Lamb: whose cub, interesting facts

There is often confusion in the names of baby animals. This is especially true for the names of the sons and daughters of sheep, and yet they have very specific names. Later in the article, you will learn how to correctly name sheep cubs, and what is the history of their name.

What is the name of the baby sheep and ram

A newborn child of a ram and a sheep is properly called a lamb. This is a universal name for both sexes. Differences in names between females and males begin after the baby is weaned from the mother’s breast, but has not yet reached puberty. Girls during this period are called bright, and boys are already called lambs.

Did you know? Wild sheep were domesticated by the ancient inhabitants of Turkey, Syria and northern Mesopotamia 8 thousand years ago.

Name according to religious canons

The name “lamb” is associated with religious Christian canons. The origin of the word goes back to the Latin “agnus” – lamb, or lamb. In Christian culture, the “Lamb of God” is called Jesus. The name is associated with the tradition of the Jews to sacrifice young rams on Easter days. Now the name “lamb” is found only in worship and sermons. The word gradually passed into the category of archaisms and practically does not occur in ordinary life.

What does the baby look like

The appearance of a lamb largely depends on the breed. The appearance of newborn individuals, in particular, the suit, is also influenced by genetics. The average small sheep are born weighing up to 4 kg. Children are similar to adult animals, however, they have less hair and not as large body parts as in sexually mature males and females. The horns are also missing. Growing up, babies become more and more like their parents.

Important! An inexperienced farmer may confuse a lamb and a kid, because their descriptions differ slightly. Goats are distinguished by less dense wool. The cubs can also be distinguished by the different shape of the ears – in goats they are longer.

How to name a lamb: popular nicknames

In the industrial cultivation of a flock of artiodactyls, it is difficult to give names to all animals. If one or more cubs grow up in the household, it will be convenient to choose nicknames for them. There are many variations of sheep names that sound cute and catchy.

It is convenient to choose a nickname according to a certain principle:

  • by month of birth – Julius, Augustine, Maya;
  • on the scale – Snow White, Chernushka, Smoke;
  • in appearance – Curly, Bearded, Baby;
  • by nature – Weasel, Bead, Milash;
  • by the names of famous people and characters – Cinderella, Oscar, Basque.


Features of keeping lambs

Newborn sheep babies are easy to care for. Before lambing, it is necessary to allocate a place for the uterus with a brood. The sheepfold should be insulated. 2 hours after giving birth, the lamb should be placed next to its mother. She will feed him breast milk and lick him. Up to 3 months, the animals feed from the udder and live with their mother. After this period, the young are separated and get used to life in the flock.

Important! Animals must be vaccinated. Details of procedures and terms depend on the region of cultivation.

Interesting facts about sheep

At first glance, sheep are unremarkable animals. However, there are many interesting facts associated with these artiodactyls. For many, it will come as a surprise that lambs have a good memory. Animals are able to remember from the first time in which feeder the food is located, and in subsequent times they approach this feeder. The high intellectual development is also evidenced by the fact that they distinguish shapes and colors.
Mountain sheepOne of the most hardy varieties is mountain sheep.
Few mammal species can withstand extreme conditions. Animals feel comfortable at an altitude of up to 5000 m above sea level. Rocky landscapes are also not an obstacle to their successful existence.

Did you know? In English, there is an expression black sheep – “black sheep”. This phrase is identical to the Russian proverb “white crow”.

The main products of sheep breeding are meat, milk, sheepskin and wool. One of the most promising areas is wool production. Shaving of the wool cover is carried out throughout the life of artiodactyls, starting from 1 year. From one sheep of woolen breed, farmers annually remove up to 20 kg of fleece.
sheep shearing
Knowing the correct name of the baby sheep and ram, you can easily explain to the child who the lamb is. At the same time, speech will become more literate, because it is much better to say the correct word “lambs” instead of the wrong word “rams”.

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Anna Evans


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