Karabair horse breed

The Karabair horse breed was bred in sunny Uzbekistan. Its name comes from two words that exactly characterize horses – “korb” literally means “horse”, and “bagir” – camel. Representatives of this breed line are as hardy and unpretentious as two-humped desert wanderers.

Karabair horse

Historical information about the breed

The ancestors of the Karabair horse are horses that inhabited the territory of Central Asia 2-2,5 thousand years ago. The Uzbeks used them under packs and for riding. Later, local mares were crossed with stallions of riding breeds delivered from Persia and Turkey. Then the breed underwent changes and was improved due to the influx of Arab blood. She was also influenced by Turkmen stallions.

The Uzbeks tested their horses for agility and endurance, competing in the equestrian game of cop-car. The winners of local competitions were considered the best, they were used to reproduce and improve the racing characteristics of the breed.

Karabair horses were kept on pastures all year round, therefore they are well adapted to local climatic conditions. They easily endure the heat, work tirelessly, being content with pasture. A hardy and hardy horse quickly gained popularity. At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, it was already in great demand in Central Asia.

Today this breed is bred mainly in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Breeding work is carried out at several private stud farms and state stables. In recent decades, this line has not been fused with other bloodlines, except that breeders use purebred English stallions to improve riding qualities.


The breed of Karabair horses is heterogeneous; individuals of both riding and harness types are found in it. Consider the main characteristics of the exterior of animals:

  • the average height of a stallion rarely reaches 1,6 m, more often this figure varies between 1,45–1,57 m;
  • the head is small, rather dry with soft outlines;
  • movable auricles of medium size are set wide;
  • the neck is massive, straight, trapezoidal, in some individuals the Adam’s apple is developed;
  • withers small;
  • the back is wide, short, the shoulder blades are steep;
  • chest girth is 1,7–1,8 m;
  • croup of medium size, rounded;
  • the limbs are sinewy, dry with strong small hooves;
  • common colors are gray, bay, red and black individuals are less common.

Horse breed Karabair

Horse breed Karabair

Advantages of the breed

At home, these horses are highly valued for their endurance and unpretentiousness. They are well adapted to the Central Asian climate and are undemanding to the food supply. Animals have strong immune systems. Representatives of the Karabair breed deftly move with a load along mountainous paths and quickly restore strength after hard work or long journeys. Another feature that is also an advantage of horses is the ability to move in a special gait that is comfortable for the rider.

Attention! Karabair horses are pacers. They are characterized by a special type of gait, thanks to which it is convenient for the rider to overcome long distances on horseback. Yurga, as this run is called, is a cross between a walk and a trot. The amble speed is 9 km/h.

The advantages of Karabair horses include their versatility. These animals are good both under a pack and under a saddle. The horses of this breed are very strong, this is evidenced by the indicators in the tests. For example, one stallion demonstrated remarkable power and agility, moving along steep mountain paths with a cart in which there were 15 people, and the owner of the horse was riding on it.

Distribution and use

Today, the pedigree line of Karabair horses is bred in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The climatic conditions of these republics are familiar to animals. Local residents use horses in agricultural work, for transporting small loads and for riding. Also in Central Asia, productive horse breeding is well developed. Horses are bred for milk and meat.

Reference. Karabair mares are distinguished by high milk production.

Representatives of this breed line are often used in equestrian sports. They perform especially well in long-distance races, as well as steeple chase. Animals have a complaisant nature, willingly fulfill the requirements of the rider. In terms of agility, they are inferior to purebred breeds – Arabian, English riding and Akhal-Teke..

The Karabair horse is the pride of the Uzbeks. At home, horses are highly valued. In support of this, there is one legend, according to which the owner of the animal took the newborn foal into his own hands. The legend says that babies born in this way have wings, that is, their riding and racing qualities are more developed. Uzbeks surround their horses with care and attention. The breeders plan to improve the breed with a new portion of Arab blood.

Author: Olga Samoilova

Anna Evans


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