Araucaria araucana conifer care

Today we have to talk about conifers in our garden trees, and specifically about the Araucaria araucana.

It is a somewhat complex name but it is commonly known as araucaria, Chilean pine, arm pine, etc.

This particular variety is grown in the garden for its large dimensions and is perfect for generating shade. As for the care, we are going to comment on them!

What do we know about the araucaria?

La araucaria or Chilean pine is a conifer of great height, being able to reach 30 meters in height (it grows between 30 and 50 cm per year). Yes, it is very slow growth, starting fruiting from the 4th-5th year.

However, it is impressive to have a large araucaria in the garden.

En Spain, It can be easily cultivated in the North (it prefers oceanic climates with abundant rain), even in coastal regions, since it tolerates saline breezes (there are them in Norway, in the Faroe Islands, on the coast of the USA, Canada, etc. ).

On the other hand, it is preferable take it away from the urban nucleus due to its susceptibility to polluted environments.

Plantar araucaria araucana

Plantar araucaria araucana

The specific climate of the araucaria

The araucaria needs bright environments for their growth. In addition, with the height that it reaches, it is necessary to plan the place where it is going to be planted (never close to the shadow of another tree).

Within the araucarias, it is the one that resistance to cold (tolerates sub-zero temperatures). You are harmed by excessive heat, so we will have to be careful in summer and ensure that it has good wet content.

Dry air dries out the branches, so often, especially in summer, you will have to spray all the araucaria and refresh it.

Soil characteristics

The soil must be slightly acidic. If you have proof that your soil is alkaline, consider a transformation of the soil type close to where you want to plant the araucaria.

Keep in mind that this condition is important and you will have growth problems in basic soil.

Irrigation characteristics

It is usually watered around 2 times a week, although it is also necessary to check the condition of the soil.

In summer increase the frequency of irrigationoy on very hot and dry days do not have a problem in foliarly spray using a pressure hose the whole araucaria (a kind of rain simulation).

Remember that you will notice that the araucaria needs more moisture when its leaves turn yellow.

Conifer Araucaria araucana

Conífera Araucaria araucana

How to fertilize this conifer

Any organic fertilizer o mineral acid components is welcome. Especially in the spring and summer season, you have to pay without fear, either with manure, compost or vermicompost or liquid fertilizers.

With this we will be able to correct the pH in case it tends to rise due to the irrigation water. The NPK is balanced in a 20-10-20 balance, and it is important to provide mineral nutrients typical of an acidic soil (molybdenum, iron, zinc, boron, copper, etc.).

If you have to contribute from time to time iron chelates we will do it.

Araucaria multiplication

We can choose 2 techniques for its multiplication, vegetative (cuttings) or by seed. We already know that with the first we will obtain the mother plant and with the seeds there will be genetic variability.

Multiply by seeds

To multiply the araucaria through seeds (very easy to obtain from the tree), we plant them in a seedbed or container with good content in compost (earth-sand-organic matter), constantly maintaining a temperature of 15º C.

You can help yourself with a glass hood or a plastic bag to simulate a greenhouse environment. The substrate must always be damp, at least until the semilla germinates, which will take around 2 months or a little less.

We will not do the transplant until it is large enough, and in our opinion it is advisable not to get impatient (1 or 2 years indoors) if the growing conditions we give it indoors are favorable.

Araucaria araucana seeds

Semillas araucaria araucana

Multiply by cutting

This method of propagation, in the case of the araucaria it’s not easy, and the seeds offer good results.

What is used in this form of propagation is the apical cutting (the tip of the mother plant). The cuttings 5 ​​to 10 centimeters they are planted indoors under the same conditions as in seed propagation.

It is a method in which special care must be taken since we are pruning important parts of the mother araucaria.

Anna Evans


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