Breeds of pigs for meat production

Modern breeds of meat pigs are the result of many years of breeding work. Their main feature is a high proportion of pork and a minimum percentage of fat in the carcass. Moreover, due to the popularity of pork meat on the market, more and more breeders are switching to breeding just such breeds.

Meat breed of pigs

Characteristics and types of breed

All meat pigs are distinguished by a high percentage of meat yield from the total live weight of animals. This indicator varies on average in different breeds from 55% to 68%. For comparison, it should be noted that meat-fat (universal) breeds of pigs are distinguished by a more even ratio of fat and meat. The percentage of meat product they rarely reach 53%. Of course, the type of fattening also plays a big role in this case. After all, only specialized meat fattening of pigs allows reaching the maximum values ​​of potential productivity.

Most meat-oriented breeds also suggest general features of the constitution of animals. These include:

  • developed muscle mass;
  • more voluminous and fleshy back of the body, in comparison with the front;
  • relatively small chest;
  • barrel-shaped abdominal and flanks;
  • small head.

But, there are a number of specific features that distinguish each specific breed.


This variety of meat pigs was bred in America. The progenitors of this breed line are red guinea pigs and English berkshire. A little later, Portuguese and Spanish native varieties were also used in breeding. At the state level, registration was implemented in 1883.

Pig Duroc

Pig Duroc

Among other breeds, this one is distinguished, first of all, by its expressive appearance. It has the following features:

  • the prevailing color is red, more often in dark shades, but there are also almost golden individuals;
  • strong limbs with a developed ham;
  • slightly arched back;
  • wide large ears that can hang over the eyes;
  • moderately developed hairline;
  • body length in females is 1,8 m, in males – 1,9 m.

Pigs are characterized by low fertility. An average of 9 cubs are born at a time. At the same time, piglets of this meat breed quickly gain weight. They are characterized by a daily weight gain of 950 g. The mass of a sexually mature individual can reach 300-360 kg. At the same time, the meat productivity of pigs is about 58-70%.

Reference. In animals, calm, phlegmatic behavior prevails. They do not come into conflict with other members of the herd, and they rarely show aggressiveness.


Pietrain pigs originated in Belgium. Belgian breeders took the Berkshire and Large White pigs as starting material, after which the new variety developed for some time in closed private farms.

In terms of their size, adults are hardly champions. Even high-quality meat fattening of Pietrain pigs allows females to reach only 240 kg. Males can grow up to 260 kg. The average daily weight gain is approximately 750 g.

Representatives of this breed line do not differ in precocity. Up to a weight of 100 kg, they grow only in 8 months. The uterus brings about 8-12 piglets per farrow.

Pietrain Pigs

Pietrain Pigs

Outwardly, such animals look quite downed, muscular. Particularly developed ham and loin. Pigs are black and white. The main difference of the breed is a high (up to 70%) meat yield, in which there is practically no fat layer. In addition, it has good taste.


The progenitors of Hampshire pigs are from England. They were actively bred in the county of Hampshire. But the breed received full development to today’s standards only after moving to the USA in 1825. Immediately after that, it was crossed with some local varieties, which increased the yield of meat.

Hampshire pigs are bacon pigs. Its characteristic features are:

  • black color with a white “belt” passing along the line of the shoulder blades;
  • small elongated body;
  • strong short legs;
  • light head with straight ears.

The meat productivity of pigs from the USA stands out quite strongly against the background of other breeds. As a rule, the weight of females does not exceed 250 kg. For males, the weight limit is 310 kg. The meat has a good taste, tenderness and a thin fat layer.

The main advantages of this breed are fast acclimatization in any conditions and resistance to many common livestock diseases. Fertility in such animals is average. A sow leads from 8 to 12 heads in one litter. Moreover, the female of the female has a well-developed sense of motherhood, contributes to their survival and rapid growth. Meat Hampshire piglets with proper feeding are able to gain up to 1 kg of weight per day.


Tamworth is a native of the UK. The breed was bred on the basis of Staffordshire black and red pigs, which have long been bred on these lands. Officially, the breed line with all the relevant features was registered in 1920.

Tamworth by type of meat products refers to bacon varieties. Animals are not whimsical to the diet. They feel good in cold regions, they are distinguished by strong immunity. According to their behavior, they are calm and sociable breeds. Suitable for keeping with other livestock.

Pig Tamworth

Pig Tamworth

The color varies from red to golden. Less common are representatives with a dark red color. The body is strong, knocked down, does not exceed 1,5 m in length. A small head smoothly passes into a wide neck. The limbs are massive, but short.

The fertility of Tamworth sows is 6-10 piglets per litter. The young are growing fast. By 7 months, the weight of a piglet can reach 110 kg. The taste of pork of this breed is especially appreciated.

Vietnamese potbelly

It is generally accepted among the people that the meat breeds of pigs must be massive and overall. But, neither one nor the other characteristic in any way relates to the Vietnamese bellied variety. These animals have been bred for many years throughout Southeast Asia. At the same time, the name of the breed was fixed due to the fact that it was from Vietnam in 1985 that they were first brought to Europe and Canada. Subsequently, they spread almost all over the world.

Usually the weight of an adult bellied pig does not exceed 80 kg. With a longer content, the weight of the animal can reach 150 kg. But, the main advantage of the breed is not a large amount of meat, but its quality. It is very juicy, with a minimum amount of fat and is considered a delicacy.

The features of the appearance of the vislobelly include the following signs:

  • black color in several shades;
  • saggy belly;
  • short limbs;
  • the body is strongly built, noticeably expanded in the dorsal region;
  • the front of the muzzle is flattened.

The advantages of the breed that made it popular include:

  • Large offspring. A female can bring up to 20 cubs at a time. At the same time, the mother herself raises offspring, which makes it easier to care for him.
  • Rapid puberty. Pigs are ready for sexual hunting already at the age of 4 months.
  • Strong immunity to most diseases that affect pigs.
  • High cleanliness. The genetically laid down division of zones into “toilet” and “bedroom” greatly simplifies the cleaning of the pigsty.

vietnamese bellied pig

vietnamese bellied pig

The Don

This meat breed was bred in Russia at the end of the 20th century. Animals quickly acclimatize in the cold regions of the country. Outwardly, the animal looks quite compact. The weight of the sow reaches no more than 230 kg. A boar can grow up to 320 kg. At the same time, there is a pronounced musculature, the massiveness of the back, including the ham. The head is small with long drooping ears covering the eyes. The color ranges from white to red. There are black spots on the skin.

The fertility of the Don breed is high. The uterus is able to bring up to 10 babies in one farrow. And they are fast growing. The advantages of the variety also include a strong immune system that protects the animal from many diseases, and a peaceful character.


This meat variety of pigs was formed in Siberia, in the Kemerovo region. Berkshire, Large White and Siberian northern pigs were chosen as the basis for it. But, the resulting hybrid was more of a meat-fat type, so the breeders continued their work and supplemented the source material with representatives of the Landrace breed. This made it possible to obtain a second breed line, which is already a representative of the meat category.

The features of the appearance of animals include:

  • black color of the skin, with pronounced white spots on the muzzle and on the legs;
  • strong fleshy body with the correct proportions, with a sternum. The length of the carcass can reach 180 cm;
  • limbs are powerful with large hams;
  • thick bristles, mostly black, grow over the skin.

Adult Kemerovo pigs are distinguished by a rather large mass. In females, it reaches 250 kg, in boars, on average, it is 330-350 kg. At the same time, the meat productivity of the animal is 55-60%. The advantages of Kemerovo pigs also include high fertility and precocity. In one litter, most often from 10 to 11 piglets. In 6 months, they reach a mass of 0,1 tons. In addition, it is worth noting that this variety is highly resistant to frost and calmly tolerates proximity to other animals.

Kemerovo breed

Kemerovo breed

Large black

Officially, a large black pig was registered in 1899 in England. The breeding of this meat breed was carried out by breeders from Cornwall. In the course of selection, representatives of local productive breeds were taken as a basis. They were crossed with black Chinese individuals.

As the name implies, the skin color of animals is black. The mass of a mature individual is 250 kg (female) or 330-350 kg (male). The body length of the animal is 160-173 cm. In addition to the external elongation of the body, the following are also distinguished:

  • small head with hanging ears;
  • a flat, wide back with well-defined muscles;
  • broad chest and barrel-shaped sides;
  • well-executed hams, characterized by massiveness and rounded shape;
  • thin black bristles grow on the skin.

The total percentage of meat in the carcass is about 50%. The offspring does not exceed 9-11 babies per litter. The mass of 1 centner young growth is gaining in 6 months. The weight gain per day is at least 700 g. The sow is attentive to the offspring and is constantly with him.

It is worth noting that this kind of animal is accustomed to the climate of warm regions and is accustomed to pasture breeding. But, with improper feeding and non-compliance with the walking regime, she quickly gains excess fat.


The Urzhum breed line began to develop from the middle of the 20th century. She was bred in the Kirov region (Urzhum) on the basis of local breeds and representatives of the breed of large whites. The bred individuals grew rather quickly, spent food economically and were distinguished by good weight.

Urzhum breed line

Urzhum breed line

Due to the fact that the varieties grown in the northern regions were the basis, the resulting individuals are highly resistant to cold. In addition, they are calm and balanced, well accustomed to grazing. The constitution of animals differs in the following points:

  1. A strong massive body, the length of which reaches 170-180 cm.
  2. The skeleton is knocked down, it is distinguished by a certain roughness.
  3. The thoracic region is relatively small.
  4. The abdominal region and the back are more developed and are distinguished by a special volume. The dorsal region is long with a wide sacrum.
  5. The legs are large and strong, they are distinguished by massive muscles. The ham reaches almost to the jumping joint. The hooves are strong.
  6. A long white bristle grows over the skin.

Urzhum breed representatives are quite productive. The weight of an individual can reach 250-350 kg. The yield of meat from such a carcass, depending on feeding, is from 53-55%. Salo takes 35%. The resulting pork is of the bacon type.

The fertility of the uterus is 11-13 piglets. She raises offspring for the most part herself.


Landras is from Denmark. It is the result of a cross between a large white pig and Danish varieties. From the resulting offspring, the fastest growing, largest and healthiest piglets were selected, which were subjected to further selection. As a result, it was possible to obtain a high-quality meat breed, which is distinguished by:

  • pinkish skin tone;
  • narrow chest, straight massive back;
  • massive limbs;
  • the body as a whole is folded proportionally, differs in length up to 2 m.

Breed Landrace

Breed Landrace

The weight of sows of this breed variety is up to 250 kg. Males can grow up to 300 kg or more. Piglets gain at least 700 g of weight per day. Landrace is considered one of the most valuable breeds for the quality of bacon. An animal gains weight of 100 kg within 6 months from birth.

Sufficiently high rates in the breed and in terms of fertility. One litter can include more than 12 babies. Moreover, the uterus especially carefully monitors its offspring.


Due to the high cost of pork and its demand from the consumer, breeding meat breeds of pigs can become an extremely profitable business. Home breeding of such animals is also highly profitable to satisfy personal needs for pork meat. But in any case, it is worth remembering that the sense from each breed, including meat, can be obtained only if the correct diet and conditions for keeping animals are observed.

Anna Evans


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