Features of growing beets by seedling method

Growing beet seedlings is the most recommended way of cultivating this crop. It allows you to bring the harvest closer by 20-30 days, improve the quality and taste characteristics of the root crop. The whole process of cultivation does not cause difficulties, but requires attention and responsibility. How to grow seedlings and get a rich harvest will be described in the article below.

Selection and preparation of seeds

The end result of growing beets depends on the very initial stage – the choice of planting material and proper preparation, so take this seriously.

Determine the variety that is suitable for cultivation in your area of ​​​​residence. To do this, study the information on the packaging about zoning. If you make a mistake with the variety, then adverse natural conditions will not allow the beets to ripen, and the root crops will be unsuitable for human consumption.

In Siberia and the Urals, grow “Cold-resistant”, “Merchant”, “Ordinary Miracle”, in the Central region – “Mulatto”, “Bordeaux”, “Cylinder”, etc. The southern district allows you to cultivate almost any variety.

Seeds, especially if they were sold in bulk, obtained independently, or shared by a neighbor, need to be prepared for sowing. To do this, carry out the following activities:

  1. Calibration Sort out the planting material, leaving the largest and most intact specimens. To check the validity, pour them into a container of water and leave for 5-10 minutes. Feel free to discard the seeds that float to the surface – there will be no sense from them, there is no embryo inside, or it is badly damaged.
  2. Disinfection. Soak the seeds in a slightly pink manganese solution for 15-20 minutes. This time is enough to cope with the infection, but at the same time not burn the seed. Do not make the solution too saturated – chemical attack will spoil the seeds. After aging, drain the solution, replacing it with clean warm water. Hold the fruit in it for 4-5 hours.
    Instead of manganese, you can use a solution of “Fitosporin”, “Maxim”, “Vitaros”.
  3. Stimulation. Soak beet planting material in any growth stimulator for 4-6 hours. For this procedure, choose drugs that have several properties: anti-stress effect, immunomodulatory, stimulating. These effects are inherent in Ecogel, Epin-extra, Zircon, Novosil, etc.

Beet seeds in factory packaging do not need preparation. Most often they are already calibrated and treated with special disinfecting and stimulating compounds. You can immediately start sprouting or sowing.

After completing the key preparatory measures, dry the seedlings until the flow properties are restored. To shorten the germination period, beet seeds can be germinated. For this:

  1. Cover the saucer with cotton cloth or gauze in several layers.
  2. Wet the material and spread the seeds on the surface.
  3. Cover with a layer of material on top and moisten it well by spraying water with a spray bottle.
  4. Put the container in a warm place (20-22 degrees) and make sure that the fabric does not dry out.
  5. When the seeds hatch, you can plant them in glasses.

Terms of planting

The timing of sowing seeds depends on the region of cultivation. The further south the area, the earlier you can start sowing. To determine the day for sowing, from the planned date of planting seedlings in open ground, count 21-25 days ago.

Do not rush to sow. If the spring is cold, then it will be reckless to transfer the seedlings to a permanent place. From the impact of possible frosts, the beets do not grow, but in color. And it is impossible to keep overgrown seedlings in a container for more than 1,5 months.

On average, it is recommended to start sowing beets for seedlings no earlier than April in order to transfer them to open ground with the arrival of the May heat.

Soil requirements

Loose, non-acidic soils are preferred for beets. For sowing, purchase a special planting soil or cook it yourself. It is undesirable to simply take land from the garden – seedlings need healthy, safe and rich soil in composition. The soil from the garden contains weed seeds, possible bacteria and viruses. Its composition and acidity are questionable.

For self-preparation of soil for sowing beets, mix the following components:

  • peat – 2 parts;
  • humus or compost – 1 part;
  • turf – 1 part;
  • river sand – 0,5 parts;
  • wood ash – 1 part.

Mix the planting mixture well and sift through a sieve to remove large fractions. Disinfect the resulting soil using one of the following methods:

  • Ignite the soil in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 °C.
  • Steam the soil in a steamer system for an hour.
  • Spill with boiling water, giving time for the water to drain and the soil to dry.
  • Fill the mixture with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a solution based on Fitosporin.

All these actions are aimed at the destruction of fungal spores, pathogenic microorganisms and pest larvae, and the destruction of weed seeds.


Choosing a container for seedlings

For growing beet seedlings, plastic glasses from yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, cut PET containers, peat tablets and pots are suitable. It is better not to use wooden troughs due to complex disinfection, which means an increased risk of infection with mycosis or other fungal disease.

Planting containers must have a wall height of at least 10 cm and a drainage hole. Wash the container and treat with a manganese solution, then dry thoroughly.

Growing methods

Each gardener has his own ways of cultivating beet seedlings – time-tested, reliable. Consider the most popular of them.

warm bed

This method involves growing seedlings outdoors or in an unheated greenhouse. To get started, organize a warm bed:

  1. Dig a pit according to the planned dimensions and depth – 30-35 cm.
  2. Cover it halfway with manure, straw, rotted vegetation residues (compost).
  3. Pour a layer of soil on top of the organic matter so that the height of the bed is 35-40 cm. To maintain its shape, make a fence from a board, a picket fence from plastic bottles, and other materials.

Overheating of the lower layer will occur with the release of heat, which in turn will warm the soil layer. The height of the beds will protect the landing from the cold of the earth.

Sowing seeds:

  1. Make rows for seeds. If the soil is dense, heavy, then deepen by 15-20 mm; for light soil, the depth of the grooves should be 30-40 mm. Keep a distance of 25 cm between rows.
  2. Spread the seeds at a distance of 10-12 cm from each other.
  3. Backfill the rows, lightly tamping the ground.
  4. Water the planting.

At first, in order to avoid freezing the seedlings, cover the planting with a film. On warm days, leave the edge ajar so that young plants are ventilated and hardened. When the air temperature is set at 18-20 ° C, and at night above 7-10 ° C, you can plant beets in the main place.

in cups

Experienced summer residents prefer to grow beet seedlings in individual containers. This facilitates the care of plantings and less traumatizes young plants during transplantation. Especially effective cultivation in peat pots or tablets. Transfer of seedlings is carried out together with the container. Peat nutrients enter the root system of the crop even after transplanting into open ground.

Sowing work is reduced to the following points:

  1. Fill the glasses with soil, not reaching the surface of 1 cm.
  2. Spill the soil with melted or settled water at room temperature.
  3. Make a hole in the middle with a depth of 2,5-4 cm.
  4. Place 2-3 seedlings in the hole and cover them with earth.
  5. Moisten the soil using a sprayer.

In “snails”

The “snail” method of growing seedlings is gaining popularity. It is especially relevant when you need to save space and soil. The disadvantage of the method is the impossibility of cultivating young plants before transplanting into the ground. Seedlings need to dive.

Sowing seeds:

  1. Cut ribbons of polyethylene or other dense material 1 m long and 10-12 cm wide.
  2. Spread the bases on a flat surface, and spilling the ground on top, roll the ribbons into a roll. Tie them with string to keep their shape.
  3. Set the snails upright on a tray and gently pour warm water over them.
  4. Fill the rows with soil as needed.
  5. Spread the beet seeds along the earthen spiral grooves, deepening them into the soil. Leave a distance of 4-6 cm between copies.

The “snail” method can be used without the use of soil. Instead, toilet paper, folded in several layers and moistened, is suitable. At the same time, the seeds are laid out on it immediately, before the base is folded into a spiral.

Growing conditions

To get healthy beetroot seedlings, it must be looked after, maintaining conditions at an optimal level. Simple agrotechnical measures performed on time will allow young plants to strengthen their immunity, which means they quickly gain strength and grow during transplantation.


Sunlight is necessary for seedlings to grow properly. Expose the container with crops on the windowsill of the south side of the house. Daylight hours should not be shorter than 12-14 hours. In a long cloudy period, illuminate young crops using phytolamps or fluorescent lamps.

Beet seedling


Drought for beet seedlings is stressful, so do not let the soil dry out. Moisten the soil in time, while avoiding excess moisture. It causes rotting of the root system, stops the growth and development of young plants.

For irrigation, use melted or well water at room temperature. Chlorinated water can only be used after settling.


The optimum temperature for the germination of beet seeds is 18-21 °C. After the emergence of continuous shoots, reduce the temperature to 15-17 ° C.


Hardening increases the immunity of seedlings to the effects of environmental conditions (temperature difference, sun, wind, etc.), preparing it for planting in open ground. You need to start activities no earlier than 2 weeks before planting in the garden. Carry out the procedure gradually:

  • On the first day, lower the temperature in the room by 2-3 degrees.
  • For the next couple of days, leave the window ajar during the day, closing it at night.
  • For 4-5 days, leave the room for airing and at night. You can take out seedlings on a closed balcony.
  • A week after the start of hardening, take the container with young beets outside, if warm weather allows.
  • From day 10, you can no longer bring seedlings, but leave them on an open balcony or on the street.

Don’t rush when hardening. Do not change the conditions too abruptly – this may lead to the death of plants.


The number of beet dressings and their concentrated composition depend on the initial quality of the soil. The more valuable and richer the planting mixture, the less seedlings need additional nutrition.

The first dressing is applied no earlier than the formation of the first two leaves. At this stage, water the culture with chicken manure infusion or apply any complex fertilizer.

The second dressing is carried out after picking. Use complex fertilizer formulations containing additional elements – boron, copper, molybdenum. A good effect is the spilling of the surface of the soil with ash or dusting the plants with it.

A simple option for top dressing will be watering the plants with liquid fertilizers (Fertika, Weaving, Krepysh, etc.). Use them strictly according to the instructions. Remember that a surplus of trace elements is also negative for seedlings, as well as their deficiency.

When to dive seedlings?

Dive is the transfer of seedlings from a common container to separate containers or transplanting plants into a greenhouse. Planting planting material on the bed is not considered a pick. Such work is carried out at the stage of formation of cotyledon leaves. Dive allows:

  • optimal development of each instance of beet seedlings;
  • prevent tangling of plant roots;
  • make seedling care individual;
  • cull weak plants.

When diving beets, you do not need to shorten the root! It is enough to thin out the planting, leaving a distance of 7 cm between the specimens. If you plan to transplant torn plants, then remove them after watering, gently helping with a wooden stick.

Growing seedlings in a greenhouse

Growing seedling beet plants, as well as cultivating them at home, requires:

  • Preparation of beds and soil. Most often, warm beds are used in closed ground. The earth in them is enriched with nutrients gradually, but every 4-5 years the organic pillow needs to be changed. The quality of the soil before planting should be close to that required for beets: looseness, low acidity, rich composition.
  • Seed preparation. Selection of the best specimens, disinfection and soaking in stimulating compounds.
  • Sowing. Stick to the scheme: the distance between the seedlings is 5 cm, the row spacing is 12-15 cm.
  • thinning. Since several plants grow from the seed, you need to leave the strongest and healthiest, and remove or transplant the rest.
  • Agrotechnical measures and maintaining optimal conditions for growth and development. This includes loosening and weeding, watering beets, feeding, providing light and temperature conditions.

When the seedlings reach a height of 30-35 cm, and two pairs of true leaves are formed, it can be transplanted into open ground or left in the greenhouse until fully ripe. The greenhouse method does not require diving.

Transplanting beet seedlings in open ground

You can transplant seedlings to a permanent place as soon as 3-4 true leaves have formed on the plants and weather conditions allow. Stick to the following tips:

  • Choose the right place – it should be a sunny bed located on the plain. Dig up the earth on it in advance, apply fertilizers and alkalizing compounds.
  • Planting seedlings spend in cloudy weather or in light rain. Otherwise, postpone the work for the evening, so that the sun’s rays do not cause additional stress.
  • Make the holes so deep that the spine fits completely into it, and the stem does not need to be bent.
  • Before rooting, cover the bed with beets with non-woven material, loosen the soil and moisten the ground.

Transplanting beet seedlings in open ground

What difficulties may arise?

Growing seedlings is not difficult. But without proper care, some difficulties can arise. Let’s analyze them in more detail.

Seedlings stretched out

Pulling seedlings occurs with a lack of light. To fix this, thinning the planting in the general box will help. If young plants are planted in individual containers, then as they grow, you need to move the glasses away from each other so that there is no shading of the seedlings. Rotate the container periodically on the windowsill to avoid curvature of the stem and one-sided development of the seedling.

Wound pests

Pests appear under favorable conditions for them: waterlogging, thickened plantings, weeds, dense soil. If you follow agricultural practices, then infection of seedlings has a minimal probability. When attacking pests, it is necessary to process the plantings with special means as soon as possible.

Minor pest infestation can be overcome by folk methods:

  • soap-ash solution;
  • infusion of onion peel;
  • tobacco dust, etc.

If the pest attack is large-scale, then use chemicals so as not to miss the time.

Growing beets in seedlings allows you to bring the ripening period closer and improve the quality of the crop. Seedlings can be grown in several ways. Agricultural technology for each of them is identical, with the difference in the need for a dive. So the plants will be strong and healthy, and the harvest from them will be plentiful and tasty.

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Anna Evans


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