Features of growing white eggplant

Until recently, white-skinned eggplants were surprising and were considered rather exotic vegetables. But now they have firmly settled in the beds and even pushed their …

Why do eggplant leaves turn yellow?

It’s no secret that eggplants love heat very much. The abundance of sunlight gives them enough resource so that the shoots are juicy, the leaves …

Plants dangerous for pets

Plants that are dangerous to humans can also be harmful to pets. This applies to cats, dogs, birds, guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters – that is, …

Eggplant – a balm to the heart

Eggplant comes from Southeast Asia, so it loves hot subtropical and tropical climates. Already more than 1500 years ago, eggplant was cultivated and grown in …

Eggplant – for growth

The conquest of Europe by eggplant began in the 16th century. And since then it has undergone many changes. Breeders have tried and are trying, …

Proper winter storage of seeds

Autumn work completed. The garden is ready for next season. It is time to prepare for spring work, growing seedlings, sowing early crops in open …

Growing eggplant seedlings

Eggplant is always associated with a purple color and an oblong fruit. But recently, breeders have been offering such an abundance of varieties and hybrids, …

Hardening of seedlings

The seedling method of growing vegetables and other garden crops is associated with our climatic conditions. In the vast majority of regions of the Russian …

The main mistakes when growing seedlings

Growing seedlings of any vegetable crop is a rather complicated process that requires your attention and care. Therefore, before trying to grow seedlings on your …

Why are seedlings growing?

The seedling period for gardeners is always pleasant chores: it is necessary to prepare the seeds for sowing, prepare the soil, containers for seedlings, illumination …

Why do seedling leaves curl?

Every summer resident knows how insulting it is when, with great care, the sown seedlings, with friendly shoots, rose and started to grow, and then, …

Eggplant – a longevity vegetable

In the south, eggplant is the “king” of cottages and vegetable gardens. In the middle lane, vegetable growers are increasingly introducing eggplant as one of …