Scylla care how to grow at home

Bulbous plant scylla (Scilla) is a perennial and belongs to the lily family (Liliaceae). In nature, they can be found in the temperate regions of Asia, in Europe, in South and Central Africa. This plant is often used in ornamental gardening. These plants are winter hardy and, as a rule, are grown outdoors or grown for distillation. But there are varieties that are afraid of frost, and they are grown only at home.

This plant differs from most other bulbous plants in that its internodes are slightly elongated, and the stem is quite long-lived, and as it grows, it becomes a thin rhizome, on which bulbs are located in large numbers. Flowers can be pink, blue, and sometimes white.

Basic views

Scilla peruviana

Scylla care how to grow at home

Scylla care how to grow at home

This bulbous plant is a perennial. His onion is quite large. Shiny, finely ciliated leaves along the edge are part of the rosettes and have a dark green color. The star-shaped flowers are painted in a dark blue color.

The most popular varieties are:

Scylla care how to grow at home

Scylla care how to grow at home

  • “Albida” – the color of the flowers is light blue;
  • “Alba” – white flowers.

Scylla violet (Scilla violacea)

Or public ledeburia (Ledebouria socialis) – the height of this evergreen bulbous plant, which is a perennial, can be equal to 15–20 centimeters. A glossy, purple-colored bulb, as a rule, protrudes above the surface of the soil. The bulbs have many side shoots, as a result of which a whole group can form in a short time. Lanceolate short-petiolate leaf plates have a spectacular color. In length, they can reach from 3 to 5 centimeters, and in width – from 1,5 to 2 centimeters. Their lower surface is painted in an intense purple or green color (depending on the variety), and on the upper surface, on a silvery background, there are dark green transversely located specks. Paniculate inflorescences bear 10–20 pieces of light green flowers with purple anthers.

Scylla care at home

Scylla care how to grow at home

Scylla care how to grow at home


Rather bright lighting is needed. However, in the summer it will need to be protected from the scorching midday direct rays of the sun.

Temperature conditions

In spring and summer, the plant prefers temperatures from 22 to 25 degrees most of all. From the beginning of the autumn period, the air temperature should be gradually reduced. In winter, it needs coolness (from 10 to 12 degrees), but if the wintering is warm, then the shoots of the scilla will become very elongated.


It feels quite comfortable with low air humidity and should not be additionally humidified. For hygienic purposes, the sheet plates should be regularly wiped with a damp sponge.

How to water

Scylla care how to grow at home

Scylla care how to grow at home

In the spring and summer, watering should be moderate, which will help prevent the formation of bulb and root rot. In winter, watering should be reduced, especially during cold wintering, but make sure that the foliage does not fall off. Watering should be done with well-settled, soft water at room temperature.

Additional fertilizing

Top dressing is carried out in the spring and summer 1 time in 2 weeks and for this, fertilizer is used for succulents. In the autumn period they feed less often, and in winter it is forbidden to apply fertilizers to the soil.

Transplant Features

The transplant is carried out only if necessary, after the onion becomes cramped in the pot. During planting, the bulb must be buried by a third into the substrate. Loose soil should allow air to pass through well. To prepare the soil mixture, you need to combine 1 part of humus and 2 parts of leaf land. Purchased succulent soil is suitable for planting. Don’t forget to make a good drainage layer at the bottom of the container.

Methods of reproduction

Scylla care how to grow at home

Scylla care how to grow at home

For reproduction, as a rule, daughter bulbs are used. They can be detached whenever necessary, regardless of the season. It should be remembered that the roots will gradually appear in the bulbs that do not have a root system. In the case when the bulb stops growing and this lasts from 4 to 8 weeks, it is at this time that the roots grow. To accelerate root formation, it is recommended to place the plant in a warm (20 to 25 degrees) well-lit place. Watering should be done in moderation. When the leaves are formed, you need to start watering harder.

Pests and diseases

Scales and aphids can settle on the plant. It can get sick and even die due to an oversized flowerpot, excessive watering, or peat soil. If you take care of the plant correctly, then it is resistant to diseases and pests.

Possible difficulties

  • Faded leaves become elongated, like internodes – poor lighting.
  • Foliage falling – poor watering.
  • Root or bulbous rot ― Excessive watering.

Anna Evans


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