Landing onions for the winter

Onions are one of the most popular crops that many summer residents grow in their gardens. Planting this plant can be carried out at different periods. In the article, we will find out how to properly plant onions before winter.

Advantages and disadvantages

Most gardeners plant various vegetables in the spring season. Not everyone knows that such operations can be carried out not only in spring, but also before winter. Thus, it is allowed to plant not only garlic, but also onions. The autumn growing technique has its own advantages and disadvantages, which the summer resident should be aware of in advance.

First, we will find out what are the main advantages hidden in planting onions before winter.

  • In the autumn, gardeners are no longer as busy as, for example, in the spring. It is with the arrival of warm weather that the main planting of various crops begins, which are not allowed to be planted before the winter season. Growing a sub-winter species allows you to significantly save your free time.
  • Onions that were planted in the autumn season are able to sprout about 20-30 days earlier than spring plantings. The crop can be harvested as early as mid-July, and other desired crops can be grown on the vacated beds, which will be able to bear fruit in the remaining warm time. For example, you can plant radishes and any variety of fresh herbs.
  • As a rule, small sets are planted before winter. Unlike large-sized bulbs, it will not produce shooters capable of drawing all the juices they need from plants.
  • The crop yield increases markedly when planted before winter. This is due to the fact that the plant will undergo natural selection in the cold.
  • Onion crops planted before winter begin their germination much earlier. During the period under review, weed grass grows very sluggishly, which is why summer residents simply do not need to engage in frequent weeding.
  • Just in autumn, the lion’s share of annoying and harmful insects is already dying, stopping its development, preparing for frosty weather conditions.

The causative agents of such serious diseases as powdery mildew or gray mold spread in very small quantities.

Landing onions for the winter

Considering all the above advantages, we can conclude that planting onions before winter is a very good and practical solution. However, certain disadvantages of such agricultural technology are also characteristic. Let’s get acquainted with the most significant of them.

  • If planting a crop before winter is chosen, then the exact timing of planting cannot be calculated. This is due to the fact that the weather conditions against which plants develop have a great influence. If you make any mistakes over time, you can face a significant reduction in yield.
  • Winter sets do not germinate completely in all cases, since a certain proportion of the bulbs may be subject to freezing. For this reason, planting rates have to be increased by about 10-15%.
  • The beds that were planted in the autumn must be carefully insulated before wintering.
  • Onions should be stored exclusively in a suspended state, since their keeping quality indicators are much weaker than in the case of spring plants.

Variety choice

In order for planting vegetables before winter to bring the desired results, it is necessary to choose the right varieties. Consider which onion varietal variations are best suited for such agricultural technology.

  • “Arzamas”. Such an onion is characterized by a rounded shape, has medium-sized dimensions, and is precocious. The variety can be stored very well.
  • “Bessonovsky”. The heads of this vegetable are small in size, characterized by a round structure and a flattened shape.
  • Danilovsky. The vegetable of this variety is flat, small in size, having a characteristic dark blue hue and white flesh. The culture is designed for long-term storage.
  • Shallot. A small bow with an elongated structure. It is multilobed, characterized by excellent keeping quality.
  • “Carmen”. A well-known variety that produces excellent medium-sized fruits with a red-violet color.
  • Myachkovsky-300. This variety belongs to the category of early ripening, suitable for winter cultivation. Bulbs are characterized by not too large sizes, but are juicy. Unfortunately, the vegetable in question is not designed for long-term storage.
  • “Radar”. Bulbs of this variety are very large. Vegetables can be stored without problems for a long time.
  • Red Baron. One of the varieties of red color is mid-season. The variety under consideration is adapted for long-term storage in the dungeons of the cellar.
  • “Senshui”. Bulbs of this variety ripen large. The heads are precocious, can remain in the basement for a long time in storage.
  • “Strigunovsky”. Bulbs ripen very sharp, but at the same time they are small in size. “Strigunovsky” onions are perfect for long-term storage in suitable comfortable conditions.
  • Chalcedon. The plant, characterized by large heads, exhibits a characteristic bronze-colored skin. The vegetable is frost-resistant, not afraid of drought and not susceptible to various diseases.
  • Centurion. Another medium-sized onion variety that usually ripens early, and then can be kept in good condition for a long time.
  • “Shakespeare”. A plant that is characterized by the earliest possible maturation. Has a large size. The fruits of the variety have a rounded structure.
  • Stuttgart Risen. The heads of the indicated onion variety grow round and flattened. The keeping quality of the fruit is very good and long lasting.
  • “Ellan.” The fruits of this onion are characterized by a high level of density, are of medium size. The shelf life of plants can be quite long.


Onion planting must be carried out before the onset of severe cold and frost, so that the soil does not have time to cool too much. The optimal time for the middle lane is October. If an early planting (September) is carried out, then the heads may begin to germinate, after which they simply freeze. Late plantings, for example, in the last days of November, will not allow the plants to take root properly. Because of this, the bow will simply die.

To determine the exact date of planting a crop, it is necessary to monitor the temperature conditions. If the temperature remains +5 degrees Celsius throughout the week, but the weather forecast says that the temperature will drop, then this is the best time to plant. The rooting of the culture will be implemented in about a couple of weeks.

Landing onions for the winter

Subject to region

The timing of planting onions before winter can be determined, given the region in which the plant will develop. In different regions of the Russian Federation, climatic conditions vary greatly, and therefore the optimal landing time varies. For example, in the Urals, the winter seasons are quite cold, so it is advisable to choose the most frost-resistant varieties for planting here. Planting material is best planted in late September – early October.

As for the Southern Urals, here the weather is very changeable. So, heavy snowfalls can begin in October, so you should not waste time. Severe frosts are kept in Siberia, so it is very important not only to choose the most frost-resistant variety, but also to ideally calculate the time when to sow it. In addition, the beds will need to be properly insulated. You can start planting vegetables in mid-September.

Since winters in the middle lane, the Black Earth Region and the Moscow Region are often almost snowless and mild, it is recommended to plant the vegetable between October 10-20. Calculations should be made so that about a month remains before the onset of cold conditions. In the Leningrad region, competent winter onion sowing is best done from the first days of October until November 10. Before the onset of frost should remain about 30 days.

Landing onions for the winter

Lunar calendar

Even in antiquity, it was noticed that the lunar phases have a direct effect on the growth of plants. There is an opinion that fruit-bearing vegetable crops are best grown against the backdrop of a waning moon. If the crop touches the upper fruits, then the opposite should be done. When planting onions before winter, you need to rely on the same rules. If the plant is planted on greenery, then the moon should be in the ascending phase, if the crop is grown for turnips, then in the waning phase.


Winter sowing of onions must be done with preliminary preparation. It is important to prepare both the place, and the soil, and the planting material itself. Let’s find out how to do it right.


Before planting a crop, it is important to properly prepare the site. It should be noted that the onion is a photophilous vegetable, so the area for its placement should be well lit. It is desirable that the soil in this place is loose. The optimal acidity indicator is 6,0 pH. If necessary, the soil is disinfected with a Bordeaux mixture, or with a solution based on copper sulphate.

To increase the germination and vitality of plants, the soil should be properly fertilized. For 1 sq. m enough action of such compositions:

  • 4 kg of peat;
  • 2-3 kg of manure for sandy soil and 7-8 kg for clay;
  • 20-25 kg of superphosphate;
  • ash.


The bed must be prepared in advance. To do this, the soil is dug up, allowed to settle and compact to normal levels. So that the onion does not freeze, the height of the beds should be from 18 to 20 cm. Planting a crop before winter will require compliance with crop rotation standards. It is allowed to plant a plant only after those crops that previously enriched the soil layer with many useful substances. We are talking about beans, peas, rapeseed, grain plantings. A very good reaction can be observed after cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes and corn.

It is strongly not recommended to plant onions in places where celery, parsley or radish previously grew.

Planting material

Before planting onions before winter, it is necessary to properly prepare the planting material. Mandatory calibration of heads for oatmeal, as well as sets of 1 and 2 categories is required. Need a sample. The summer resident is required to select healthy, unsprouted and undamaged specimens with the utmost care.

In order for the culture to bring a rich and healthy harvest, some gardeners advise pre-soaking onion sets. This is done for a number of reasons:

  • for the fastest possible rooting of planting material;
  • against the background of dry soil;
  • for the purpose of disinfecting bulbs from various diseases.

It is important to remember that there is no need to cut off the tops when preparing the seed. Because of this, foliage can begin to grow particularly vigorously.

Landing technology

When the area for winter planting is fully prepared, you can proceed to the main procedures.

  • At the first stage, the selected area must be carefully dug up. Before planting the seed, it can also be sprinkled with ash or dolomite flour.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the earthen layer descends. After that, it is carefully leveled with a rake.
  • Next, you need to make grooves of small depth – 6-7 cm is enough. Between them, intervals from 20 to 25 cm should be maintained.
  • After that, the bulbous neck must be lowered into the ground by about 1,5-2 cm. Between the holes, indents of 7-10 cm should be maintained.
  • The planted culture will need to be sprinkled with earth on top, and then trampled down a little.
  • If there has been no rain for a week, and the soil has dried up, it will be necessary to water the beds a little.


It is not enough just to plant onions before winter according to the scheme – they still need to be properly looked after. Consider the main points for the subsequent care of plants.

  • About a couple of weeks after planting vegetables with seeds, the beds should be covered with leaves or peat. You can also use hay.
  • There is no need to rush with mulching. In the frosty season, when there is little snow, you need to cover the plants warmer. If the season is warm, then this can not be done at all.
  • For rooting plantings, the soil layer should not freeze through – this is the main condition.
  • Growing winter onions does not cause any particular difficulties. If the weather is dry, the vegetable should be watered. In addition, onions must be fertilized, weeded and thinned out, if necessary.
  • As soon as the winter is over, the plantings must be opened in time so that the onion does not begin to rot under the covering material.

Anna Evans


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