Yurlovsky vociferous chickens

Yurlovsky vociferous chickens are very popular with numerous amateur poultry farmers. They were selected in the central part of Russia. The main feature of the bird is the long, sonorous singing of roosters.

Compared to many other breeds, Yurlov vociferous layers are not very productive. In the first year of oviposition, they lay only 150-160 eggs, the average weight of which is about 58 grams. The egg shell is creamy. Adult individuals reach up to two and a half kilograms of live weight, the weight of roosters is more than three kilograms (3,3 kg). Despite the low productivity, the chick survival rate is very high – it reaches 96%.

Puberty in Yurlov’s vociferous feathered pets comes rather late than in many other breeds – at the age of six months or at 183-185 days. Some chickens have retained the brooding instinct, and poultry farmers take the opportunity to use the bird for breeding.

The main advantage of keeping this breed is the unpretentiousness of the bird to the conditions of keeping and feeding.

These chickens attract poultry farmers with their beautiful appearance: bright plumage, stateliness, calm temperament. The body of feathered pets is distinguished by wide shapes, depth, it is slightly raised up, long. On a large head rises a leaf-shaped crest of medium size pink. Above the eyes, which, depending on the color of the plumage, can be red, brown and orange, superciliary arches hang, which give the look and the whole appearance of hens severity. The strong beak is rather curved and has a yellow tint.

The plumage of Yurlov’s vociferous pets can be light, silvery, black, brown-yellow, black-silver. Legs – strong, high, strong. They are mostly yellow, sometimes there are individuals in which the limbs are black. This breed of chickens has a very beautiful neck with a scruff located on it. The back of both laying hens and roosters is straight and wide.

Birds are characterized by rapid growth, unpretentiousness and resistance to diseases.

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Anna Evans


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