Why Nubian goats are so valued in goat breeding

If you decide to get a goat or start breeding them, then by all means pay attention to the Nubian goat breed. The milk of these goats has the highest taste and often gets compared with everyone’s favorite ice cream, and is also recommended for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.


Nubian goats

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Exterior of the breed

The Nubian goat breed has a meat and dairy direction and is one of the most ancient. The breed originates in distant and hot Africa, to which it owes its name, Nubian – from the Sudanese desert of Nubia. But already at the beginning of the 1955th century, the first representatives of the Nubians were in America, in 21 – already in Australia, and at the beginning of the XNUMXst century – in Russia.

Representatives of the Anglo-Nubian goats have a nose with a Roman profile and long ears, which makes their external data unique, and the description of the breed is extremely accurate. Even in the photo you can easily distinguish this breed from other representatives. What other features of the exterior of the Anglo-Nubian goat:

  • Growth. The Nubian goat breed is quite strongly built, when measuring the height at the withers, growth indicators are often above 90 centimeters.
  • Weight. The Nubian goat is a large animal, an adult individual weighs on average from 80 to 120 kg, the weight depends on the diet.
  • Torso. Elongated and narrow; the neck is long, with a thick transverse beard.
  • Horns. They are not a special sign, the animal can be polled or have horns, but goats are more often with horns.
  • Wool cover. The coat has several shades: from black to brown, from snow-white to bay. Particularly successful is the spotted color.
  • Udder. Since the breed has a milky orientation, the organ is large with elongated nipples.

Productivity of the breed

After their extraordinary appearance, Nubian goats are famous all over the world for the quality of their milk. Due to the considerable fat content of the product – from 5 to 8%, and 4% protein content, Nubian goat milk is extremely useful. Milk is absolutely devoid of an unpleasant odor, and its taste is a bit sweet and reminds everyone of the taste of ice cream familiar from childhood. Milk is indicated for diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, and is also indispensable for allergy sufferers with an allergic reaction to cow’s milk containing lactose.

All over the world, the milk of this breed is used in cheese making. The resulting cheese product is rightfully considered one of the healthiest and most dietary products, since the content of saturated fats in it is minimal.

It should be said that in terms of productivity, the Nubian goats still lose to their main competitors, the Saanen goats. Their indicators rarely exceed 3-4 liters of milk per day and 850-1250 liters for the entire lactation period. The amount of milk produced increases with each new round.

But if your goal is record milk yields from the Nubian goat, you should know that without giving the animal sufficient care and the necessary diet, it is simply impossible to achieve this. Representatives of this breed are too dependent on external factors and require maximum attention in relation to themselves. It is worth excluding at least one trace element important for the Nubian goat from its usual diet, its milk yield indicators will immediately go down.

It should also be said about the fertility of the representatives of the Nubian breed, a goat can bring up to 3 kids twice a year. In conclusion, it should be noted that goat meat is especially tender and tasty, especially if the animal is fully fed.

Features of the character of the Nubian goat

Any goat breeder, when answering the question of what the Nubian breed is famous for, will not least talk about its temperament. The Nubians differ from their counterparts in their extreme restlessness, tough temper and donkey stubbornness. Due to these qualities, it is not recommended to bring a Nubian goat into homes with small children and be careful when in contact with the animal.

Portrait of Nubian goats in a pasture

However, for all the nasty character, the animal is very attached to a person and perceives him as his leader. Goats must be kept strict so that their temper does not become an obstacle in caring for them. Animals will feel better if there are no representatives of other breeds in their herd, otherwise their small horns will be used.

Pet care

If we analyze the features of caring for this breed, then it is impossible to say unequivocally whether it is problematic. On the one hand, Nubias are undemanding in care and in matters of feeding, they are absolutely devoid of an unpleasant smell. But, at the same time, to maintain good milk flow, her diet must be complete and varied, you must ensure that the animal receives all the necessary nutrients.

On the other hand, the animal is extremely difficult to adapt to European climatic conditions, as it does not tolerate cold harsh winters. But experienced breeders claim that already in the second or third generation, the acclimatization of the animal takes place and the winter period passes for the animal with less stress.

The prevalence of the breed in Russia

For the first time, the Nubian goat came to the territory of the Russian Federation not so long ago, at the beginning of the 21st century. Of course, due to the unsuitable climate, you will not find a purebred Nubia in every Russian city. But, nevertheless, in the southern regions of Russia, in the Moscow, Samara and Tver regions, they are successfully breeding it.

Most often, these are private farms in which goats, goats or young goats of the Nubian breed are grown for sale. Numerous reviews of the owners of Nubian goats will help you decide which farm to buy a goat from. One of the most famous Nubian goat breeders in Russia is Tatyana Belyaeva from Moscow. It is her goats that are distinguished by their crystal pedigree and excellent productivity. And the forum she created, saturated with photos and videos, is regularly visited by thousands of users – people who maintain entire nurseries with Nubian goats, and those who have only one goat on the farm.

The only obstacle to the purchase will be the considerable price of Nubia. The minimum cost of one animal is 4 thousand rubles, and the maximum reaches 300 thousand. This difference in prices is due to several reasons, namely:

  • The purity of the breed
  • The age of the animal
  • Productivity indicators

Remember that in addition to milk, having bought a Nubian goat, you acquire a new family member in her person and take responsibility for her. If you provide her with proper care, then the animal will not remain in debt, and will give you liters of fresh milk.

Anna Evans


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