Cranberry: check out how to plant and its benefits

A amora is part of a large list of fruits that bring benefits to our health, and can also be used in recipes. But, do you know how to plant blackberry?

In this article, we will cover all the details on how to grow it and make the most of the benefits that the blackberry is able to offer, whether in direct consumption of the fruit or when used in sweets.

In fact, what few people know is that there is the option of making tea with this item, contributing to health and even the proper functioning of the body. Check out!

Cranberry: learn how to plant

Native to the regions of Asia, Africa and North America, and with its traditional dark red and almost black color, when the fruit is ripe, the blackberry has a sweet flavor and, therefore, is very tasty. It is possible to plant in the backyard of your house, in farms or even in pots.

The blackberry grows well in practically all regions of Brazil. However, it prefers subtropical temperate climates, with temperatures between 24º and 28ºC. The ideal planting time is in September.

Planting blackberry seedlings in the ground
When planting the blackberry tree in the soil, make a good hole and don’t forget to fertilize it.

if you decide plant directly in the ground, first of all, the ideal is to have a spacing of about half a meter between seedlings. Mulberry grows best in moist (not soggy) and deep soils.

Fertilizing is also simple and can be purchased at gardening stores. The only requirement is to have phosphate and earthworm humus.

Read also: Blueberry: know this fruit, its benefits and how to plant it.

Plant blackberry in pot

No case of plant in pots, the first step is to choose medium or large sizes, preferably 80 cm wide by 85 cm deep.

Subsequently, it is necessary to buy black earth and drainage materials – cinnasites, small pieces of tile or brick.

As with direct planting in the soil, it is necessary to ensure a good fertilization of the land. It must be placed little by little because then the seedling will be placed.

Then, complete with soil, without going beyond the region between the trunk and the root of the plant. Finally, make a good compaction with your hands, until you get a uniform surface.

Planting seedlings in the pot
If you choose to plant in a pot, choose large ones because it will guarantee a good production.

In general, after planting, the blackberry tree usually takes about 2 years to bear the first fruits. After the first flowers appear on the stem, the fruits should appear between 6 to 12 months. Harvesting should be done when the fruits are dark red, almost black.

What are the benefits of love

There are several benefits of blackberry, especially in cases where teas are made with the fruit, which is rich in flavonoids, anthocyanins and phenolic acids, bioactive compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Therefore, it helps in the treatment and prevention of diseases such as diabetes, heart attack, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.

Check out the list we have prepared with some of the benefits of drinking tea:

  • Helps in weight loss;
  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases;
  • Balances and prevents diabetes;
  • Decreases premature aging;
  • Prevents cancer;
  • It helps treat infections such as sore throat, canker sores and gingivitis.

Benefits of fruit for our body
How about including blackberry in your diet? It is one of the fruits that bring benefits to our body.

See also other features: Lychee: learn more about this fruit and how to grow it.

how to consume blackberry

In addition to making tea, it is still possible to use this fruit in desserts, in the form of jam, juice and even in salads or whole-grain cakes, according to taste.

Interested? Then watch the video below how to make a delicious Blackberry jam. Check out:

Therefore, the blackberry is one of those delicious red fruits, easy to plant, to grow and that brings many benefits to our body.

Another fruit that is part of this group and that we suggest a reading, is the jabuticaba that also has the face of Brazil. Can be used in recipes, consumed in natura and a curiosity: to be used even in the cosmetics industry. Check out!

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Anna Evans


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