Avocado: photos, tips for choosing and health benefits

Avocado is a mysterious dark green fruit, around which there is a constant debate: “Is it a fruit or a vegetable? Is its pulp useful or not? What is the right way to eat an avocado? ”, And a dozen more questions are asked by people every day. Indeed, such a mysterious avocado gained popularity in our country not so long ago. For about a couple of decades, this fruit has been freely available in super / mini-markets and ordinary grocery stores in our country. And before for us it was exotic. Why are we so attracted by the oily pulp of this fruit, donated by sunny Mexico to the whole world? It’s worth understanding!

How to plant and grow an avocado at home

Take a small pot and be sure to make holes for the water to drain. Fill down with fine expanded clay or pebbles, and on it – a layer of fertile soil. Deepen the avocado pit into the ground, thin end up, and sprinkle some more earth on the sides. It should go into the ground by about 20 mm – and about a month later you will see the first sprout.

How to plant and grow an avocado from a seed at home

There is also an alternative method that everyone in your household will like to follow. You need to put the bone in a glass of water so that it is about half in it. To keep it in place, make several small holes at the widest point and insert toothpicks there. The sticks will hold the avocado pit over the glass. Do not be alarmed when it bursts somewhere in a month – it is from the ruptures that sprouts and roots appear. After the release of the first root 4-5 cm long, the avocado seedling can be transplanted into a pot in loose whipped soil so that two-thirds are on the surface.

How to plant and grow an avocado from a seed at home

Is an avocado an ornamental plant?

If you want your tree to have a decorative look, plant several seeds with already appeared sprouts in one pot. Carefully braid a pigtail from their stems.

Avocado: photos, tips for choosing and health benefits

Be careful, it should not be very tight, let there be small gaps – the trunk will grow and it will need space. If there are small gaps, you can adjust the decorativeness of your tree.

Avocado: photos, tips for choosing and health benefits

A home-grown tree can produce avocado fruits, but this requires that at least one or two small stalks are located in the same area (in close proximity to each other). This is necessary for cross-pollination of trees.

Avocado: photos, tips for choosing and health benefits

With good care and attention, an avocado will be able to bear its first fruits as early as three years after planting.

Choosing a place for an avocado

A young avocado needs a lot of warmth and light, although when it gets stronger, the tree will feel good in the shade. But direct sunlight is detrimental to leaves and seedlings. Therefore, choose western windows or shade it during the day on eastern or southern ones. If the avocado grows slower and the leaves fade, then most likely it lacks light. Avoid drafts, open windows, vents and doors – all sources of cold. The optimum temperature is 20 degrees or more, but do not take the avocado out into the fresh air. Due to an unexpected sharp drop, it can shed its leaves.

Avocado: benefits and harms for women

Analyzing the benefits of avocados for the human body, it is worth considering separately the features of the effect of this product in the diet on female and male organisms. And since “ladies forward”, let’s start with the effect of avocado on the female body.

The first thing that catches your eye is the rich content of folate in this fruit – up to 90 mcg per one medium-sized avocado. And this, by the way, is about 23% of the total daily value. That is, by eating one avocado a day, you can naturally replenish the body’s reserves of folate. This component is important for the formation of a healthy background in the female reproductive system. Such saturation with folic acid is especially beneficial during the period of preparation for conception and during gestation. But in general, folic acid is an important component for the female body.

In addition to this substance, avocado contains a number of beneficial ingredients. It should be noted that this fruit does not contain “unhealthy” sugar. Despite the high calorie content (up to 210 Kcal), the use of this product does not negatively affect the figure. Conversely, eating avocados can help you get the fullness you expect without the risk of being overweight. Healthy dietary fiber serves as a good support for the intestinal tract. They also slow down the absorption of carbohydrates into the bloodstream. The product is approved for use with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetics receiving insulin as hormone replacement therapy should take into account the amount of carbohydrates in an eaten portion of avocado (100 grams contains 0,5-0,8 XE).

avocado, avocado bread, avocado sandwich, salt and pepper, straws

Avocado is rich in vitamins E, K, C, etc. This saturation makes the fruit healing (boosts immunity). Avocados contain antioxidants. The fruit is good for keeping the skin and blood vessels young. It should be noted that the pale green oily pulp is useful not only for eating, but also for external use. For women, special recipes have been developed for preparing masks that nourish and saturate the skin and hair with useful microelements, which helps to maintain the youth and elasticity of the upper layer of the dermis at the cellular level and improve the condition of the hair.

Avocado harm to women

In fact, dark green fruits with a delicate oily pulp are only beneficial to the human body. However, this product still has minor contraindications. For example, if a woman suffers from a food allergy to citrus fruits, then it is quite possible that avocados should be excluded from the diet. With individual intolerance to any components that saturate this fruit, it is worth using it with caution or completely excluding it from the menu. It is also not recommended to abuse avocados for women suffering from intestinal disorders and diseases of the lower gastrointestinal tract. High fat saturation under such circumstances can be harmful. For any chronic diseases that require adherence to a special diet, you should consult with a specialist about the possibility of including avocados in the diet.

avocado, lemon, salt, pepper


Systematic and intensive watering is a vital need for a growing avocado. But the good news is that you don’t need to water it as often as you don’t need to water the root. Wait until the upper part of the substrate dries, and wait another 2-3 days after that. Avocados have a hard time tolerating dry air, and spraying the leaves directly is also not recommended. Use a humidifier, leave a tray of wet expanded clay nearby, or cover the tray with moss. You can do with a spray bottle, but then spray not on the tree, but around.

Watering - how to grow an avocado from a seed at home

Avocado: benefits and harms for men

Now let’s consider what is good and what bad this “overseas miracle” is for the stronger sex.

One of the indisputable advantages of this fruit is the rich content of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated acids. These substances enhance brain function. They nourish and protect cells. This has a beneficial effect on the male body. After all, as you know, the nervous system of men is more susceptible to stress than women. Saturation with vitamins, minerals, vegetable protein is a guarantee of a positive effect on the part of the genitourinary system. It is believed that eating avocados has a beneficial effect on male potency. The male body really needs potassium, magnesium, zinc. And there are plenty of these substances in avocados. Adequate consumption of the pulp of this fruit in food helps to protect the cardiovascular system. Firstly, the substances contained in the pulp cleanse the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Secondly, the product is famous for its ability to preserve healthy cholesterol and remove harmful cholesterol, which is undoubtedly important for maintaining healthy heart and blood vessels.

The vitamins in avocados strengthen the nervous system and block the negative effects of stress by promoting the natural production of the hormone of joy and anti-stress defenses.

The male body desperately needs rich protein foods high in healthy fatty acids. And the product in question is just perfect for these parameters.


Is avocado allowed for all men

Unfortunately, there is no product with absolutely no contraindications. And our wonderful “overseas fruit” is no exception. Men with an individual intolerance to the components that make up the edible mass of the product should not eat this fruit. Avocados should not be abused by those who have serious liver problems or have other chronic gastrointestinal diseases that require adherence to a special diet that excludes this product.

It is important to note that the pulp of this fruit is healthy and tasty, but it is not recommended to eat the bone and leaves of the avocado. These parts of the plant contain toxins that can have a negative effect on the human body.

Fertilizers and feeding

Avocados are not very demanding and do not need regular fertilization, so you shouldn’t have any obvious problems with it in this matter. Since autumn, the tree does not need anything at all, even if you are not going to introduce it into hibernation. And since spring, once a month, use a citrus dressing or any other universal complex.

Fertilizers and feeding - how to grow an avocado from a seed at home

Description and characteristics of avocado

Avocado is the fruit of a tree belonging to the laurel family. This plant grows in places with a characteristic tropical, subtropical climate. These are mainly Africa, North America, Jordan, Mexico, Israel. In our country, this evergreen plant cannot develop due to the unsuitable climate.

Botanically, avocado is a single-seeded berry. The shape of the fruit is pear-shaped, elongated (up to 20 cm in length). The mass of a large ripe fruit reaches 300 grams. But samples of medium and small sizes are of particular value – weighing from 100 to 200 grams.

The color of the ripe fruit is deep green on the outside. The pulp has a pale green color, turning into a yellow tint (closer to the core). The avocado’s stone is large, thick-brown, with a dense core. The color is bronze brown or dark olive.

The flesh is edible. Avocados are eaten and also used as a raw material for the production of cosmetic oils.

avocado, avocado on a branch, tree, fruit

Avocado health benefits

And now it’s worth discussing why the dark green fruit of the laurel tree is so attractive! After all, first of all, adherents of proper nutrition are attracted by avocados for their health benefits.

Consider the chemical composition and nutritional value of the product.

First of all, this valuable fruit contains an impressive amount of vegetable fat – up to 15 grams. Per one hundred grams of the product, the total calorie content is up to 204 Kcal. Carbohydrates in avocado are up to 9 grams, protein mass is up to 2 grams, water – up to 75%.

The saturation of this fruit with vegetable fats is of particular value. Despite its high nutritional value, the fruit is not heavy food and does not disturb the normal balance of body weight.

This oily fruit contains an impressive amount of vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin C – 10mg;
  • Vitamin E – 2,65 mg;
  • Vitamin K – 22 mcg;
  • Vitamin A – 146 IU;
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – up to 7%;
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) – 28%.

guacamole sauce, avocado, salad, lemon, avocado recipe

One medium fruit contains: potassium – 10%; magnesium – 7,5%; zinc – 5%; iron – up to 4,5%; calcium – 1%.

Monounsaturated fats are of particular value to the fruit. This group includes oleic acid (Omega-9). Saturation with B vitamins also supports the benefits of this dark green fruit. Avocados are rich in folic acid and contain healthy dietary fiber, sterols and antioxidants.

Of course, it is difficult for a person who is far from chemistry and medicine to understand what is the essence of the benefits that all the substances contained in avocados give. Or maybe there is harm at all from the frequent consumption of this fruit? Let’s try to figure it out.

How and when to transplant avocados?

At first, the avocado grows very rapidly, so you will have to replant it more often. The first transplant into a larger pot will be needed when the tree grows to 15 cm. Then transplant it once a year in the spring, and an adult tree needs it once every 3-4 years or as it grows.

Transplant - how to grow an avocado from a seed at home

Avocado description

Plant of the Lavrov family. A tree from 5 to 20 meters in height, with a wide crown and spreading branches. Natural habitat – Mexico and Central American countries. The leaves are broadly elliptical, evergreen, leathery, shiny green above. Fruits are broad-pear-shaped, oblong in shape, vary greatly depending on the variety, reaching 10 – 18 cm in length. The pulp of the fruit is greenish-white, oily, tasteless and odorless. The seed is ovoid, large, 3-4 cm long, pale yellow. The skin is thin, dark green, dark blue, sometimes black with a purple tint.

Can I be transplanted into open ground?

An avocado that has already gained strength and has grown at least 40-45 cm can be transplanted into open ground. To do this, start a gradual hardening in advance – take the flowerpot outside for several hours in a warm time of the day. Avocados are transplanted by transshipment – together with an earthen clod, so there are no secrets here. If you want to transplant avocados into your garden, choose Mexican varieties that can handle the cold better. Keep in mind that in the northern latitudes, the tree will in any case have a hard time surviving the winter. To protect it from frost, you will need not only mulching, but also a full-fledged polycarbonate shelter.

Outdoor transplant - how to grow an avocado from a seed at home

Is it possible to grow a tree at home on a windowsill?

Surely you saw a photo of an avocado tree and wanted to try to grow it yourself in a summer cottage or at home? If the desire to try planting an avocado from its own seed is strong enough, be prepared for a long period of emergence of the first shoots, proper care.

Avocado: photos, tips for choosing and health benefits

First of all, you should buy a ripe fruit first. To make sure how ripe it is, you have to press a little on both sides of the fruit and release. If the avocado is ripe, it will immediately become elastic again and without dents. Such a fruit has a mature seed and can later be planted.

Avocado: photos, tips for choosing and health benefits

If the fruit is immature, you can accelerate its ripening at home. To do this, you will need to place fruits next to the avocado, which secrete a special substance that is responsible for the accelerated ripening of other fruits and vegetables. Fruits containing ethylene include apples and other fruits.

How to germinate a bone

There are several ways to sprout a seed and grow an avocado tree at home. The first and easiest is to just plant a seed in the ground and wait. The second, more interesting and visual one, is germination in the aquatic environment. Let’s talk about each method in more detail.

Closed method (in the ground)

If you decide to try the first method of germination, then you should prepare a pot of soil for the future avocado tree grown from seed at home. At this stage, the size of the pot does not play a special role, however, we advise you not to choose a large pot right away.

Germinating avocado seeds in the ground
Closed method, provides for the germination of planting material directly in the soil

Drainage must be poured into the bottom of the future avocado house. Ordinary stones, expanded clay or gravel are fine. Particular attention must be paid to the soil. In equal parts, humus, earth and sand should be thoroughly mixed. Since germination will take place directly in the pot, the soil must be loose.

Pour the prepared soil mixture into the pot on top of the drainage layer, leaving a couple of centimeters above the edge. A previously prepared bone (or bones) is placed in the ground with sharp tips up to a depth of two to three centimeters. The future avocado tree is thoroughly watered with warm water, soaking all the soil, and placed in a warm place.

For germination, you need to place the pot in a well-lit place and do not forget to water constantly. However, in everything you need to know when to stop.

Avocados don’t like overflow and drought. However, he likes high humidity, which means from time to time do not forget to spray the space around him.

With this method of germination, the first shoots will begin to show about a month after planting. Don’t be discouraged if the process takes a little longer. The timing is individual and each sprout can make its own time adjustments.

Open method (in water)

The second way of germination is more fun, because you can see with your own eyes all stages of the birth of your tree.

To do this, you need to take a small container (a glass or a shallow bowl with a narrow diameter will do) and fill it almost completely with water. The previously selected avocado seed will need to be prepared a little.

Germinating avocado seeds in water
An open method of growing avocados is to lay the seeds in a container of water, suspended

Take four toothpicks and stick them into the bone from four sides on the sides by three four millimeters, thus building a support frame. Dip the seed on props into the prepared container with a blunt end and make sure that it is submerged in the liquid for a third. In this form, the bone should stand until the first roots appear, usually it takes from two to five weeks.

Your task at this time is to ensure that the water level in the tank remains at the same level.

With this method of germination, it is not necessary to speed up the process by introducing fertilizers and root formation stimulants into the water. All the “vitamins” necessary for growing the future tree will take from itself – from the stone. Roots will appear soon. A transplant into the ground can be done as soon as this happens, but it is better to wait until the roots get stronger and grow up to three centimeters, so it will be easier for the tree to take root in the pot.

After the transplant, you will have to wait again, because the sprout will appear in another two to three weeks.

Cultivation and care

For successful cultivation, a number of prerequisites must be observed and proper care must be taken.


Plants thrive in a close natural environment. Therefore, for planting avocados, you need to choose peat or universal soil (for indoor plants).

The substrate must be completely permeable. Sandy soils are optimal. You can mix the soil with sand (in a 2: 1 ratio) or perlite. It is important to provide a good drainage layer.


Young seedlings should be well lit throughout the year, but not in direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can cause burns and other damage. In winter, make sure the light is bright, but the pot is not near a hot radiator.

Young plants need to gradually get used to the sun, older plants need full light for good growth. The pot should be placed in a sunny place – a window sill with an exposure is better:

  • southern – on hot days it is worth covering the plant, for example, with paper screens;
  • western.

Temperature conditions

The plant is extremely thermophilic; a certain temperature regime must be observed.

SeasonAir temperature
SummerThe optimum growth temperature is 22-26 degrees C. You can put the plant in the garden, on the balcony.
WinterThe temperature should not fall below 10 degrees C. The recommended resting temperature is 15 degrees C.

Young plants can be grown in pots all year round in a warm, bright room. Old avocados should be placed in a warm, light place during the summer. At a temperature of about 5 degrees Celsius, the pots must be transferred to a warm room for wintering. Fairly young plants can easily tolerate nighttime temperatures of around 0 ºC if they are warmed up again during the day. Therefore, you can keep the tree outdoors for a relatively long time, until the first frost.

Avocado: photos, tips for choosing and health benefits


When growing an avocado at home, you should hide it from quadrupeds, especially cats. All parts of the avocado (except for the pulp) are poisonous. In some cases, ingestion can result in death of the animal. However, the plant is no more “harmful” than other poisonous indoor plants (nightshade, diphenbachia). Insects rarely attack avocados.

Watering, moisturizing the leaves

It is very important to water the plant properly. Watering should be done frequently, especially on sunny summer days. It is worth using soft, purified water.

Attention! The roots should not be permanently in highly damp soil.

The plant loves slightly moist soil, sensitive to dry soil. Even short-term water shortages lead to leaf curling. To reduce the risk of overdrying, it is worth placing the pot on flat stones placed in a plate and pouring water into the plate. Also useful are all kinds of technologies that allow you to retain moisture in the soil:

  • hydrogels;
  • hydroboxes;
  • glass balls with water;
  • pots with an automatic watering system.

Moist air is essential for successful cultivation. Avocados should be regularly watered with a spray bottle. The procedure is especially useful in winter, when, thanks to the central heating, the air humidity in the premises decreases.


Young avocado seedlings do not require additional feeding, they take nutrients from the seed. After about 4 months, they begin to lightly fertilize the plants with liquid formulations. This also applies to the winter period, as long as the plant remains in a warm, bright place.

Top dressing of a grown avocado grown in a pot is carried out every 2-3 weeks. A positive effect can be obtained using fertilizers with an increased amount of potassium, which improve tillering of plants.


After germination, the avocado develops quite quickly and reaches huge growths in a few months.

Avocado: photos, tips for choosing and health benefits

Later, its development is somewhat suspended. To make the bush more dense, it needs to be cut.

Pruning is usually done only once, when the avocado reaches several tens of centimeters. From this moment, the plant begins to grow more slowly and will expand beautifully, the leaves will become denser, larger.


The plant quickly develops not only the aerial parts, but also the root system. The avocado is transplanted into a larger pot once a year for the first few years. Then it should be replanted every 1-2 years. The pot is chosen 3 cm larger in diameter.

An indicator of the need for a transplant is overgrowing of roots in the holes of the pot.

Growing problems

When the leaves start to turn yellow or wilt, it means that the watering has been excessive, then you need to stop watering for a few days to allow the soil to dry out.

When spraying plants, it is undesirable to use tap water. If untreated water is used, a white sediment forms on the leaves, which can cause fungal diseases.

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Anna Evans


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