives in the soil. The larvae that are born actively gnaw the roots, leading to the drying out of the plant.

You can get rid of the parasite by digging the soil. The beetles are harvested by hand.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments


Grasshoppers love to eat leaves, shoots, and buds. Insect larvae overwinter in the soil. To prevent the parasite from appearing, the vineyard must be well looked after, removing weeds. Traps can be placed between rows and then the insects caught can be collected by hand. You can also use drugs. The same means as for the Colorado potato beetle will do.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Winter scoop and wireworm

The winter scoop is a grayish butterfly. The caterpillar is green. Both the adult insect and the caterpillar parasitize at night. The wireworm is the larva of the click beetle. It has a rigid body of yellow or reddish color, parasitizes on all parts of the plant. For the fight, it is required to use digging of the soil, liming. It is also important to control weeds. Actellik, Decis will also help. Own-rooted seedlings do not spud.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Bevel Turkish

A small black beetle that damages the kidneys. It parasitizes at night and also feeds on roots. When a pest appears, the bush is sprayed with a 0,5% solution of chlorophos.

On the sleeves of the grapes, you will need to apply rings with caterpillar glue.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

In addition to the described pests, grapes can also be attacked by:

  • This;
  • scale insects;
  • bears;
  • cicadas;
  • birds;
  • mouse.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Preventive measures

Annually carry out preventive treatment of grapes with special preparations.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

In order for grapes to be exposed to diseases and pests as little as possible, proper preventive measures should be taken.

  • Locate vineyards in sunny locations. Airing should be moderate, and the soil should be fertile.
  • For planting, choose healthy seedlings, carry out their pre-planting treatment. If grapes are grown from seeds, they are pre-soaked in boric acid for 12 hours.
  • If you cannot get rid of any disease in any way, plant grapes in another place. At the same time, select the varieties that are most resistant to this disease.
  • Take good care of your vineyard. Loosen the soil, water in a timely manner, remove weeds. Conduct a visual inspection of the bushes.
  • Fertilization is also very important. In the spring it is better to give nitrogen to the culture, then complex means are already used. It is also necessary to prophylactically treat the culture with drugs for diseases. Usually such sprayings are carried out three times per season. Many gardeners recommend additional treatment with Fitosporin. This drug strengthens the grapes and gives good protection. It is best to carry out treatments after rain, in the early morning or evening.
  • When growing grapes, it is important to devote time to pruning. Pests often live in greenery and it is better to get rid of them in advance. All greens, as well as affected and dry shoots, branches are burned outside the site.
  • Trees help protect the vineyard. They can be planted at a distance of 3 meters from the bushes. Thus, it will be possible to achieve good snow accumulation, proper soil moisture.
  • Plant green manure plants nearby. They will serve as excellent protection against pests. For example, parsley will be the best green manure for grapes.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

By following all these simple rules, even a novice gardener will be able to grow healthy and tasty grapes that you can eat yourself or sell on the market.

Overview of grape diseases and treatments

On the prevention of diseases of grapes, see below.

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Anna Evans


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