How are sheep sheared?

Sheep shearing is an event that farmers regularly hold. Warm clothes, rugs and blankets are made from the wool of these animals. The fur sheared from the neck, sides and back of the lamb is especially highly valued. For experienced sheep farmers, shearing a sheep is not difficult, but a beginner may encounter difficulties. From this article, readers will learn at what time and how to properly shear sheep, what is needed for this.


When are sheep sheared?

The most important thing that a farmer should know is that they start shearing sheep and rams when the weather is warm outside. Otherwise, the animals may catch a cold. In summer, when there is a strong heat, such a procedure is almost never carried out. It is important to choose the time so that before the start of the shearing, the animals do not start molting, it happens in sheep and rams with coarse wool. In fine-fleeced breeds, molting does not occur.

How to choose the right time for a haircut:

  1. In breeds with a uniform fine coat, shearing is done mainly in the spring, when warm weather sets in. This happens at different times in different regions.
  2. Lambs with a mixed type of wool cover are usually sheared twice a year – in spring and autumn.
  3. Young growth is cut when the lambs reach the age of five months, provided that the length of the hair exceeds 4 cm.
  4. In coarse-haired breeds, in spring, the coat begins to tuck, which indicates the approach of molting. This is the best time to cut it off.
  5. Do not delay the timing of haircuts in the spring. It must be carried out before the onset of heat, otherwise the animals will suffer from excess heat.

What do you need for a haircut?

It is necessary to thoroughly prepare for the hair removal procedure. For a haircut you will need a tool:

  • scissors;
  • electric machine;
  • бечёвка.

Sheep are sheared on a wooden deck. The twine is needed to tie the limbs of the animal and immobilize it. It should be thick and durable, it is better if the rope is made from natural rather than synthetic fibers. Otherwise, she will dig into the body of a ram, because the animal sometimes kicks strongly during the procedure.

Important! Even if the farmer prefers to work with a clipper, scissors will still be needed to remove tangles.

Is a manual or electric haircut better?

Manual haircut is called scissors. They come in two types – heart-shaped (double) and straight (single). The first fit comfortably in the hand, they are easier to manage. The latter are designed for professional use, their blades look like knives. To cut a ram with them, you need to be proficient with the tool, otherwise there is a risk of injuring the animal.

Sheep shearing by hand

Sheep shearing by hand

Manual shearing is used in small private backyards where several sheep are kept. The procedure requires not only dexterity and skill, but also physical strength, because the animal has to be held during the haircut.

Reference. Working with scissors takes more time and effort.

Electric shearing is used on large farms where many sheep are kept. If the procedure is performed by the master, then it lasts no more than 5 minutes. Clippers look like those used by a hairdresser, only they are more powerful and larger. The device is equipped with sharp knives that easily cut off thick sheep’s wool, while a person does not have to make an effort, as is the case with manual shearing.

Whether to use shearing shears or an electric shearing machine is up to the foreman. The choice of tool is determined by the amount of work and personal preferences of the person.

How sheep are sheared: shearing technique

15 hours before shearing, animals stop feeding. This measure keeps the coat clean. The procedure begins with the fixation of the lamb. His limbs are tied crosswise. Some masters prefer to simply tie the animal by one leg, and hold the other 3 by hand when shearing the sheep. An experienced and strong master can easily cope with this task, but for beginners it is better to use a special machine for fixing the animal.

How to shear sheep, consider the points:

  1. First, the wool is cleaned of impurities. Then the master lays the animal on its side.
  2. It does not matter which part of the body to start cutting: some first remove the hair from the limbs, others from the head.
  3. If the master began to shave from the head, then it is more convenient to switch to the back of the lamb. In this case, the hair is removed from the neck and moving towards the tail. Each movement must be as precise as possible.
  4. After processing the back, the master cuts the wool from the sides, then moves on to the stomach.
  5. Shearing sheep requires skill and accuracy – you need to cover the nipples of females and the scrotum of a ram with your hand. The skin in these places is especially delicate, it is easy to injure.
  6. After removing the hair from the abdomen and chest, they move on to the limbs. First, the fleece is sheared from the inside of the thighs, then from the outside.

Principle of shearing sheep

Principle of shearing sheep

If the animal is sheared while standing, it is more convenient to start from the back, making quick and confident movements with the machine from the head to the croup or vice versa. Lastly, the hair is cut off from the limbs. Experienced masters give valuable advice to beginners:

  • you can’t walk twice in the same place with a typewriter;
  • knives should be kept as close to the skin as possible, but not touch it;
  • turning the sheep over, the machine is turned off and set aside so as not to injure the skin.

Attention! Particular care must be taken when treating the udder, teats and scrotum.

Sheep shearing hygiene is strictly observed – after the procedure is completed, the animal’s body is examined for cuts. If they are, the wounds are treated with disinfectants so that the infection does not penetrate there. The shearing machine is cleaned of wool, and the knives are wiped with a clean soft cloth.

Important! For the safety of the blades, it is recommended to put the tool in a special case.

How to store wool?

Wool sheared from a sheep is packaged. The one that was taken from the back, neck and sides of the body is separated from the rest: this fleece is valued dearly. Sheep wool can only be stored in its pure form. After packaging, it must be washed in a special solution. It is made from water, soap and baking soda. Recipe:

  • 6 L of water;
  • a hundred-gram bar of soap (grind);
  • 50 g of baking soda.

These ingredients are mixed to form a concentrated solution. Now it must be diluted with water, adding another 8 liters. In this liquid, the wool is thoroughly washed, then rinsed several times and sent to dry.

Attention! The temperature of the solution for washing sheep wool should not exceed 50 degrees, otherwise the quality of the fleece will deteriorate.

After drying, the fleece is rolled into small rolls and packed in paper or canvas bags. Store it in a dry place with good ventilation.

Sheep wool after shearing

Sheep wool after shearing

Sheep shearing is a procedure that allows the farmer to receive additional profit. The wool of these animals is highly valued, but it is important to consider that its quality depends not only on the breed of sheep, but also on the conditions of their maintenance and diet. The better the sheep eats, the more fat is in the wool, which gives softness. That is why it is important for a farmer to provide his animals with good nutrition.

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Anna Evans


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