Why does a cow drool?

The question of why a cow is drooling and what to do in this case is asked by almost every farmer facing such a problem. This situation occurs when chewing gum. Characterized by white foam at the mouth.

Cows may be drooling

Reasons for the appearance of current saliva

The reason for this unusual phenomenon may be some problems with the digestive tract or adverse processes in the body. To understand which of them has an effect, it is recommended to monitor the cow, check for symptoms.

Veterinarians assure that the animal suffers from some diseases, namely:

  • stomatitis;
  • poisoning;
  • blockage of the esophagus;
  • strong fermentation in the rumen, which is caused by overeating some feeds.

To determine the true cause of the appearance of saliva, it is recommended to seek the help of a specialist. The farmer can control the cow’s appetite and condition.


This is an inflammatory process, which, like in humans, manifests itself in the oral cavity. The reason for its appearance may be the use of food, which is characterized by elevated temperature. It often occurs due to injury from sharp plants, straw, or certain types of cereals. Sometimes it is formed when eating poor-quality food – poisonous shrubs or herbs.


The reason for this phenomenon is the consumption of any toxic components or poor-quality food. The effect is most often on the gastrointestinal tract, but sometimes other body systems also suffer.

The gastrointestinal tract of a cow

The gastrointestinal tract of a cow

Among the most common ways of infection, veterinarians distinguish:

  1. Eating chemically contaminated grass after field treatment.
  2. Eating poisonous mushrooms, green potatoes or dangerous plants by animals.
  3. The use of low-quality feed by the cow.
  4. Ingestion of heavy metal salts into the digestive tract.

The more unfavorable substances in the animal’s body, the more difficult the poisoning process is. The rate of damage is determined by the amount and time of their impact.

Rumen tympania

The reason for this phenomenon is considered to be an excessive amount of gases that accumulate in the rumen of the animal. It can be traced in cows that feed on plants that are subject to easy fermentation. Often this is alfalfa, winter cereals or clover. Most often occurs after rain, when food gets wet. It often manifests itself during the period of feeding ice cream, slightly rotten or compacted food. Rarely occurs after some contagious diseases or blockage of the intestine.

Qatar AIDS

This is a disease that can manifest itself in a chronic or acute form. There is a disorder in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract due to the formation of a viscous substance on the mucous membrane. The disease can recur after a complete cure.

The reason for this process is associated with improper feeding of the cow. This can be a rare but satisfying meal or prolonged fasting. It also occurs when eating very coarse food or food that has been spoiled for a long time. An illness develops among animals that are poorly looked after and do not clean the stall. The risk of the onset of the disease increases sharply with hypothermia or overheating.

Re-infection often occurs due to problems in the oral cavity, heart disease, or other problems with vital organs.

Gastrointestinal dysfunction

Gastrointestinal dysfunction


The condition and behavior of the cow does not change, but she becomes selective in her choice of food, preferring soft food. Chewing is delayed longer than usual and is accompanied by minor interruptions. At the initial examination of the mucous membrane, there is visible swelling, dryness. At such moments, the animal has an excessive secretion of saliva, which is drawn from the mouth with long threads. Often there is a stench. Such symptoms are characteristic of stomatitis.

Signs of poisoning can be the most common processes – vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, blood in the stool, arrhythmia, changes in pupil size. The cow may be malnourished or may lose food cravings altogether.

Tympania often occurs in several forms, so the symptoms may differ in each individual case. The most common is an increase in the abdomen, especially on the left side. The cow begins to breathe heavily at this time, and her behavior becomes restless. Profuse salivation begins.

Catarrh of the gastrointestinal tract can be detected with a decrease in the animal’s appetite. The cow suffers from constant diarrhea with mucous, purulent or bloody secretions. This whole process is accompanied by bad breath.


The treatment process is always prescribed exclusively by a veterinarian. Self-treatment can create a dangerous situation for the life of the animal.

With catarrh of the gastrointestinal tract, the source of the disease is eliminated, and the animal is prescribed a water diet with the use of C. The previous diet gradually returns.

Kastorovoe butter

Kastorovoe butter

When tympania the scar, a probe is inserted to get rid of gases. The treatment process involves an enema with some useful substances. It is important to eliminate the cause of the disease in time.

Poisoning is treated with adsorbents or antidote. Helps laxatives or gastric lavage. Intravenous injections of saline and glucose are given.

To treat stomatitis, the first step is to eliminate the cause of the damage. The cow is put on a special diet. The affected area is washed with a solution of soda or 2% sodium chloride.


Initially, care should be taken to choose a pasture where there is no access to sharp or tough grasses. The space is carefully studied for the presence of toxic substances, fungi, plants. Many diseases can be avoided by studying the properties and composition of feed. A cow, as a pet, should always live in a clean and orderly manner.


Whatever the symptoms of saliva, the first step is to seek help from a specialist. Only he can quickly identify the disease and take measures to cure it. The very same such treatment should be avoided, since it is often possible for animals to do more harm than good.

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Anna Evans


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