How to plant beets in spring in open ground and for seedlings?

How is beet planting in the spring? To answer this question, you need to learn more about the optimal timing and methods of planting a crop. You will learn about this, as well as about the preparation for sowing and the rules for caring for plants, while reading this article.

Time of spring planting of beets in different regions of Russia

The germination of crops is influenced by climatic conditions and soil temperature, which should not fall below +6 degrees.

Therefore, there are frames for different latitudes:

  • South. Work can begin as early as April.
  • Middle lane. It is better to wait until the 2nd half of April-beginning of May.
  • North. Beets rarely begin to sow before mid-May.

What is important to consider when choosing a variety for planting?

Particular attention is paid to the timing of maturation:

  • Early ripening. The crop is harvested 50-80 days after germination.
  • Mid-season. Fruits are formed in 80-100 days.
  • Late. It takes 100 or more days for the vegetables to ripen.

Other parameters:

  • Form. It is rounded, elongated, cylindrical, flattened.
  • Purpose Only table beets are used for food. Feed is grown for livestock. In order to obtain sugar, root crops of the same type are planted.

Pre-sowing activities

Proper preparation for planting beets is the key to a good harvest. The main types of work to be carried out are described below.

Site Selection

Must meet criteria:

  • The soil. Loose, nutritious, with a neutral level of acidity. Avoid areas where groundwater is close to the surface.
  • A place. Well lit throughout the day. Do not place the bed in the shade of trees. There must be a source of moisture nearby. If the area is swampy, crops are transferred to a hill.
  • The all-rounder. Suitable predecessors are onions, garlic, potatoes. Seeding after beets, tomatoes, carrots is negatively reflected.
  • Neighborhood. Planted next to the beds of carrots, radishes, cucumbers.

seed Processing

The following events are being held:

  • Sort. Remove empty and small ones. This can be done using an electrified stick, which will attract defective seeds to itself. Another option is to dip in a glass of water and remove the pop-ups.
  • Soak. Place the material in water at a temperature of about 30-35 degrees. You can add a growth stimulant. For example, mix 1 tbsp. l. wood ash with 1 liter of water. Wait 1 day. For easier extraction, pre-wrap the seeds in a light cloth.
  • Germination. Wrap the seeds with a layer of damp gauze and place in a container with sawdust. Cover with glass. Avoid drying out the fabric and keep the temperature between 20-22 degrees. Wait 4-6 days. This method allows you to increase the germination of seeds and remove unviable seeds in advance. You can also use napkins or cotton cloth.

Additionally, the following can be carried out:

  • Hardening. Helps to make seeds more resistant to lower temperatures. Wrap them in a cloth and place in the freezer for 30 minutes. Seed material must be dry.
  • Disinfection. Prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate and dip the seeds into it for 1-2 hours.

beet seed

If the material is purchased in a store, then it does not need additional processing.

Soil preparation in autumn and spring

Before winter, the site is dug up and fertilized.

The composition of top dressing depends on the type of soil:

  • Clay. Use rotten sawdust, humus or peat.
  • Sour. Add dolomite flour or wood ash.
  • Loamy. For every sq. m distribute 300 g of potash fertilizers.

In the spring, the work is as follows:

  • Cleaning. Remove debris and weeds from the site.
  • Digging. The soil is loosened and leveled.
  • Top dressing. Apply fertilizers based on nitrogen.

Sowing seeds in open ground


  • using a chopper or shovel, make grooves up to 3 cm deep;
  • water the soil well with warm water, wait until the liquid is absorbed;
  • spread the seeds at a distance of 4-10 cm from each other, depending on the size of future root crops;
  • sprinkle with soil, tamp a little;
  • water again;
  • mulch with sawdust or peat.

There are 4 main sowing methods, the differences of which are in the arrangement of the rows:

  • Lowercase. The grooves are placed at an equal distance from each other. Approximately 20-25 cm.
  • Tape. The gaps between the grooves are reduced, but at the same time they leave large passages – about 50 cm.
  • Finished rows. You can purchase a special tape on which beet seeds are placed at the optimal distance. They only need to be deepened into the soil and watered well.
  • Joint boarding. Rows of beets can alternate with other crops – beans, lettuce, beans. The main thing is to take care of the convenience of care.

You can learn about the proper preparation of seed and planting beet seeds in open ground while watching the video below:

Planting beets by seedling method

This option is more suitable for residents of the northern regions. It can also be used by those who wish to harvest 2-3 weeks earlier.

Next, about the main features of the method.

Seeding on seedlings

What you need for this:

  • Priming. Buy ready-made in a specialized store or make it yourself. To do this, mix 1 part of humus and garden soil, add 2 parts of peat and 0,5 sand. For every 5 kg of mixture add 100 g of ash.
  • Capacity. It is allowed to grow in combined containers or separate cells.

Egg trays can be used to separate crops. Holes are made in them, in each of which 1 seed is placed.

The steps are as follows:

  • fill the container with soil, tamp well;
  • using tweezers, spread the seeds at a distance of 3-4 cm;
  • cover with a layer of earth about 1 cm thick;
  • pour;
  • cover with transparent glass;
  • put on a well-lit window sill.

Care of seedlings

Basic rules:

  • Temperature. Before germination – within 16-18 degrees. After – reduce to 14-16.
  • Pick. It is carried out with heap crops at the stage of cotyledon leaves.
  • Top dressing. It is carried out every 2 weeks using ready-made store-bought fertilizers.
  • Watering. Needed as the soil dries out.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Plants are transplanted when they have 3-4 true leaves. The desired soil temperature is about 10 degrees. The ideal weather is a light drizzle so that the ground and air are sufficiently moistened.

How does this happen:

  • make holes along the length of the root;
  • plant plants at a distance of about 5-10 cm from each other;
  • if the weather is dry, water the sprouts well;
  • cover with non-woven fabric for 2-3 days to protect the seedlings.

For better growth before planting, the central root is shortened by a third.

Spring care for planted beets

You need to properly care for the crops in order to get a rich harvest.


Such a procedure is necessary even in cases where the optimal distance between the seeds was observed. Weaker and smaller sprouts are removed. Before removing plants, the soil is well moistened for easier extraction.

It is carried out several times:

  • Phase 2 true leaves. The distance between plants becomes 2-3 cm.
  • Stage 4 leaves. The interval increases to 4-6 cm.
  • Tying root crops. Leave about 10-15 cm.


Basic information:

  • Frequency. After germination, beets need regular abundant watering in order for the plants to take root better. Then the frequency is reduced to 1-2 times a week. In the heat, you need to moisturize more often – 3-4 times a week.
  • Way. Root crops best accept sprinkling, but manual or drip irrigation is possible.
  • Water. Should be settled, room temperature.
  • Amount. Adult plants require about 10-15 liters per 1 sq. m. The penetration of liquid into the soil is normally 15-20 cm.

Watering the beets

Watering is stopped 20-30 days before harvesting so that the root crops accumulate sugar.

Weed control, loosening

You need to loosen the ground around the beets regularly after each watering, otherwise a crust may form that will interfere with active growth. While the sprouts are still small, use an old fork. Usually, together with loosening, the soil is weeded from weeds. Spraying with kerosene will help reduce the need for the procedure. Requires 100 ml per 1 sq. m.


Held 2 times per season:

  1. Phase 4 sheets. It is carried out after transplanting into the ground. Use 1 kg of mullein per 10 liters of water. Insist 10 days. Then dilute another 10 liters of liquid.
  2. A month later. Apply 1 tbsp. l chloride and superphosphate mixed with 1 bucket of water. This amount is enough for 1 square. m.

Pest and disease control

For beets are a threat:

  • Phomosis. Boron solution is used. Make 3 g per 10 liters of water.
  • Spotting. Feeding is carried out using potassium chloride.
  • Downy mildew. Seeds are soaked in Apron preparation.

From parasites, spraying with onion, garlic, ash infusions helps.

Other features of planting and growing

Experienced gardeners follow these recommendations:

  • Focus on the moon. Decreasing is considered the optimal time for landing. But on the full moon, root crops do not take root, they grow poorly and give a small harvest.
  • Avoid crowding crops. Vegetables that are too close to each other will grow worse and slower. This is due to the lack of moisture and nutrients. If you want to get large beets, keep intervals of at least 10-15 cm.
  • Purity. The site should be free of debris and weeds that interfere with normal crop growth. Weeds also attract parasites that cause irreparable damage to the crop.
  • Protection. Beets are very thermophilic, so they should be grown at a constant air temperature of about 20 degrees.
  • Accommodation. Root crops grow best along the edges of the beds.

Beet planting time depends on the region and weather conditions. In total, there are 2 ways of planting – seedlings and seeds, each of which has its own advantages. To get a good crop crop, you need to follow the rules of sowing and growing, use the advice of more experienced gardeners.

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