Rules and period for harvesting zucchini of varying degrees of maturity

Zucchini is a popular and easy-to-grow vegetable. Suitable even for beginner gardeners. However, the harvest is not always happy, because, due to not knowing the signs of maturity and the timing of harvest, inexperienced vegetable growers overexpose the fruits in the garden. Then they acquire rigidity, and become suitable only for livestock feed.

How to understand that the zucchini are ripe?

If the fruits have reached full maturity, their taste is sharply reduced. The pulp acquires a fibrous structure. It reduces the amount of liquid. The skin becomes thicker and rougher.

The degree of hardening of the peel depends on the variety. There are hybrids that reach large sizes, but their seeds remain small, the skin is soft.

The main signs that indicate the maturity of the fruit:

  • zucchini acquire a characteristic color for a particular variety;
  • the peel becomes glossy and dense;
  • a dull sound appears if you knock on the fetus;
  • the stalk darkens and stiffens;
  • on the cut you can see a fibrous core with cavities;
  • seeds are covered with a denser shell.

But fully ripe zucchini is also of some value. They are used:

  • for feeding livestock;
  • for long-term storage;
  • for the preparation of winter preparations, since young fruits simply fall apart during conservation;
  • the seeds of ripe fruits are taken out, dried and used as planting material for the next season (except for hybrids).

Leave ripe fruits on the bush only at the end of the season. The rule is explained simply. In the midst of fruiting, such vegetables draw on themselves all the nutrients. As a result, the plant weakens and the number of ovaries decreases.

Terms of harvesting zucchini

For the preparation of various dishes, fruits that have reached technical ripeness are harvested. They are about 15 cm long and about 8 cm wide. They reach this size of zucchini approximately 18 days after the start of flowering.

Young fruits have tender and juicy pulp, thin peel (it does not need to be cut off during processing). Depending on the specific variety, the ripening time is determined:

  1. Early ripening. Approximately 26-40 days pass from the day of planting to the harvesting of fruits.
  2. Mid-season. You can harvest 44-55 days after sowing.
  3. Late ripe. Fruiting begins 60–75 days after sowing.

You need to collect young fruits at least once every 5 days. In autumn, the growth process slows down a little, and harvesting is carried out every 7 days.

The timing of the collection of fruits also depends on the region where zucchini is grown:

  1. Siberia and the Urals. The ripening of the first zucchini occurs in July, harvesting ends in August.
  2. Moscow region, Middle lane. In the last days of June, fruiting begins. Harvest zucchini until the middle or end of September (until stable cold weather sets in).
  3. Southern regions. Fruit picking starts in May. If late-ripening varieties are grown – July or August.

Only fully ripened fruits can be laid for long-term storage. Frozen vegetables lose their characteristic taste and quickly begin to deteriorate.

Rules for harvesting zucchini

Harvesting is carried out in the morning or in the evening, so that the cut has time to drag on before dark. There are also a few rules that you must follow:

  • in the daytime, it is not recommended to harvest the fruits, as they contain a minimum of nutrients and liquid, quickly wither;
  • after fertilizing or watering, you should not collect vegetables – an infection can penetrate into the damaged tissue along with moisture;
  • the cut is made with a clean, sharp pruner or knife, preferably at a right angle;
  • do not break off the fruits with your hands – this can lead to injury to the stem;
  • for long-term storage, fruits are harvested at the end of August and up to the last days of September;
  • before the onset of frost, you need to harvest the entire crop;
  • a few weeks before harvesting fruits that will be sent for long-term storage, it is necessary to stop watering;
  • when harvesting, vegetables are carefully stacked on the ground, you can’t throw them, otherwise they will quickly begin to deteriorate;
  • after harvesting, the zucchini is not washed (this damages the wax coating that provides protection), and the dirt is carefully removed with a napkin;
  • after harvesting, the fruits are laid out in one row on a wooden floor and dried for several hours;
  • if the vegetables will be stored, leave at least 5 cm of the stalk (preferably 8 cm).

When to harvest young fruits?

The collection begins in early July, since by this time the vegetables grow up to 10 cm long. To accurately set the harvesting time, you can focus on flowering – 15–19 days after the first flowers appear.

You can also rely on your own preferences. Since young vegetables are very tender, they are used for cooking immediately after removal. Therefore, the hostess herself determines what ripeness, size the fruit should be for a particular culinary “masterpiece”.

Milk zucchini is not recommended for harvesting for the winter. With prolonged heat treatment, they do not retain their structure (they become mushy). Also, young vegetables are not suitable for long-term storage. They spoil quickly even in the refrigerator.

zucchini grow

When to harvest mature zucchini?

Harvesting time is determined by the particular variety. If the vegetables are mid- and late-ripening, you need to harvest from the second half of August until the last days of September – approximately 100–120 days after planting.

Why is it important to regularly remove zucchini?

Young vegetables should be harvested at least once every 5 days. If you miss the moment, the vegetables outgrow, lose their taste, the peel becomes hard.

There is also a possibility of a decrease in crop yields. The risk of contracting diseases increases. In autumn, vegetables are harvested every 7-10 days, as fruiting decreases during this period.

What to do with zucchini after harvest?

Young vegetables that have reached consumer maturity can be stored in the refrigerator for some time. At a temperature of 0 … + 2˚С, the fruits retain their taste and freshness for about 14 days.

Before being sent for storage, vegetables need to be sorted out, specimens with damaged skin and signs of the beginning of rotting of the stalk should be removed. Treat the cut site with activated carbon powder or wood ash.

Store vegetables in a dry and cool place with good ventilation. It is important that the air temperature is within + 4 … + 10˚С. The fruits are placed on shelves or racks, separating each row with cardboard so that they do not touch each other.

Zucchini is a crop characterized by abundant and long-term fruiting. Also, vegetables can be stored fresh for a long time, while they do not lose their taste and nutritional value. But specimens remain fresh only if the deadlines and rules for collecting fruits have been observed.

Anna Evans


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