Gentian and its cultivation (Gentiana sino-ornata)

Today we are talking about a plant that tolerates light shade. It is not suitable for bricked north orientations on the south side that does not reach even a ray of sunlight. We must choose a somewhat shady place under trees that give dappled shade, for example. It is a flower of great beauty and color, even without the excessive presence of the sun. We focus on Gentian o Gentiana sino-ornata and its cares for the rockery or shady garden. 

Gentian, deep blue flowers even in shady places

Sometimes there are gardens or parts of the garden what are left excessively shaded by a wall, facade, tree or any element that prevents the light from reaching its full intensity. In these cases, the gardener must be careful with the plants he chooses and must choose those that tolerate the shade in order to develop.

The genus Gentiana is very extensive. Around 400 species make up this group. It is not a well-known flower because the vast majority of species have the reputation of being a real challenge for the gardener because its growth is not easy. Within gentians, as they are commonly known, there are varieties that are more tolerant of the beginning gardener. Of the 400 species, not all had to be complicated. One of them is Gentiana sino-ornata.

This plant has been chosen by many gardeners for the so intense blue of its flowers and the good results it gives. It is one of the exceptions that confirms the rule that gentians have complicated growths. Really cares of Gentiana sino-ornata they are few and for shady areas of the garden the results are obvious. The blue that flowers have is so intense that they will ask you more than once. It is very common to grow it in a rockery garden. It thrives there.

Gentian cultivation

Recommended soil and climate for its cultivation

Climatic conditions of the Gentian

It is not a plant with excessive heat. We are choosing it for its tolerance of gloomy environments. Its winter resistance to temperatures is exemplary. Supports up to -20ºC. We will hardly reach these minimums in Spain in almost any point of the peninsula in a normal year, so its resistance to cold is more than assured.

Type of soil required

Requires a soil rich, fertile and humid. With a good content of organic matter. The pH should be slightly acidic. The moisture retention It must be good but we can’t let it flood. We are facing a type of typical forest floor.

Gentian Multiplication

The most common is by division during spring or very late, early summer. It can also be done by seed. In this case, the sowing is done in autumn in the seedbed (it does not have to be a warm bed). The substrate must be a very mature germination mulch or compost to ensure good sprouting. The plant will germinate in spring.

Can you grow gentian in a pot?

Of course. Outdoor pots with the aforementioned substrate or even some gravel look especially good. Is a very bushy plant that covers the entire surface of the pot giving that spectacular blue color.

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Anna Evans


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