Ducks of Moscow, Ukrainian and other breeds. What does a domestic broiler duck look like? Who are the white thorns?

Ducks are one of the most popular poultry. These animals are valued primarily for their meat. That is why many farmers and poultry farmers are engaged in breeding ducks at home. Some turn such an occupation into a profitable and cost-effective business. The most common and popular color of domestic ducks is white.


The breed of white ducks is distinguished by its uniform color. Through research, scientists have found that this coloring is provided by a special recessive gene that can be passed from generation to generation to both males and females.

Ducks of Moscow, Ukrainian and other breeds. What does a domestic broiler duck look like? Who are the white thorns?

To date, a huge number of breeds of white ducks are known. Moreover, some of them were bred artificially (by the works of breeders), while others are completely natural varieties. One way or another, but today white ducks can be found in almost every household and in almost every farmstead


White color is a fairly common color among domestic ducks. There are several breeds of animals whose plumage is painted in this color. Let’s take a closer look at the main ones.


Blagovarskaya domestic duck is not an independent breed, but a specially bred cross. The main feature of this cross, which attracts all farmers and poultry farmers, is the fact that Blagovar ducks are able to quickly and easily gain a large mass. Moreover, it is important to note the fact that they do not need a huge amount of food to gain weight. The indicators of productivity and fecundity are also high. So, for 1 year, ducks produce about 240 eggs (the weight of 1 egg is about 100 grams). In addition, by 2 months, the animals are already quite large. According to this indicator, it is even possible to distinguish a drake from a duck. So, the weight of females reaches an indicator of 3,4 kilograms, and the weight of males is about 4 kilograms.

Ducks of Moscow, Ukrainian and other breeds. What does a domestic broiler duck look like? Who are the white thorns?

As for the main disadvantages, then, first of all, they note the fact that Blagovarsky ducks are highly dependent on compound feed. The fact is that if you do not feed the animals with a balanced diet, then they will not be able to gain sufficient weight.


The Moscow white duck looks massive: it has large dimensions, a wide convex chest and a straight back. This breed is widespread not only in our country, but also in all states belonging to the CIS. The main advantage of the species over others is a strong immune system and stamina.

Ducks of Moscow, Ukrainian and other breeds. What does a domestic broiler duck look like? Who are the white thorns?

Among other things, the animal has high productivity rates: 150 eggs per year (each weighs about 90 grams) and a large mass (the animals are ready for slaughter at the age of 2 months).


This breed has a well-developed musculature, a fairly thin skeleton and good egg production. So, on average, for 1 year, one chicken gives 120 eggs, however, more record-breaking figures are not uncommon. The largest number of eggs produced by a duck of the Ukrainian breed and recorded by scientists is 250 pieces. As for the weight of animals, it is also quite impressive: the mass of females can reach 3 kilograms, and males weigh about 3,5 kilograms.

Ducks of Moscow, Ukrainian and other breeds. What does a domestic broiler duck look like? Who are the white thorns?


This type of duck is French. In fact, this is not a separate breed, but a cross. Moreover, it is important to note that it was bred with a clearly defined goal – obtaining a liver for foie gras. Cross Star-53 is intensively fed, so the animals grow quickly and gain weight. The breast of an animal is the most valuable part of the carcass. And in general, the meat of the animal is considered dietary and is valued more than the flesh of other varieties of white ducks.

Ducks of Moscow, Ukrainian and other breeds. What does a domestic broiler duck look like? Who are the white thorns?


Mulard is considered a broiler variety, as it is distinguished by its fattening qualities. In addition, the animal has precocity and lean meat. In general, mulard is a hybrid that was bred on the basis of Beijing, Eurasian and American indo-outs. It is important to note that at the age of 4 months, the weight of a duck can reach 7 kilograms. That is why animals are raised only for the purpose of obtaining meat.

Ducks of Moscow, Ukrainian and other breeds. What does a domestic broiler duck look like? Who are the white thorns?


Muscovy duck (or mute duck) is an excellent mother hen. Males of this breed are distinguished by their impressive weight (up to 5 kilograms). It should be noted right away that this variety, unlike many others, is not prone to rapid weight gain, but, on the other hand, animal meat has a record low content of adipose tissue and a delicate structure.

Ducks of Moscow, Ukrainian and other breeds. What does a domestic broiler duck look like? Who are the white thorns?

How to choose?

First of all, special attention should be paid to the selection and purchase of white ducks.

In order not to become a victim of fraud and not to purchase an animal from scammers, when buying, give preference to large farms. In such conditions, you will be able to independently inspect the living conditions of animals, see the parent couple and make sure that the seller is decent. If even in such conditions you have doubts, then ask the seller to provide you with the necessary documents: certificates, licenses, passports, etc.

In addition, when choosing a particular animal, give preference only to healthy and moderately well-fed individuals. Carefully inspect the plumage of the duck – it must be complete and uniform, make sure that the duckling’s eyes are not cloudy, but are clean, bright and shiny.

Also observe the behavior of the bird – it should be very active. If the duckling is lethargic, eats poorly and moves little, then this is a sign of the presence of any diseases. It is better to avoid such animals.

Basic rules of content

In order for your ducks to be healthy and lead an active lifestyle, you must follow a few simple rules for keeping them, as well as perform simple care activities.

So, first of all, you need to take care of the room in which the birds will live – it must be insulated. In addition, all existing cracks and holes should be sealed, as well as ensure the complete absence of wind and any drafts.

Another condition of detention regarding the premises in which animals are kept is the area. So, it is believed that 3 square meter is needed for 1 adults (1 small duckling can live on 1/6 square meter). The bottom of the room must be covered with a special bedding, the thickness of which should not be less than 30 centimeters. The material for such bedding can be sawdust or shavings.

Ducks of Moscow, Ukrainian and other breeds. What does a domestic broiler duck look like? Who are the white thorns?

The poultry house must be provided with feeders for different types of food and drinking bowls. Also, there must be nests in the room. Moreover, the latter should be placed under the walls and in the shade.

In a room where ducks are kept, it is necessary to maintain constant environmental conditions. So, the optimal air temperature is considered to be 16 degrees Celsius, humidity should be about 60%, and daylight hours should last 14 hours a day. If necessary, it should be provided with artificial lighting.

Ducks of Moscow, Ukrainian and other breeds. What does a domestic broiler duck look like? Who are the white thorns?


Many farmers and poultry breeders breed white ducks themselves. With enough experience and skill, such an activity can be turned into a real business. If you do not want to create your own business, then ducks can be bred for personal use, for example, to obtain fresh, high-quality and healthy meat.

Ducks of Moscow, Ukrainian and other breeds. What does a domestic broiler duck look like? Who are the white thorns?

There are several breeding options. So, in the event that the duck has a pronounced instinct of motherhood, then it will hatch eggs on its own. Here you only need to play the role of an observer, and the female will do all the main work on her own.

Ducks of Moscow, Ukrainian and other breeds. What does a domestic broiler duck look like? Who are the white thorns?

Ducks of Moscow, Ukrainian and other breeds. What does a domestic broiler duck look like? Who are the white thorns?

At the same time, it should be noted that there are breeds that do not have the instinct of motherhood – here you will need an incubator. Collected eggs should be placed in it and wait for the offspring to be born.

One way or another, but newborn chicks, among other things, need special nutrition. On the first day, they are fed with chopped boiled eggs, and only after a few days, various cereals can be introduced into the diet.

Ducks of Moscow, Ukrainian and other breeds. What does a domestic broiler duck look like? Who are the white thorns?

The subtleties of growing ducklings from the incubator in the video below.


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Anna Evans


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