Cylinder beets – a mid-season table variety

Cylinder is a beetroot with an original elongated shape that can be easily grown in a temperate climate. The variety will please not only unpretentiousness, but also excellent taste, high yield and good keeping quality. Read more about the characteristics and procedure for cultivating a crop.

Beet Cylinder

Cylinder beets - a mid-season table variety

Cylinder beets can be stored for a long time

Cylinder beets - a mid-season table variety

Cylinder beet pulp is juicy and sweet

Variety description

Cylinder beet was bred by Dutch breeders in the last century, and in 1998 it was included in the State Register of Plants of the Russian Federation at the request of the Marinda agricultural company. Its characteristics can be found in the table:



Ripening period The variety is mid-season – the period from germination to technical ripeness is 110-130 days. In the case of the seedling method of cultivation, the period of formation of root crops is reduced by 3 weeks. Cultivation regions Culture is cultivated everywhere on the territory of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Moldova. It is grown in garden plots, household and small farms. Cylinder beets are drought tolerant and are successfully cultivated in southern regions even with poor watering. Moreover, it withstands small frosts on the ground, therefore it is also found in the northern regions. Way of growth The key feature of the variety is that the roots are formed above the soil surface and only a third of the length are immersed in the ground. This greatly facilitates the process of cleaning them and saves space in the garden. Leaf rosette is small and semi-erect. The medium-sized leaves themselves are elongated, glossy, and bright green in color with contrasting pink-purple veins. On their edges, waviness is visible. The petiole is not too long and, like veins, is intensely colored with anthocyanins. Appearance of root crops Beet Cylinder bears fruit with root crops with the following characteristics:

  • form – elongated cylindrical, flat, even or slightly curved with a small pointed tip;
  • measurements – up to 16 cm in length and 4-7 cm in diameter;
  • weight – from 250 to 600 g;
  • skin – thin and dark red or burgundy with a slight greenish tint in the area of ​​​​the protruding part of the root crop;
  • flesh – dark red, without pronounced rings, tender in texture and juicy.

Taste and Purpose This beetroot has an excellent sweet taste and pleasant aroma, so it is suitable for various purposes:

  • raw consumption (added to vegetable salads);
  • cooking various dishes;
  • conservation.

The unique property of this beet is that it cooks quickly and does not change its color. After boiling, the vegetable can also be stewed.

Productivity From 1 square. m beds, on average, it is possible to collect up to 8-10 kg of root crops, but with proper care and compact placement of root crops in the garden, this figure can jump up to 12 kg. Keeping quality The variety is resistant to the main species diseases and, under favorable storage conditions, can lie without signs of rot for 4-7 months.

The characteristics of the Cylinder variety are also described in the video below:

Landing methods and dates

The main method of growing beets is planting seeds in open ground. The seedling method is used less frequently, since it is ineffective for two reasons:

  • young shoots take root painfully;
  • seedlings do not tolerate low temperatures.

Planting beets through seedlings is rarely used in the Northern regions, the Volga region and Siberia, as it allows you to accelerate the ripening of root crops by almost a month.

As for the timing of landing, it can be done in two periods:

  • In the spring. Severe frosts can cause the formation of flower stalks, so planting should begin after the onset of stable warm weather. By this time, the soil should warm up to +6…+8°C, and the air temperature should be at least +13°C. As a rule, such conditions are set in April or in the second or third decade of May. Sowing seeds in spring occurs on a flat surface.
  • In autumn before winter. The time of winter sowing falls on the end of October – the beginning of November. In autumn, seeds are sown in furrows, between which intervals of the same size are maintained.

If the crop is grown in seedlings, then it is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings in April, so that hardened seedlings can be planted in the garden in May.

Site selection and soil preparation

It is better to cultivate beets in a bed 100 cm wide and at least 20 cm long. When choosing a suitable site, attention should be paid to the following parameters:

  • Illumination. This should be a well-lit area: the more sunlight the leaves receive, the richer the color of the roots becomes. In this regard, beets should not be planted behind fences and on the north side of tall crops or trees that cast a shadow.
  • Elevation. It is better to plant beets in a high bed. It is not flooded with a large amount of water, so the culture will be protected from rotting of the root system.
  • Predecessors. If other varieties of beets or spinach were cultivated on the site last season, then you need to find another place. The best predecessors are such cultures:
    • cabbage;
    • early potatoes;
    • cucumbers;
    • bow;
    • pumpkin;
    • zucchini;
    • carrot.
  • soil. Should be loose and fertile with low to neutral acidity (pH 6-7). If the acidity of the soil is high, then this will adversely affect the yield, taste and keeping quality of beets. Therefore, before sowing seeds, it must be lowered, using lime or dolomite flour at the rate of 0,5-1 kg per 1 sq. m.

A site with suitable parameters must be properly prepared, adhering to the following technology:

  1. In the fall, dig the bed and remove all plant debris. Large clods do not need to be broken, since in this form they will better endure winter frosts, and infections and pests will die.
  2. In the spring, apply mineral fertilizers (per 1 sq. M):
    • 15-20 g of ammonium nitrate or 20-30 g of ammonium sulfate;
    • 30-40 g superphosphate;
    • 10-15 g of potassium chloride.

    In the case of infertile soils, it is also worth adding organic fertilizers for beets:

  3. In autumn – 4-5 kg ​​of fresh manure per 1 sq. m.
  4. In the spring just before planting – 2-3 kg of humus or 3-4 kg of compost per 1 sq. m.

It is necessary to apply manure in extreme cases, since it contributes to the formation of a large number of roots, but does not allow the root crop to pour and acquire characteristic qualities. In addition, manure causes deformation of root crops and a decrease in the yield of the variety.

seed Processing

Planting material must be sorted by size and tucked in pre-sowing treatment, adhering to the following guidelines:

  1. Check seeds for germination. To do this, soak them in salt water. Floated specimens are hollow, so they must be eliminated, and the remaining seeds must be subjected to further processing.
  2. For hardening, soak the seeds first for 2-3 hours in hot water, and then the same amount in cold water.
  3. For the purpose of disinfection, treat the seeds with an infusion of wood ash or a pink solution of potassium permanganate. You can also use growth stimulants (Zircon, Epin). Wash the seeds after treatment.
  4. If you plan to use the seedling method of growing, planting material is placed in a humid environment for 1-2 days for germination.

beet seeds

Planting beets

Before sowing seeds in the ground, the bed should be watered abundantly, and after that – mulched and moistened. The optimal sowing scheme is as follows:

  • distance between seeds in a row – 8-10 cm;
  • row spacing – 25-28 cm;
  • the depth of seed placement during spring sowing is 2-3 cm, and with winter sowing – 3-4 cm.

It is worth throwing 3 seeds into the holes so that root crops are guaranteed to grow in each of them.

In conditions of stable warm weather (+ 20 ° C and above), sprouts will appear already in 4-5 days. On cool days, they will have to wait for weeks. To speed up their germination, crops need to be covered with a film or spunbond.

If beets are grown through seedlings, it should be borne in mind that for good survival, seedlings with tops that are at least 7 cm long should be used. The main root should be slightly shortened and lowered into the holes prepared according to the previously indicated scheme, and then moistened and gently compacted. Landing work is best done in cloudy weather.

Beetroot care

The Cylinder variety is not whimsical, but requires timely implementation of a number of agrotechnical manipulations.


It should be abundant only at the stage of seed germination, the formation of the root system and the pouring of root crops. The rest of the planting time should be moistened as the soil dries.

For the whole summer, it is enough to water the beets 2-3 times at the rate of 2-3 buckets of water per 1 sq. m. However, in dry weather, the plant can be watered 5-6 times, but in no case should the soil be waterlogged, as this is fraught with rotting of the roots.

Watering is best done in grooves prepared every 25 cm from planting. You can add table salt to the water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 10 l. Such a manipulation will protect crops from pests, as well as increase the sugar content of beets and give it a juicy burgundy color.

Watering must be completely interrupted 2 weeks before the planned harvest, otherwise they will adversely affect the keeping quality of root crops.

Soil cultivation

It is necessary to systematically carry out weeding and loosening of row-spacings so that the roots of plants receive the necessary amount of oxygen and moisture.

During the germination of beets, the bed should also be mulched twice in order to maintain an optimal microclimate in the soil and retain nutrients in it.


Beets need to be thinned twice according to this scheme:

  1. In the phase of 1-2 true leaves – at a distance of 3-4 cm.
  2. In the phase of 4-5 true leaves, when the root crops reach 3-5 cm in diameter, – at a distance of 8-10 cm (you should not withstand large gaps, because because of this, root crops can grow up to 2 kg).

It is necessary to carry out thinning on cloudy days on wet and loosened soil. The roots can be slightly cut off. The tops should not be more than 8 cm, otherwise the plant will not be able to take root.


In the soil, you must always maintain the proper amount of trace elements. To do this, the beets must be fertilized at least twice:

  1. After the first thinning. As the first top dressing, it is better to use nutrient compositions with a nitrogen content.
  2. By the time the greenery closes in the aisles. During this period, root crops are actively formed, which need potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and boron. To compensate for their lack, beets can be fed with wood ash or fermented herbal infusion.

It is better not to use chemical fertilizers to feed the crop so that the fruits do not accumulate nitrates.

Protection against diseases and pests

Beet Cylinder has good immunity to various diseases, so there is no need to carry out any prophylaxis while observing the rules of crop rotation and cultivation.

However, there are factors that can lead to the development of various diseases. These include:

  • soil composition overloaded with chemical elements;
  • errors in the cultivation and processing of the landing site;
  • excessively tight fit;
  • stagnation of moisture, moisture;
  • exposure of young seedlings to frost.

Beet diseases

All this can lead to diseases such as:

  • Fomoz. A fungal infection that causes rotting of the core of the fruit and the formation of spots on the lower leaves. Progresses against the background of a lack of boron. To protect the crop, the beds must be treated with boric acid.
  • Root beetle or “black leg”. This is the result of a lack of oxygen, heavy and overly damp soil. Sick plants should be immediately destroyed, and the soil should be loosened between the rows and fed with chalk or lime to increase the level of acidity. It will not be superfluous to add boron.
  • false dew. Leaves a lilac-gray coating on the tops. Causes drying and rotting of the plant. Only fungicides will help against the disease.
  • brown rot. It appears as a white coating on root crops due to excess moisture and nitrogen in the soil. All lesions of the plant will have to be destroyed. In the future, for several years, beets should not be cultivated on this site.
  • Leaf spot (cercosporosis). Destroys tops and roots. It develops against the background of a lack of potassium. To improve the site, it must be weeded in a timely manner and fed with ash or potassium chloride.

In addition to diseases, the following pests are dangerous for beets:

  • beet fly;
  • aphid;
  • blocks;
  • thyroid.

In order to prevent their invasion, in the fall you need to dig the bed deep and weed the weeds regularly. If pests attack the planting, insecticides (Inta-VIR) will help in the fight against them.

Harvesting and storage of crops

Beets with an incomparable taste and rich color can be harvested from August to September – October. Meanwhile, root crops can be gradually used for food from mid-July. To prepare beetroots and cold borscht, you can take them with young leaves and petioles. The following signs indicate the maturity of beets:

  • root crops have reached the length and weight declared by the manufacturer;
  • small roots formed on the sides;
  • the lower leaves began to turn yellow and wither.

Harvesting should be carried out in dry weather according to the following instructions:

  1. Dig up the earth around the fruit a little with a shovel.
  2. Gently remove the beets from the ground with your hands. At the same time, its thin skin should not be damaged, as this will reduce the keeping quality.
  3. Cut off the tops, leaving stumps of 2-3 cm.
  4. If there are earth spots on the fruits, do not tear them off. They will dry out if the fruits are dried in the open air in partial shade or in a well-ventilated area, and they will fall off on their own.

Beets can be stored in a pit, cellar or basement. The optimum temperature is from 0 to 2°C, and humidity is 90-95%. The fruits can also be placed in boxes of 10-12 kg, sprinkled with dry sand. They can be stored with potatoes until the next season.

Pros and cons of the variety

The strengths of Beet Cylinder are as follows:

  • it has a rich composition of useful substances, therefore it has a healing effect on the body – it normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary organs and the cardiovascular system;
  • has strong immunity and shows resistance to coloring;
  • allows you to save land in the garden due to small volumes and unusual shape;
  • easily removed from the ground due to incomplete immersion;
  • has a pleasant taste and aroma;
  • has a universal purpose, so it can be used for making salads, soups and other preparations;
  • well stored, transported and stored without loss of commercial properties;
  • gives a good harvest with minimal care.

No deficiencies have been reported in this variety, but its sensitivity to low temperatures can be noted. In this regard, sowing is best done in consistently warm weather without the threat of return frosts, which can cause the plant to develop flower stalks.

Beet Cylinder Reviews

Olga Fedorovna, 51 years old. Cylinder beets are very sweet and tasty, so I have been growing them on my plot for several years. I plant seeds in the 25th of April, but in cold seasons I shift the planting dates until the beginning of May. From 1 sq. m beds I collect up to 10 kg of cylindrical fruits of a burgundy or red hue. Some of them I use for food, and the rest I sell to my neighbors. Everyone notices that this beetroot is very handy when cutting and grating, as it does not crumble. Dmitry Vladimirovich, 45 years old. I like beets in a small size, so I choose the table variety of the Cylinder. It is a sweet and juicy vegetable that is great for preparing various dishes. I recommend to everyone. Svetlana Petrovna, 53 years old. Very good beets with dark flesh that can be stored in the cellar until the next season. When growing, I advise you to pay special attention to thinning. Last year I left too much space between the fruits, so they turned out to be larger than I needed. This year, I took into account this mistake, and has already grown medium-sized fruits.

A review of the Cylinder beetroot is given in the video below:

Beet Cylinder will delight not only with its original elongated shape, but also with excellent taste and commercial qualities. Because of this, it is very popular with many gardeners. It can be cultivated even by inexperienced summer residents, as it is unpretentious in care and gives a good harvest even if some mistakes are made.

Anna Evans


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