Do-it-yourself pigsty construction

The well-being of pigs primarily depends on the attitude of the person himself. If the owner is responsible for caring for his livestock, then his business will flourish. The first thing you need to pay attention to before starting animal breeding is the construction of a pigsty.

Construction of a pigsty

Creating a pigsty project

Any construction begins with a drawing or project. It is necessary to draw up a plan of the desired building in order to simplify further work. Before you start planning, you need to think carefully.

First of all, decide how many heads you plan to put there based on the possible location. Animals are best kept in separate sections so that they do not interfere with each other. Do not forget that one pig needs about 4 square meters. Not enough space will not lead to anything good.

When you have decided on the number of living creatures, you can start designing. The building is best built in the form of an elongated rectangle. Try to immediately place everything on paper so that it is easy for you to move around inside the room. The best option is the location of the passage in the middle of the building, and sections on both sides. This method will greatly simplify your movement and work with livestock, and you will also be able to freely install special equipment. Do not forget to provide for the mandatory presence of ventilation holes.

Basic requirements for the construction of a pigsty

Building a pigsty is not as easy as it seems, this business has its own peculiarities and difficulties. There are a number of requirements, the fulfillment of which is mandatory for the successful development of the economy. Among them:

Big square

Big square

  • The building should be located on a hill – this will avoid excessive dampness. You should not choose a place that can be blown – in this way you can reduce heating costs;
  • Big square. The pigsty assumes at the same time a place for housing and for walking. Pigs require a lot of space. If you do not have enough space to contain the desired number of animals, do not try to cram as many as possible, this will greatly spoil the condition of your wards;
  • Maintaining a distance between the pigsty and residential buildings – at least 15 meters!
  • The presence of all necessary communications. The proposed building must be provided with water, electricity, gas if necessary;
  • Settlement of the transport issue. You will have to deal with a large amount of waste that requires proper and timely disposal.

If these elementary rules are not observed, it will primarily affect the farmer’s business, so this issue should be treated with due attention.


If we are talking about animals kept on a farm, then maintaining a microclimate is mandatory. This is one of the main components of the well-being of the economy. The microclimate of the pigsty consists of the following concepts:

  • Normal room temperature. Too high or vice versa low can contribute to the disease of livestock. The temperature is considered normal at the following values: piglets -27-29α΅’, pregnant females – 17-21α΅’, other livestock – 15-20α΅’;
  • Dry room. Excessive moisture promotes the development of pathogenic bacteria. Humidity in the room should not exceed 60%;
  • The presence of dust. In a dusty room, not only a person, but also an animal will find it difficult to breathe;
  • The presence of harmful substances.

Important! Poor microclimate has a detrimental effect on the development of livestock, which is why it is so important to take care of it.

How to get rid of flies in a pigsty?

Getting rid of these annoying creatures is not so easy. These insects are carriers of many diseases, such as foot and mouth disease, ulcers, tuberculosis and much more, and they also reduce the vital activity of animals. Flies bite pigs and leave their faces everywhere, which is why it is important to fight them.

Flies bite pigs

Flies bite pigs

Fighting methods:

  1. The use of chemicals. For example, chlorophos, stomoxin.
  2. The use of non-chemical means.

The main thing is to destroy the fly larvae. First you need to perfectly clean the room. After that, it is necessary to disinfect and treat with specially designed agents against fly larvae. All these activities are best done in the absence of pigs, beware of getting substances into food, water. After finishing the treatment, clean the area.

Important! If you carry out such procedures regularly – every spring – then there will be no flies in your household.

Manure removal process

Manure removal in a pigsty is an important point that directly affects the health of pigs. It can be performed by special equipment or hired personnel. If pig waste is not removed in time, various problems can arise.

Manure cleaning devices work quite quickly and efficiently, so you should pay special attention to them. The equipment is divided into:

  1. Self-alloying system. Such equipment requires the installation of special pipes, containers and plugs. In addition, sections with animals should be at a slight slope. With the help of plugs and pipes, manure moves into the tank. This equipment is the most popular and simple.
  2. Hydroflush. Suitable for a small farm, which is not very convenient. This device is durable, but very expensive both in terms of price and resource costs. Cleaning is done with water. Such equipment is not very popular.
  3. Delta scraper system. This equipment scrapes manure with special shovels. It is very effective and popular in the market. It is worth giving preference to this particular invention.

Self-alloy system

Self-alloy system

The system for cleaning the premises must be present at any enterprise, because it will perfectly save energy and thoroughly clean the premises. In addition, bacteria can be used for bedding in a pigsty. It’s kind of like a dry closet. Bacteria lock in odor and moisture, so the room stays clean and dry for a long time. This will save you money and make your job easier.

The device of a pigsty

The device of the pigsty consists of five main areas.

Laying the foundation

The foundation is the foundation of everything. Without it, you cannot build a good, durable pigsty.

The best option is a strip foundation. This method consists in the fact that the base is placed about a meter deep over the entire area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe proposed structure. The strip foundation is of two types:

  1. Monolithic.
  2. Block. Made from prefabricated blocks. It is more expensive, but the construction is much faster.

Whatever type you choose, you need to take care of the waterproofing of the foundation. This can be done in the form of a special mixture or material.


Pigs are strong animals, so the walls must be made with high quality so that after a while they do not break them. Despite this, the material is better to choose light and warm. What can you choose to build walls:

  • Concrete products. They are well suited for building a pigsty. But there is one significant minus – they absorb moisture well. Therefore, they require constant plastering;
  • Arbolit. These are wooden chains, cement and water. Best suited for building walls. It perfectly keeps heat, durable;
  • Shell rock. It is also well suited for these purposes, but it can not be found everywhere;
  • Brick. It is rarely used in the construction of pigsties. It is quite expensive and requires insulation, so its use is unprofitable.

The features of the entire structure will depend on the material chosen. In addition, it should be borne in mind that it is impossible to make walls that are too high – it will be cold in the room. The best height is 2-3 meters.




The roof is best done sloping – so precipitation will not accumulate on it. Also, pipes must be run through the roof, which will carry out ventilation. The most suitable material is slate. After the roof is ready, it must be strengthened with mineral wool, it helps to warm the room and prevent precipitation from entering the pigsty.


The ceiling can be made straight and beveled, there is not much difference in this. It can be laid out with boards or whitewashed, here it is at the discretion of the owner. It is important to use warming and waterproofing agents.


The floor deserves a lot of attention. It’s no secret that pigs can blow it up, so the choice of material must be taken with all responsibility.

What can it be made from?

  1. Wood. The only plus is the warmth. Cons: disinfection is practically impossible, absorbs moisture and odors, swells over time.
  2. Concrete. One of the best options. Durable, does not absorb odors and moisture, can be disinfected, but requires additional insulation.
  3. Asphalt. Not very well suited for a pigsty. Doesn’t wash well and breaks easily.
  4. Earth. This coating is not at all suitable for pigs. Cold, wet, dirty.
  5. Brick with concrete. Quite expensive and that’s the only downside. It combines all the advantages of a concrete floor.


Building a pigsty is a difficult task, but if you follow all the rules and approach this matter with awareness of responsibility, then your building will turn out to be the best and most comfortable for you and your wards.

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Anna Evans


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