Blue daisy in the garden (Felicia amelloides)

Now that summer is ending, in the middle of autumn and winter looming, we take to talking about blue daisies (Felicia amelloides). That’s right, blue, very colorful and with abundant blooming peeeeero, not now. We will look forward to next spring. It is only to be contrary but here you have it and we will tell you its characteristics.

The endless family of Asteraceae

If someone looks out into your garden and says: That’s an asteraceous! … and you will think: This is a connoisseur … but he is still playing it and he may even be right. It is a huge family. It consists of tens of thousands of species and together with the rosaceae they form one of the largest groups of plants. So between asteracea and rosacea you almost certainly hit the mark.

The same sounds more to you if I say family of the compounds. Is the same. Composites are plants that are classified according to their inflorescence (among other things) and one of the best known if not the most is …… indeed: the daisy. The “daisy-like” flower is an asteraceous. In reality, that yellow center is many flowers arranged in a floral chapter and the white petals (in the case of the daisy) are the bracts of the flower. Another example of a flower organized in very common chapters and that you will surely know is … Sunflower!. Another example of Asteracea is lettuce. And you may wonder… What is the lettuce flower like? As you can see, it has more or less the same configuration in its inflorescence.


Inflorescence of a lettuce (Asterácea)

The flower of the Felicia amelloides

La Felicia amelloides, as you can see in the cover photo, it has exactly this inflorescence shape. The flowers do not exceed 5cm. The flowering period occupies the end of spring, the whole summer and part of the fall. Well cared for, we will have blue daisies for a good part of the year. Let’s talk a little more about it and its conditions.

Some types of blue daisy belong to the group of comestible flowers and they are used to decorate cakes and desserts due to their intense color.

We already know the flower, but what characteristics does the vegetative part have?

It has a bushy bearing, we would say that it is almost creeping but in reality it is not. Of course, when it is good, it covers large areas of the ground. It is a very dense species. It has an approximate height that barely reaches half a meter. Its edaphoclimatic characteristics, as we will now see, allow it to be a very interesting option in areas of garden edges, flower beds and it is even very appropriate for rock gardens. 



What conditions do we need to grow the blue daisy? 


Here comes the catch. It does not withstand too low temperatures and is often cultivated as an ornamental of annual character. If the winter temperatures drop between 0 and -5 or below for long periods of time you will not stand it. So the typical cold winters of continental climate will kill it. Either we leave it indoors or we will have to reseed the following spring. It is actually a perennial plant because in warm and temperate areas it is maintained throughout the year.


La Felicia amelloides needs a very well drained soil. Tolerates poor and calcareous soils. This does not mean that we should put this soil. If it we enrich in organic matter and we give it fertility, the plant will respond much better and its flowering will be greater.


Excess water will kill the blue daisy. Hence you need a good drainage in the soil. It resists drought but that does not mean we should neglect it. An optimal dose of water with a fertile soil and a minimum pruning of the tips in spring are the 3 basic things that will provide us with a good flowering.

In addition, it is resistant to drought and it will be better to sin by default than by excess water as in many of the plants we are talking about.


Through seed it will be possible to do at the end of winter although protected especially in cold areas due to the high probability of low temperatures on specific days. In areas with temperate or warm climates that allow it to be kept outdoors, we can divide the bush or cutting in spring or autumn without problem.

Cover photo: Bob Benson

Anna Evans


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