Why soda is considered a versatile and effective remedy for the garden and vegetable garden

Penny soda is prized by summer residents for its ability to replace expensive and far from harmless chemicals to improve the quality of the land, increase yields and control pests. Plus, this natural and sustainable product is always at hand.

Increasing the yield of vegetables

In addition to treating the soil before planting, soda is also used to feed seedlings. In order for young plants to be saturated with useful substances, they are watered with a weak solution, to which a little yeast is added.

This mixture makes the vegetables juicier and sweeter. And if you periodically feed the plants with a soda solution, you can significantly increase your yield. Repeated processing is not suitable only for pumpkins and carrots, since these crops prefer an acidic environment.

Pest Control

In contrast to chemicals that, together with pests, destroy bees and earthworms useful for garden crops, and are also not suitable for processing crops with ripe fruits, baking soda is a safe remedy. She easily copes with insects that can leave the summer resident without a crop.

Against caterpillars, trees are sprayed with a weak solution, and cabbage leaves are sprinkled with dry matter. Soda destroys gluttonous slugs, and in the fight against a wireworm, it is better to carry out prevention: before planting potatoes, 0,5 tsp are poured into the hole. soda.

If ants attack, then the substance sprinkled on their nests will make the insects change their place of residence. Aphids and weevils are also not a problem – you need to spray the cultures with a diluted soda mixture 3 times with a break of 4 days.

Weed control

The lack of toxicity in the baking soda solution makes it an alternative to unsafe chemicals designed to kill weeds. You can use both baking soda and soda ash to make an effective remedy for any type of weed growth. A strong solution is being prepared – 2-5 tbsp. l. substances per liter of warm water.

Processing is carried out daily in the morning and evening hours until the weeds are completely removed. It is important that the weather is dry and calm.

Soil deoxidizer

Why soda is considered a versatile and effective remedy for the garden and vegetable garden

The use of a soda solution to destroy weeds is effective due to the fact that it changes the acid-base balance, making the soil unsuitable for its growth. And most of the crops, on the contrary, recognize only a soil substrate with a neutral reaction. So baking soda will become an indispensable tool for deoxidizing the earth and improving pH levels.

While digging the beds, a pinch of the substance is added to each hole. You can spill the soil with a solution: 150 g per liter of hot water.

Prevention of late blight

Soda will be a salvation in the fight against late blight. Moreover, prevention is more effective than treatment, so it is better to start treatment in advance. The first time it is done 2 weeks after planting the seedlings in a permanent place, and then continue 1 time per week throughout the growing season.

To prepare the solution, you will need 10 liters of water and 3 tbsp. l. soda. Spray crops immediately, not skipping the stems and the back of the leaves.

Protection against yellowing of leaves

You can prevent early yellowing of cucumber lashes and prolong their fruiting with 1 tbsp. l. soda, which is diluted in a bucket of water. However, for these purposes, only watering is carried out at the root – each cucumber bush should receive half a liter of soda “cocktail”.

Usually fertilizers are introduced after the first harvest, alternating them every other day for a week. While the solution with soda is applied under garden crops with pre-moistened soil.

Anna Evans


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