Hackne – history and characteristics of the breed

Hackney is a breed of draft horse that was bred in England. Among other varieties, such animals are distinguished by a particularly high step, a graceful and smooth trot, as well as a calm but energetic character. The history of this breed line has more than one century, and to this day such horses are highly valued by horse breeders.

Hackne horse

History of the breed

The ancestors of the Hacknee breed line were English mares, which were bred in the county of Norfolk, and roadsters – Spanish stallions. As a result of selection, it was possible to bring out taut graceful horses, which were called Norfolk trotters.

In the course of further selection work, breeders focused on improving the speed and appearance of such living creatures. For this purpose, thoroughbred English horses were also used in the breeding process. The offspring received from such parents began to be called hackne. The first and one of the most famous representatives of the breed is the stallion Shales, who was born in 1760.

Having a Hackney stallion on the farm was considered very prestigious in England at that time. Animals were purchased for themselves by wealthy farmers, breeders, eminent participants in equestrian sports. The improvement of roads in the country further contributed to the popularity of such horses. Haknae were used exclusively as draft horses. The owners harnessed them to rich crews and often competed with each other during intercity trips.

At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, a certain number of such horses were delivered to America on ships. During this period, the breed became the main one when used in crews, and the number of its representatives was constantly growing.

The official name for all improved draft horses was assigned in 1883. The word “hacknee” has French roots and was originally translated as “horse pacer” or “horse fit for ladies.” With this designation, breeders tried to distinguish animals from the larger horses used by the knights.

Reference. In the course of selection, in addition to the main type of breed, pony-type horses were also bred. For this, the blood of the famous Welsh ponies was used. Animals of both types are recorded in one stud book.

Appearance and character

The physique of the representatives of the breed is graceful and dry. The growth of a pony at the withers usually does not exceed 146 cm. Ordinary trotters grow up to 145-164 cm. The features of the exterior of the animal include the following:

Appearance of the Hackney horse

Appearance of the Hackney horse

  • compact muscular body;
  • broad shoulders;
  • deep chest;
  • the back is slightly arched;
  • the elongated neck ends in a disproportionately small head with short ears;
  • short limbs with pronounced muscles, tendons and strong hooves of the correct form;
  • the tail is set high, the mane is short, sparse and with silky hair.

The color of the hacknee is most often dark brown. Red and bay color are less common.

The nature of such horses is generally docile, but not calm. They are friendly to other animals and people, amenable to training, easily endure long trips, but in some cases they still have bouts of irritability due to high energy. Ponies tend to have a calm and unflappable temperament.

Features of the breed

The Hacknee breed line is distinguished by a wide list of advantages. These include the following:

  • the horse does an excellent job with light single carriages;
  • when transporting large carriages, animals work harmoniously in a group and obediently follow the coachman’s commands;
  • horses are distinguished by a high graceful step, in which the hock joint rises almost to the head;
  • excellent physical shape, which is preserved in horses for several years.

Of the shortcomings of the pedigree line, it should be noted that the animal does not fit well under the saddle. The beautiful, graceful movements of a horse are suitable for riding in a harness, but under the saddle it moves rather slowly, which is why it is rarely used in this way. In addition, the unique pitch provides strong shaking and discomfort to the rider while riding.

It is also often emphasized that mares of this breed often show increased excitability and irritability. As a result, this introduces certain difficulties in working with animals.

Hackney horse

Hackney horse

In the process of breeding horses, they are rarely crossed with other breed lines. As a result of this mixing of blood, the original characteristics of horses often deteriorate. In rare cases, breeding with thoroughbred English horses is used, but only Hackney mares are used in the process.

Attention! In the stud book, the offspring from such a crossing is already noted as half-blooded.


The days when Hackne horses were widely used in carriage carriages have passed with the advent of the first cars. Since that time, the popularity of these animals has fallen significantly. Today, such horses are most often shown at various exhibitions. The large type is presented in a single or group harness. The ponies are shown to the audience on the occasion.

Miniature representatives of the variety are valued not only for their exclusive appearance. As with larger representatives, the height and grace of the step are taken into account, which the ponies perform just as well.

Hackney ponies are shown in several classes. Also at exhibitions they demonstrate two types of gait:

  1. Park lynx. The animal raises its limbs high, moves slowly and with a slight delay of the limb at the top point.
  2. Fast trot. The speed is greatly increased. Livestock moves to such a gait at the command of the observing judges.

Reference. There is no practical application today for such living creatures. They are also not used in sports racing and harness sports.


As already noted, the main reason for the strong interest in the breed was its unique high step, with which its representatives amaze the audience. To achieve a graceful trot from an animal, it must be provided with proper training and education.

Most of the classes are held for the horse in a certain stance. It assumes a slightly laid back hind legs and a raised head. Also at exhibitions, a high tail delivery is considered the norm, and in order to achieve it, a special harness is put on the horse.

Hackne horses are quite irritable and constantly require attention from the owner during classes, which is why the animals show the best results when the owner treats her carefully, with affection and care.

Hackney horses

Hackney horses

The horses that are assigned to the team also require a certain training. Stallions and mares that have already reached 4 years of age are allowed to it, and it should be decided in advance whether the animal will walk in a single or group harness. In the second case, pairs, fours and tandems are distinguished. Each of the listed species requires a careful selection of candidates, which is implemented on the basis of the behavior of horses, exterior moments and other features.

At one time, hackney horses were one of the most popular breed lines in England and America. Today, although the demand for such animals has subsided significantly, they are still highly valued by amateurs and professional breeders for their unique move with a high stance. To achieve a spectacular gait from such horses is possible only with the implementation of the proper training of the animal.

Anna Evans


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