Birdworm planting and care, cultivation

Bulbous herbaceous perennial plant of the poultry plant (Ornithogalum), or ornithogalum, is a member of the hyacinth subfamily of the asparagus family. Under natural conditions, …

Pushkin planting and care, cultivation

The plant Pushkinia (Puschkinia) is a representative of the genus of the subfamily hyacinths, of the asparagus family, but in some sources such a flower …

Freesia planting and care, cultivation

Freesia, a very spectacular bulbous plant, also called freesia, is cultivated both in the garden and at home. This genus is represented by bulbous herbaceous …

Eremurus planting and care, cultivation

The herbaceous perennial plant Eremurus, also called shrysh, or shiryash, is a representative of the subfamily of the asphodelic family of the Xanthorrhea family. This …

Purist planting and care, cultivation

The genus Stachys, also called stachis, is represented by dwarf shrubs and herbaceous annuals and perennials belonging to the family of Yasnotkovye. The word “stachis” …

Mirabilis planting and care, cultivation

The flowering plant Mirabilis (Mirabilis) is a member of the Nyctaginaceae family. This genus unites more than 50 species. Under natural conditions, they can be …

Nasturtium planting and care, cultivation

Nasturtium (Tropaeolum), also called capuchin, is a member of the Nasturtium family. This genus is represented by herbaceous plants, it unites about 90 species. The …

Knifofia planting and care, cultivation

The herbaceous perennial plant Kniphofia, also called Kniphofia, is a member of the Asphodeloid subfamily of the Xantorrhea family. In nature, such a plant grows …


The herbaceous plant Incarvillea is a member of the Bignonieva family. According to The Plant List, this genus unites 17 species. The scientific name for …

Enotera planting and care, cultivation

The evening primrose plant (Oenothera), also called onager, or primrose, is a member of the Cypress family. According to information taken from various sources, this …

Gladiolus planting and care, cultivation

The flowering plant gladiolus (Gladiolus), also called the skewer, has been cultivated by gardeners for a long time and with great pleasure. However, in ancient …