Vitamins for sheep

The health of sheep depends on the quality of their diet. In autumn and winter, when the food supply is scarce, it is recommended to use vitamins for sheep and mineral supplements. They will help to avoid beriberi, strengthen the body’s resistance to pathogenic bacteria and viruses. The article will talk about the signs of a lack of vitamins in sheep and introduce readers to drugs that help maintain the health of animals.

Sheep feeding

What vitamins do sheep need?

In the summer, the sheep get all the nutrients they need on the pasture. If they are supplemented at this time of the year, then with concentrates that contain protein. It is essential for muscle growth. Vitamins, micro- and macroelements are not given to adults in the summer season. In autumn and winter, when grass disappears on pastures, vegetables and root crops are introduced into the diet of animals to compensate for the lack of nutrients in the feed. But even this is not enough. For example, young lambs in the lactation period need vitamins to a greater extent than adults, and their diet is not as varied.

What vitamins do sheep of any age need:

  • A – retinol;
  • E – tocopherol;
  • D;
  • selenium;
  • Group B.

Consider how important these substances are for livestock health.

Avitaminosis A

The lack of retinol is dangerous for pregnant ewes. If the body of the female lacks this substance, the lamb may be born dead or weakened, unviable. Quite often, beriberi A leads to infertility and abortion, as well as to a delay in the placenta.

In males, a lack of retinol leads to a deterioration in the quality of sperm and disruption of the genitourinary system. In addition, in sheep of both sexes, the risk of developing skin diseases increases, and the wool becomes dull and brittle.

Vitamin E and selenium deficiency

This type of beriberi is dangerous for young animals. The lack of these substances causes a violation of metabolic processes. Due to the lack of tocopherol and selenium, lambs suffer from white muscle disease, the mortality rate of which reaches 50%. This disease leads to irreversible changes in the structure of the skeleton and heart muscle and destroys the nervous system.

Attention! In adult livestock, this type of beriberi causes sexual dysfunction, decreased fertility, abortion, and stillbirth.

Vitamin deficiency in lambs

Vitamin deficiency in lambs

Avitaminosis D

Vitamin D deficiency is especially dangerous for lambs, it causes rickets. This disease is characterized by symptoms:

  • growth retardation;
  • slow weight gain;
  • lethargy;
  • low degree of lamb mobility;
  • later the bones are bent.

In summer, when animals are often in the sun, the risk of developing rickets is minimal. However, young animals born in autumn or winter are at risk. To avoid the unpleasant consequences of beriberi, lambs are given fish oil or injected with vitamin D solutions.

Group B

It is believed that sheep do not need B vitamins, since they are synthesized by the intestinal microflora in sufficient quantities. This is exactly the case when it comes to adults. In little lambs, the digestive system is still imperfect, so the cubs need an additional source of vitamins belonging to group B.

Vitamin Deficiency Signs

If the lamb does not receive enough vitamins or micro- and macronutrients, it will show signs of a perverted appetite. Most often, such animals begin to eat the mother’s hair around the udder or gnaw the coat from their fellows.

Attention! Noticing this behavior in a lamb, the owner should immediately respond. Eating wool leads to the development of bradzot disease, which is often fatal.

Other signs of beriberi:

  • dull and sparse coat;
  • growth retardation;
  • stillbirth and abortion in females;
  • decrease in fertility rate.

List of drugs with vitamins

There are many veterinary preparations for the prevention and treatment of beriberi in sheep. Consider them:



  1. Tetravit. It contains retinol, vitamin D3, E and F. For prophylactic purposes, sheep are given 1-2 ml of the product once every 1-2 weeks.
  2. Nitamin. It contains ascorbic acid, tocopherol, retinol and vitamin D3. The dosage for sheep with intramuscular injection is 0,5-0,8 ml / 10 kg of weight. When administered orally, the dose is increased and given 1-1,25 ml / 10 kg of weight. For lambs, a different dosing scheme is used, because they have a higher need for vitamin supplements. Orally, the lamb is allowed to take 2-3 ml of the drug, if the drug is administered intramuscularly, then 1,5-2 ml of the drug per individual.
  3. Prodevit. This drug contains 3 components – retinol, tocopherol and D3. The agent is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously every 2-3 weeks at a dosage of 2-3 ml per individual.
  4. Kalfoset. The tool helps to compensate for the lack of calcium and magnesium in animals. It is injected under the skin or into a muscle with a syringe. Dosage for sheep – 15-25 ml.

Attention! We recommend talking to your veterinarian before starting any medication.

Mineral supplements for sheep

In addition to vitamins, sheep are also given mineral supplements. These animals need salt. The daily requirement for this substance in adults is 10 grams. Farmers recommend using Felucen lick salt in briquettes. She is placed in a feeder or other place. It is important that the animals feel comfortable licking the salt.

The composition of Felucen includes substances:

  • sodium chloride;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sulfur;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • iodine;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • cobalt.

Attention! If sheep have access to the mineral lick, salt should not be added to their food. Animals will lick as much as they need.

Mineral supplements help strengthen immunity, promote better digestion, proper formation of bone tissue in young animals, and stimulate reproductive function.

Sheep need vitamins and minerals, especially in winter, when their food supply is scarce. Receiving such top dressing, animals gain weight better, get sick less, breed well and give birth to healthy, viable offspring. Their productivity also increases: the wool becomes thicker and softer, it does not break, it shines in the sun.

Anna Evans


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