A favorite among the giants – how do professionals and amateurs characterize the tomato variety “King of Siberia”?

Tomato “King of Siberia” – a plant with a small number of leaves and a bush height of up to 150-180 cm. Large fleshy fruits of a heart-shaped, slightly flattened shape weigh from 400 to 800 grams. The water content in them is low, the amount of dry matter is not less than 3-5%. By type of bush, the plant is indeterminate, that is, the shoot has unlimited growth.Tomatoes on the branch King of Siberia

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety “King of Siberia”

Ripe fruits have a bright, golden yellow color, have from 7 to 9 chambers.

According to the description, this tomato belongs to mid-season varieties. The first harvest is possible already 115-125 days after emergence.

Tomatoes are very tasty, sweet. The sugar content is higher than that of other varieties of tomatoes.

Variety “King of Siberia” has a high yield. Subject to agrotechnical recommendations, up to 5 kg are harvested from each bush, and up to 1 kg of tomatoes from 15 mΒ².

Variety varieties and their differences

The seeds of the “King of Siberia” are found on sale under various trademarks sold by well-known agricultural firms:

  • Seeds of Altai offers indeterminate tomatoes with regular leaves and large yellow fruits.
  • ‘Aelita’ produces seeds of a tall plant with large leaves and heart-shaped yellow-orange fruits.
  • Siberian Garden offers gardeners a determinate variety of tomatoes up to 150 cm high, with ordinary leaves and very large orange fruits.

Similar varieties

Other varieties of tomatoes that are suitable for the conditions of the north and have similar characteristics include:

  • “Ultra-early”,
  • “Siberian heavyweight”
  • “Demidov”
  • “Abakan pink”,
  • Alsu,
  • “Siberian precocious”.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this tomato culture are:

  • unpretentiousness to the composition of the soil,
  • resistance to pests and diseases,
  • bountiful harvest,
  • excellent taste,
  • possibility of application in various climatic zones,
  • long shelf life of fruits,
  • good tolerance when transporting tomatoes.

Available disadvantages of the variety:

  • the need for abundant regular watering;
  • require a special cultivation technique – using special props;
  • suitable for fresh consumption only.Large tomato variety King of Siberia

Growing conditions for tomatoes

“King of Siberia” is a variety that is suitable both for open ground and for planting in a greenhouse. For central Russia, as well as Siberia, the Urals and the Far East, the greenhouse option is preferable. In the conditions of the north, already in the first half of March, they begin sowing seeds for seedlings. The following growing conditions are required:

  1. The soil is prepared by cultivating the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, ramming and leaving it warm overnight.
  2. When planting, it is necessary to mulch the top layer with centimeter-high peat and spray it with warm water.
  3. Before germination, the seeds must be covered with a film and left at a temperature of at least 25ΒΊ.
  4. When sprouts appear, the film is removed, the plants are rearranged in a well-lit place, for example, on a windowsill.
  5. It is recommended to keep the sprouts during the first week at temperatures up to 15ΒΊ.
  6. Further growth of seedlings occurs at room temperature, the absence of drafts and timely watering.
  7. When forming two true leaves, a pick is carried out.
  8. 10 days before planting in the soil, it is advisable to start hardening the plants.

Planting seedlings of the “King of Siberia” is carried out in mid-May under a film or in early June – in open ground. At this time, the plant should have at least 5-7 leaves and, preferably, a flower brush. Often gardeners note that seedlings begin to bloom even before planting in the soil.

The optimal planting scheme for the “King of Siberia” is the location of the bushes at a distance of at least half a meter.

Features of growing tomatoes of the variety “King of Siberia”

For this type of plant, diving, pinching and garter are indispensable conditions for obtaining a good harvest.

Picking is done at the seedling stage in the phase of two true leaves.

The bush is formed into 1-2 stems, while the second stem is obtained from the stepchild, formed under the very first brush. Without waiting for the outgrowth of the remaining stepchildren, they are removed in a timely manner.

For tomatoes of the “King of Siberia” variety, tying is mandatory, since the plant is quite tall. During the formation and ripening of fruits of impressive size, special attention should be paid to props.Cutaway tomato King of Siberia

Bushes need to be fed with complex mineral water-soluble fertilizers 2-3 times during the growing season.

Tomato “King of Siberia” requires watering several times a week with warm water in the evening, as well as timely weeding and loosening the soil.

Diseases and pests: prevention and control methods

The plant of this variety is immune to alternariosis, cladosporiosis, late blight. Disease resistance makes it possible to obtain environmentally friendly tomatoes, since there is no need for regular treatment of plants with chemicals.

Tomatoes of the “King of Siberia” variety can be invaded by pests:

  • spider mite,
  • greenhouse whitefly.

A soapy solution helps to cope with the spider mite, which is used to treat the affected parts of the plant until the pest is completely defeated. When tomatoes are affected by a greenhouse whitefly, the bush is treated with the Confidor preparation at the rate of 1 ml per 10 liters of water.

Variety “King of Siberia” is subject to brown spotting. They fight it with the help of the drugs “Barrier” and “Barrier” or use a folk remedy – a garlic solution.

Prevention of the disease consists in observing the light regime and maintaining optimal humidity.


Tomatoes of the “King of Siberia” variety are best consumed fresh, in the preparation of salads, as well as first and second courses. Such fruits are ideal for dietary nutrition and feeding children, due to the high content of vitamins and beta-carotene. These tomatoes are not recommended for juicing due to the low water content in the fruit.

It is also inconvenient to use them for conservation, since the tomatoes of this variety are large.

Tomato “King of Siberia” is fully consistent with its loud name. Thanks to its unique characteristics, this variety occupies one of the leading positions among tomatoes grown by experienced gardeners in our country.

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Anna Evans


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