Chrysanthemum cultivation

Well, we should know a lot, since we have known chrysanthemums since 500 BC. We have already had time to get the maximum expression of this particular flower. And if you have not done so, do not worry, we will try to help you about how to grow themย and get to incorporate the plants in your gardenย a great variety of chrysanthemums of all colors.

The genderย Chrysanthemum

This genus in which chrysanthemums are found is home to about 30 species. Formerly (imagine, 400 BC) this genre offered very little versatility in terms of color or size. Today we can find chrysanthemums as perennial and resistant species, semi-resistant hybrids, annual species, etc. of many colors, sizes and shapes and is especially suitable for placing in any garden.

We are going to tell you a secret, and that is that its cultivation is not difficult if you follow some guidelines. So if you’ve always wanted to grow them, don’t sell the bike to you and don’t hesitate!

Chrysanthemum soil

If you have already located the area where you want to place your chrysanthemums, you have to make some preparations on the ground to receive the plant. Early spring ย Stir the soil well to at least 15 cm deep, so that the roots have no problem developing. Incorporates into the soil some type of compost or humus. With this you will be able to acidify the soil a bit and it will be perfect, since this garden plant prefers this type of soil. In the future you will only have to manage the compost that you add so that it always has the acid pH which requires.

How do I grow chrysanthemums?

When you already have the ground prepared, as we have commented, you only have to plant them. In spring, away from the cold season, plant them 30-40 cm apart from each other. The first watering it has to be abundant and will facilitate the development of the plant in its early stages. And as always, we repeat offenders commenting that you do not flood with watering (how heavy!). Do not neglect the fertilizer that you must add so that you do not slow down their growth, and if you see them a little “asleep” acquire a liquid fertilizer to complete your NPK needs (any common store fertilizer will do).

chrysanthemums, Chrysanthemum

Colorful chrysanthemums in garden
Source: torange

The arrival of winter

Today hybrid varieties are the most common and those that give good results and excellent flower color. The only problem is that they are often vulnerable toย frost. The solution is easy. You have to plant them at the end of winter or the beginning of spring, when we say goodbye to the cold and low temperatures. In winter you can either produce new plants throughย cuttingsย (now we tell you how) or protect them in appropriate places.

In autumn, when temperatures begin to drop, we can the main stem until we have some chrysanthemums 20-25 cm high, trimming the new basal stems. Must protect them from the cold and we can transplant them to indoor places through a pot or place them in a small greenhouse. At the end of winter we will water abundantly to announce the arrival of the heat and the transplant to the final soil. As a result of these irrigations, new stems will be born and that is when we can select the cuttings that will become new chrysanthemums.

How do chrysanthemums spread?

The best thing is to do it through cuttings and we can get it with these 6 easy steps:

  1. Select the chrysanthemums that we want to propagate from a mother plant.
  2. En spring a stem is chosen from the basal zone.
  3. Below the armpit, a stem of about 5 or 6 cm in length is cut. Also remove the lower leaves and leave a few on top of the cutting.
  4. You will need rooting hormones to facilitate the formation of cutting roots.
  5. Bury the cutting about 2-3 cm deep in a pot with substrate.
  6. Water until the substrate has moisture and do not relapse until the roots are not formed.

Chrysanthemum varieties

Chrysanthemums that you place close to curbs make an attractive landscape for your garden. Here we show you some varieties that you can select.

Blunt varieties:ย Ruby Wrenย (rose),ย Yellow Nuggettย (yellow),ย Martin Rileyย (yellow), Alice Jonesย (bronze),ย Timmy Grayย (rose),ย Woolley Dandy (Red),ย Karen Roweย (rose),ย Eve Grayย (rose), Cricket (White), Shirley Victoriaย (bronze), etc.

Tassel:ย Sollyย (yellow), Cameo (White),ย Deniseย (yellow),ย Fairieย (pink), etc.

Korean:ย Blushย (Salmon),ย There’s Milesย (cream),ย Janice Baileyย (rose),ย Lemon Tenchย (Salmon), Fairy Roseย (pink), etc.

Branched varieties:ย Margaretย (rose),ย Nathalieย (purple),ย Grandchilaย (rose),ย Lillian Hoekย (bronze), Pennine (various colors),ย Gerroe Hoekย (rose).

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Anna Evans


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