How to properly water zucchini?

Watering zucchini is an important component of basic crop care. It must be watered competently, using the right water and in an efficient way. An excess or deficiency of moisture should not be allowed – this leads to unpleasant consequences.

General rules for watering zucchini

For successful cultivation of zucchini, certain watering rules must be observed:

  • Water the culture in the evening when the lighting becomes diffused and the activity of the sun decreases. If the weather is not dry and rather cool, then it is allowed to water the crop until 8-9 in the morning, but moisture should not fall on the stems and leaves of plants.
  • Water the zucchini under the root. When using a hose, a spray nozzle is required.
  • The soil should be moistened by about 40 cm. This condition is especially important during fruiting.
  • Avoid waterlogging or lack of moisture. Both situations are dangerous for culture.
  • When growing zucchini on sandy or sandy soil, watering is required more often. Clay and loamy soils retain moisture better, so the frequency of watering is reduced.
  • Water must meet certain requirements. This applies to its temperature, chemical composition.
  • During flowering and fruit formation, abundant watering is necessary. It is recommended to use mineral fertilizers at the same time.
  • Mulch should be used to retain moisture. It is necessary to sprinkle the earth with it after loosening. It is good to use chopped straw or sawdust with peat, the optimal layer of mulch is 5-7 cm. Mulching should be organized while the bushes are still young and have not had time to grow.

An important rule for watering zucchini is a timely change in its frequency and intensity. It is necessary to focus on the phase of growth and development of the plant, as well as weather conditions.

Features of watering zucchini at different stages of their cultivation

Zucchini is planted in the ground with seeds or seedlings. The characteristics of the first watering depend on the method of planting:

  • When planting seeds the soil is moistened, for the first time this is enough. Sprouts appear in 1-1,5 weeks. During this period, it is important to maintain the same level of soil moisture. You need to water the culture at least once every 2 weeks, the topsoil must always be moist.
  • When planting zucchini in the ground seedlings the soil is also moistened. The first watering will be needed in 3-4 days. You need to water the culture 1-2 times a week. Each bush needs 2-3 liters of water.

In the first days after planting zucchini, watering is not required. This allows seedlings to take root or seeds to germinate. Waterlogging during this period can lead to the death of plantings. If heavy rains begin, it is recommended to organize a shelter.

During flowering and fruit formation, the culture especially needs moisture and nutrients. When the first buds appear, watering should be increased up to 2 times a week. One bush needs up to 5 liters of water. Drying of the soil should not be allowed.

During the formation of the ovaries, it is necessary to water the culture every 5-6 days, unless there is a drought or heavy rains have begun. The volume of water should be doubled – 10 liters for each bush. When the fruit ripens, the frequency of watering should be reduced to once a week.

More often you need to water the culture only in the heat. If the temperature is above 35 degrees, watering is increased up to once every 3 days.

If heavy rainfall begins, you do not need to water the zucchini. When it rains during the heat, you need to focus on the condition of the soil. You can check its humidity by squeezing a clod of earth in your hand. If it crumbles in the hand, the culture requires abundant watering.

Water requirements

When watering zucchini, it is important to use the right water. It must meet the following requirements:

  • The optimum water temperature is 20 degrees. It should be heated in natural conditions, placing containers in the sun.
  • Water must be settled. This measure is especially important if the source of moisture is a centralized water supply. Settling of water ensures the settling of harmful impurities. Sediments cannot be used for irrigation.
  • Qualitative composition of water. If it is taken from natural reservoirs, it is recommended to take a sample and do a chemical analysis. There may be fungi and pathogens in the water.

Optimum use of rainwater. To collect it, clean containers and drains are used. Rainwater is not suitable for irrigation if there is a harmful production nearby or there are other negative environmental factors.

Ways of watering

There are many ways to water zucchini. When choosing, you should take into account the size of the site and the features of the water source.

Manual watering

This option is best for small areas. It is better to use a watering can for watering, it is not necessary to use a nozzle. You need to pour water under the root.

Watering with a watering can

Hose irrigation

This option is more convenient than manual watering, be sure to use a spray nozzle. Cold water cannot be used for zucchini, so they can only be watered from a hose if it is warmed up. This option is appropriate when a small body of water serves as a source of water, where the water warms up naturally.

You can irrigate the culture from a hose only in the evening. The sprayer must be small enough, it is impossible to direct a stream of water close so that the soil does not erode.

Drip irrigation

The best option and one of the most effective methods of watering different crops. A drip system can be purchased or organized independently.

The essence of such watering is that water in portions gets to each plant. Typically, hoses are used in which small holes are made. In this case, water should flow precisely to the roots, and not fall on the above-ground parts of the bushes.

Dosed watering from plastic bottles

Such an irrigation system allows you to use not only ordinary water, but also liquid top dressing. It’s easy to organize. To do this, you need plastic bottles with a volume of 5 liters – one for each bush. They need to cut off the bottom, and make several holes in the lid with a diameter of 2-3 mm. Set each bottle near your bush with its neck down, bury it 15 cm.

There is another option, when the bottles must be buried bottom down, leaving 15-20 cm on the surface. In this case, 2 cm must be retreated from the bottom and 4 holes must be made on different sides.

Regardless of the chosen method of using plastic bottles, the further steps are the same. Bottles should be regularly filled with warm water. It will be dosed into the soil, constant moisture is provided.

Instead of burying bottles, they can be hung so that water does not drip on a bush, but next to it. The disadvantage of this option is that the soil is gradually eroded by drops. You can eliminate this with the help of mulch.

Dosed watering of zucchini can be used at any stage of their cultivation. During the formation of fruits, it is required to combine this method with another method, since the culture especially needs moisture.

Wicky watering

The main advantages of this method of irrigation are efficiency and the exclusion of moisture from entering the aerial parts of the plant. Organizing the wick system is simple:

  1. Place suitable containers on different sides of the site and deepen them into the ground. You can use buckets, jars, unnecessary pots, bottles and other containers.
  2. Prepare bundles of fabric. The material must be dense. Calculate the length of the harness according to the landing area.
  3. Dig the bundles along the bushes, deepening by 15 cm.
  4. Fill containers with water.
  5. Lower one end of the tourniquet into a container so that it gets wet and transfers moisture to the ground. It is better to organize water containers so that both ends of the tourniquet can be lowered into them.

The danger of excess and lack of moisture for zucchini

Zucchini should be watered moderately, avoiding waterlogging or moisture deficiency. Both situations are dangerous.

The consequences of excess moisture are as follows:

  • exposure of the root system;
  • weakening the immune system of the culture, increasing the risk of damage by diseases and pests;
  • the growth of the root system close to the surface, which leads to rapid drying and fungal infections;
  • with prolonged waterlogging, the death of root hairs begins – the reason lies in the lack of oxygen;
  • culture growth is first activated, but after the roots die off, it is significantly inhibited;
  • rotting of fruit tips;
  • reducing the duration of storage of the crop;
  • reduction of sugar content in zucchini with excessive watering during ripening.

With a lack of moisture, the following troubles arise:

  • slowing down the growth and development of culture, the formation of ovaries, the formation of fruits and their growth;
  • the formation of male flowers that are barren, resulting in a reduced number of ovaries;
  • reduction in the size of the fruit;
  • insufficient juiciness of zucchini;
  • loss of taste, the appearance of bitterness;
  • yield reduction.

You can also learn about the rules for watering zucchini from the following video:

Common mistakes when watering zucchini

When watering zucchini, certain mistakes can be made. The most common are the following:

  • Cold water for irrigation. In this case, the required amount of moisture is not absorbed, various diseases are provoked. When watering zucchini with cold water in the heat, the temperature difference causes a shock reaction, which is fraught with the death of peripheral roots. As a result, the growth and development of culture slows down.
  • Hot water for irrigation. In this case, the growth and development of the culture slows down, and the risk of disease increases. Pathogenic microorganisms quickly appear in overheated water, especially when the liquid has been standing for a long time.
  • Frequent or excessive watering fraught with exposure of the roots, rotting of the tips of the fruits.
  • Frequent contact with water on the leaves causes them to turn yellow. If water gets on the leaves during the active sun, then burns appear on them.
  • Morning watering crops in the heat. Contact with water on the stem and leaves causes burns. Moisture evaporates in the sun, not having time to soak into the ground. As a result, there is a deficiency.
  • Lack of regular loosening. This leads to the formation of a crust on the soil, water is not absorbed and stagnates. The roots of the plant do not receive the required amount of moisture.
  • No regular weeding. Weed vegetation takes a significant part of the moisture and nutrients that zucchini needs.

Zucchini react to proper watering with good growth and development, a plentiful harvest, large, juicy and tasty fruits. It is not necessary to water the culture often, but plentifully. One of the most important conditions is compliance with the intensity of irrigation – deviation in any direction is dangerous.

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