Difficulties in breeding Anglo-Nubian goats. And why is it worth the risk?

Anglo-Nubian goats are an interesting goat breed. They are well valued in foreign countries, the same cannot be said about Russia. But it is not difficult to distinguish them from our ordinary goats by their specific appearance and manners. And what about their maintenance, breeding? Check out people’s reviews for a final opinion.

Anglo-Nubian goats

The history of the origin of the Anglo-Nubian goats

Goats of this breed are among the most ancient breeds in the world, or at least in the top three. It is proved that they first appeared in northeast Africa – there were ardent connoisseurs of animal breeds, who created the Anglo-Nubian. More precisely, their early version. This happened over 10 thousand years ago.

Goats were sold and exported to different countries. Of the most rapid sales, the French can be distinguished – they were passionate about Anglo-Nubian goats.

But at that time it was not the breed that exists now. English breeders brought out the current breed, based on the ancient one. In this work, we are grateful to them, since the breed retained all the same qualities inherent in the African. Those skills for which they were valued remained, and are now valued in the new breed. In the experiments of breeders, which, by the way, took place in the 19th century, a wide variety of breeds took part. These include such as:

  • Some Indian breeds.
  • Part of the Swiss.
  • Middle Eastern breeds.
  • Russian goats.

But it is not entirely known when they appeared in the world. Opinions are divided in two, some believe that this happened at the end of the 19th century – the end of the experiments. Others defend the opinion that this continued until the 30s of the 20th century.

In any case, it doesn’t matter anymore. At the end of the experiments, it turned out that most of the genetics at that time were occupied by local, English goats and Nubian goats, which were only brought to them from the Middle East. From there it becomes clear where they got their name from. But even now, goats are often confused with Nubian goats, calling them that. And do not forget that the current Anglo-Nubian goats and oriental goats are two different things.

Once established, goats began to show their relevance and value in those days. Many foreign farmers and land owners became interested in them and goats began to be brightly exported to neighboring countries. At the same time, they spread to other states, which were also not averse to replenishing the number. In Russia, the Anglo-Nubian goats appeared almost the latest – after the collapse of the USSR, and even then, in small numbers. Large numbers of goats appeared only in the 21st century, in the last 10-15 years.

Breed description

Anglo-Nubian goats have a very memorable appearance, which definitely remains in the memory after traveling around England. They are large goats known for the amount and taste of milk they produce. It is devoid of an unpleasant smell, and the taste amazes everyone. Let’s take a closer look at all the features of the appearance and productivity of the breed.


The first thing that catches your eye is the color, which can be of several types. Among them:

  • Regular blacks.
  • Standard white.
  • Unusual color – cream.
  • Coffee shades with the addition of a soft milky color.

Often, they do not use one color per individual, and the shades are combined, grouping even 3 and 4 pieces per goat. And the colors chosen at the same time add a specific look to the animal, in which the goat only becomes more beautiful. If the combined colors include black, white and cream, it will look very beautiful, and sometimes the arrangement of colors on the body can be in the form of a leopard color. This opportunity is greatly appreciated.

Weight categories are the most common, except for the fact that females weigh 80 kg – a very large indicator for them. Males weigh about the same, although for the most part their weight still reaches 100 kg. Anglo-Nubian goats were created with an emphasis on dairy production, but these indicators also indicate that meat production with their help also does not fail. A very successful breed.

According to other external criteria, goats have the appearance of a Roman type. Let’s take a look at the smallest details of the body:

  • Thick, fleshy body. Differs in its length. The udder is quite massive in relation to the body.
  • Long legs are a noticeable difference.
  • Goats are exclusively horned. Large, twisted horns are turned in opposite directions. Goats, on the other hand, are usually polled, although the opposite is also found.
  • The shape of the head is flat and long, and a small hump is visible on the nose, which is typical of the Roman profile. The cheekbones on the face are pronounced. The eyes are quite large, and the lips are of different shapes. The upper one is much shorter than the lower one, which is why the teeth are often clearly visible and open.
  • Wool covers the body in a thin layer.
  • The ears are long, worn, hanging low enough from the head.
  • Earrings are deprived – purebred Anglo-Nubian. There are exceptions in other countries.
  • The beard is present in goats in a small size. Goats are deprived of it.
  • In height, males can reach 90 cm, while females – 80.

Basically, Anglo-Nubian goats are calm and always easily follow the orders of the owner. In this they are compared to dogs. Although, there are not calm ones. They will make loud enough sounds, they will be able to take you and your neighbors out.

A Ukrainian breeder tells about the breed of Anglo-Nubian goats and their breeding in the video below:


Uniqueness is manifested in this case as well. The productivity of goats is good, both in meat production and in dairy production. Now let’s take a look at meat only.

In many regions of Russia, it is not customary to breed Anglo-Nubian goats for meat, to slaughter them, getting valuable. But still, their meat has a delicious, juicy and tender appearance. The meat is completely devoid of the nasty smell that is inherent in many breeds. For this meat is valued, although it is supplied in small quantities, because not everyone is engaged in meat production with these goats.

Adults are not as good as young ones. Their meat becomes somewhat rubbery and begins to stretch. This does not add taste, but some disgust appears. Also, with age, the same unpleasant smell appears, from which it will not be possible to get rid of.

The meat comes out quite a lot considering the weight. In adults, up to 100 kg, but if you do not take them into account, then the average weight of young animals is 50-60 kg, which in general is also not bad.

How much milk is given?

The amount of milk is also not upsetting. After one milking, it is possible to get up to 3 liters of milk. According to calculations, up to 1000 liters can be obtained per year, although the average amount is slightly less – 850 liters. But the amount of milk, as well as its quality, will increase with each subsequent year, age and milk yield.

Now, let’s analyze the quality of this very milk by standard standards:

  • Fat content – standard, about 4,5%.
  • The protein content is also average, 3,5%.
  • The amount of lactose is 4,5%.
  • Milk has vitamins of groups A and C, as well as amino acids.

As we can see, milk is simply irreplaceable, it has everything you need to maintain the work and life of the body – milk is very healthy, which was not even to be expected from an ordinary goat. In terms of quality, and especially taste, milk surpasses most of the famous breeds. And some say, confirm that its taste resembles nuts and cream.

Anglo-Nubian goats

Goats are very susceptible to various diseases, and the survival rate of the breed is not so great. Under the wrong conditions, they die almost immediately. These conditions include:

  • Diseases are the most common irritants and causes of death.
  • Cold and drafts.
  • Huge requirement for water.

Features of maintenance and care

Anglo-Nubian goats are very demanding, if you want to put them in your yard, then strictly adhere to the rules, and certainly prepare all the subtleties of the premises before the goats appear in your home.

Requirements for the room

You can’t keep them in drafty and damp conditions, Anglo-Nubian goats are very susceptible to this, and young kids die almost immediately. Therefore, be sure to take care of them and the room, thoroughly strengthening it and protecting it from all cold weather. Under the opposite conditions, it is not difficult for them to catch pneumonia.

Also take care of the cleanliness of the room, which you will check and improve every day. An important role is played by ventilation, as well as warm and soft light, which is very important for Anglo-Nubian goats. Don’t ignore these very characteristics of the containing space.

You will need straw bedding where the goats will rest. Lying down, they will select the most delicious and healthy straws, thereby strengthening their body. These same beddings need to be changed every day, or the goat will give less milk, which is not very encouraging.

Do not keep them around other breeds of goats, they will not like it, and they will even show strong signs of aggression. It might even lead to a fight. And if these are females, this will again provoke a smaller amount of milk yield. It looks very demanding, and it is.

The nuances of feeding

Diet and feeding is another tough territory where you need to stick to the rules. The daily schedule for eating is always observed, and they have it three times a day. The menu should include only special and verified products. Basically, the diet is:

  • Hay is used in winter and grass in summer. 5 kg per day.
  • Grain concentrated feed (only tested and recommended, Anglo-Nubian goats are very sensitive). 2 kg per day.
  • Vegetables or silage, not much. Not more than 1 kg.

Goat eats grass

There is even a formula for this. 300 g of grain are given per day, and no less. But following it, there are additives – 250 g for every liter of milk per day. It is also recommended to use ground oats and barley to increase productivity – an important part of the diet.

What to feed goats in winter, read here.

Also, in addition to herbs, branches of shrubs and trees can be used as top dressing. Willow, pine and linden trees are perfect. Hazel is not excluded. Don’t forget about vitamin supplements. Suitable, such as chalk and salty licks, which should be installed next to the drinkers. Do not bother buying expensive drugs that will not exceed improvised materials in quality.

How and what to feed the kids, is described in the next article.

Anglo-Nubian goat breeding

The breed is characterized by high fertility; up to 3 kids can be born in one lamb of a goat.

Types and features of insemination

Before the first insemination, care should be taken that the goat is already large enough, both in age and in weight. A common mistake is insemination at the age of 6 months. Then the offspring comes out incompetent, lethargic and, in general, not very valuable in production. The goat itself will also be punished, in the form of health injuries.

Better remember that you should carry out the procedure to achieve a goat at least 50 kg – this is very important. Feed frequently and wait until they are 1 or 1,5 years old. As for the methods of insemination, you can find them below, here is a list:

  1. The most advanced method, as well as high-quality and fruitful, is artificial. At the same time, the whole process will be carried out by the veterinarian, and he will also be responsible for it, monitor the process, and in general, the method seems to be the safest.
  2. The second option is manual. In this method, the owner of the herd himself selects the individuals that will participate in mating. Selected individuals are taken to a separate room. where the mating will take place.
  3. Free. A rare method, and is carried out only in farms of one breed.

When using the free knitting method, all individuals of the farm, regardless of their gender, age, stick together. This method is not convenient because the owner will not be able to look after the mating and the birth of offspring. The first two are the most effective.

Pregnancy period and features of lambing

If you believe the reference books, then the terms of pregnancy pass 151 days after mating – after passage – birth. But believing the books isn’t always good, and just in case, prepare to deliver on the 140th day. Maybe you are right. Although goats can cope with childbirth on their own without help, but forewarned is forearmed. Stock up on a knife, towels and warm water in case there are complications. Although, these rarely happen. Remember that the first kid comes out head first and hooves back. The rest are the opposite.

After birth, it is worth taking away the kids from the goats, after allowing them to dry and place them in a place specially prepared in all respects. There, drink them with colostrum and keep them for a month. Colostrum will open all the mechanisms that will take place in the body of a kid.

Buying a Purebred Goat

Before you buy a goat, be sure to ask for documents for it if you do not want to get a cross, instead of a purebred individual. It is especially worth confirming the integrity of the breed if you buy them from a large breeder. Either buy from well-known breeding farms, or simply abroad. The following describes how you can tell a purebred goat from a normal goat:

  • Hanging, bell-shaped ears are a trait that distinguishes the breed.
  • The muzzle has a hump, giving a Roman style.
  • The skin under the coat is brown or black. Even if their coat is white, the skin of a purebred individual will always be dark.
  • Anglo-Nubian goats are fleshy, large. They are also tall and stand on long and slender legs.
  • If the horns are not cut off, then in males they are in the form of a sickle, with an inclination back or forward.
  • The udder is large enough, large teats, and is excellent for machine milking.

By color, you can not determine the purebred goat. Whatever he is.

Pros and cons of the breed

The main advantages of the breed can be considered:

  • Appearance. It is difficult to find a goat that will amaze everyone with its appearance. Their motley color, powerful and graceful body conquer.
  • During a hot climate, under the baking sun, Anglo-Nubian goats do not feel complications – everything is fine with them.
  • Milk. 800 kg of milk per year is not a little, and in terms of sales, and in terms of the amount of the same milk, goats hold the bar in the world.
  • Young animals quickly gain weight, despite the fact that the breed is not at all intended for this. The taste of meat is also preserved.

It would seem that a miracle goat. But not everything is as simple as at first glance. This is not difficult to understand by looking at the list of cons below:

  • It is not so warm in Russia, especially if you count the northern regions. Anglo-Nubian goats do not tolerate cold and dampness, and in order to have even the slightest opportunity to successfully keep and breed them on their territory, it is necessary to create the most suitable greenhouse conditions.
  • Great demands on food and general maintenance. Even a small mistake in the selection of feed for nutrition can cause problems with milking, and sometimes with health. You will have to make great efforts to keep them correctly and not make mistakes.
  • They cannot be kept with other breeds in any way. Especially females. This creates some problems on large farms, where it will not be possible to place them separately. And other problems grow from this, creating a branch.

Anglo-Nubian goats in the pasture

Diseases and vaccination

With the help of breeders, the Anglo-Nubian breed has become more resistant to diseases. Although, some can leak, and this requires vaccination with the help of a specialist. Let’s highlight the most common diseases:

  • Pseudotuberculosis appears completely unnoticed and can continue for a long time without showing any symptoms. Even at this time, the body will bear some negative effects. But when symptoms appear, such as miscarriages in a female, pneumonia, consult a specialist.
  • Respiratory diseases due to drafts.
  • Diseases due to poor quality feed.
  • Tetanus and botulism. Arise due to untreated wounds and food, chemical poisoning. For example, because of poor quality food, as mentioned above.
  • A rare disease is hoof rot. It may not appear for a long time, but if the movement of the Anglo-Nubian goat began to give way, and indeed, problems with movement began to appear, this is a clear sign of illness. In such cases, urgent help is required for the animal.

To avoid this, make timely vaccinations and examinations by veterinarians. Vaccinations, by the way, are carried out in young animals, and some after birth.

Profitability and breeding prospects

Goat breeding is very poorly developed. And if we are talking about the Anglo-Nubian breed, whose whimsicality and exactingness are great, then everything is complicated here. Only some people manage to keep them at home, creating the right conditions for life. Only a few such farms are known throughout Russia. Providing proper content is a financially costly business. Few people are ready to provide goats with proper care and nutrition.

From what has been analyzed above, we can conclude that the population will not grow in Russia. Why would anyone need a demanding breed when you can get regular goats and keep them in a cold barn and feed them cheap feed. Now the Anglo-Nubian breed of goats is bred mainly for sale and for milk production with its further processing.


Natalya, 65 years old, Farmer, Moscow region. My grandson used to be a very sick boy with bowel problems. We decided to get a goat, and were simply amazed, her milk cured him! The goat helped us a lot, we don’t feel sorry for the money that they gave for it! As for the rest of the questions on the content, etc., everything is fine here, there were no problems. True, we took care of her like a member of the family. Anna, 37 years old, Farmer, Kubinka. Delighted with Nubian goats. I got myself one goat (I bought it from breeders on the nubilena.ru website), so she never ceases to please me with delicious milk. Although a very demanding baby. But in general, I’m satisfied, I’m going to look for a pair for her.

As it now becomes clear, in the end, Anglo-Nubian goats are not a very good choice. Their exactingness breaks all barriers, and Russia is a difficult place for them to live. But if you are experienced, confident in yourself, no one forbids you to try, it is not harmful. The main thing to remember is what common problems may appear with their content, and how to solve them. Then everything will work out.

Anna Evans


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