Why does a calf grind its teeth?

Raising livestock places a great responsibility on the farmer. It is necessary to be attentive to animals every day, because their behavior often signals health problems. For example, if a calf grinds its teeth, the help of a veterinarian will be needed. This symptom is inherent in several diseases at once. This article will discuss possible causes of teeth grinding in young animals.

The calf grinds its teeth

Causes of teeth grinding

Teeth grinding in calves is not always a cause for concern. Sometimes this behavior is also inherent in healthy young animals, for example, when soil or sand got into the calf’s mouth along with food. In this case, the animal will try to get rid of litter in the oral cavity by producing a squeak.

However, teeth grinding is not always the norm. Often, it signals to the farmer about the lack of vitamins in the body of a young individual.. There are cases when animals, including adults, change their taste preferences, absorbing plaster or bedding. This is due to the lack of certain substances in their body. And creaking of teeth can appear for the following reasons:

  1. With parakeratosis of the scar.
  2. In gastroenteritis.
  3. With white muscle disease.
  4. In the absence of chewing gum.

Attention! Pathological processes accompanied by teeth grinding in calves almost always have other manifestations.

Let’s consider each reason separately. Information about these diseases and their symptoms will help farmers in the preliminary diagnosis of the condition of the young.

Scar parakeratosis

Scar parakeratosis affects not only young individuals, but also adult cows. This disease affects the scar of the animal and often becomes chronic. This disease is characterized by the accumulation of keratinized growths on the papillae of the scar, because of which they thicken and increase in size.

What is parakeratosis

What is parakeratosis

As a result of a change in the state of the epithelial cells of the rumen, the absorption of nutrients into the blood of the animal is difficult. There are pathological changes in the microflora of the rumen, it is dominated by pathogenic bacteria. Scar parakeratosis leads to:

  • Gradual depletion of the animal.
  • To the appearance of ulcerative foci in the tissues of the scar.
  • Pathological changes in the liver.

The reason for the development of parakeratosis of the scar in calves is improper feeding – the predominance of crushed and concentrated feed in the animal’s diet with a lack of coarse food. What symptoms, besides grinding of teeth, accompany this disease:

  1. The animal almost does not gain weight.
  2. He suffers from diarrhea.
  3. Chewing gum is missing.
  4. Decreased appetite.

Reference. This disease is very dangerous if you do not start treatment, its development can even lead to necrosis of the scar tissue, due to which the animal will die.


Gastroenteritis is often accompanied by gnashing of teeth in calves. This is an intestinal disorder caused by various reasons:

Gastroenteritis in calves

Gastroenteritis in calves

  1. Feeding poor quality food.
  2. Transfer to a new diet.
  3. Infection.
  4. Intoxication.
  5. Content in unsanitary conditions.

Diarrhea is the main symptom of gastroenteritis. Mucous inclusions, blood clots and even pus can be found in the animal’s feces. The study of feces is an important component in the diagnosis of the disease.

Attention! Gastroenteritis is a danger to the life of young animals, as it causes severe dehydration.

white muscle disease

Disputes about the origin of this disease are still ongoing. Some scientists believe that it develops due to a lack of selenium and tocopherol in the body of animals. Others do not exclude the viral nature of the disease. The disease affects young animals either immediately after calving or weaning, or in the second or third month of life. It is characterized by symptoms:

  1. Muscle weakness, atrophy.
  2. Unsteadiness of gait.
  3. Trembling of limbs.
  4. Paralysis of parts of the body.
  5. Deposit.
  6. In the acute course of the disease, there is an increase in the heart rate and intestinal upset.

Reference. Mortality in white muscle disease can reach 60%.

No chewing gum

Newborn calves already have a cud reflex. A young individual can idle chewing movements without receiving hay, while the animal will grind its teeth. If no other suspicious symptoms are found, there is no reason to worry.

Calf without gum

Calf without gum


If a calf grinds its teeth, the cause cannot be determined on its own. In the presence of concomitant symptoms, which were discussed earlier, the help of a veterinarian is required. The farmer is required to provide the specialist with the most complete information about the clinical manifestations of the disease. Based on the data received, the veterinary service worker will draw up a further action plan. It is possible that tests will be taken:

  1. blood.
  2. Urine.
  3. Cala.

With serious pathologies of the health of the calf, the leukocyte blood count usually shifts to the left side, the number of red blood cells decreases, and protein or sugar is found in the urine, the acid reaction changes. All these indicators are important for diagnosing the condition of the calf and prescribing treatment.


Depending on the identified causes of teeth grinding in young animals, treatment is prescribed. If a similar symptom is caused by a lack of nutrients in the animal’s body, a change in diet is recommended.

With parakeratosis of the rumen, calves need to start introducing roughage into the diet. The sick animal is also given vitamin A and burnt magnesia.

Treatment of teeth grinding with gastroenteritis has a completely different scheme. In the first two days, the animal is not fed, but only offered to drink. Then they carefully begin to introduce acidophilus milk, oatmeal and fresh skimmed milk into the diet. If the symptoms of the disease subside, the sick calf is gradually transferred to the usual feeding regimen.

Acidophilic milk for a sick calf

Acidophilic milk for a sick calf

If white muscle disease is diagnosed, treatment is carried out with subcutaneous injections of selenium and tocopherol. In parallel with this, symptomatic therapy is recommended. If the heart is affected, there are signs of heart failure, camphor oil and cordiamine are prescribed. With signs of infection, antibiotic therapy is performed.

Gritting of teeth in calves is not always a sign of a serious illness.. You should seek veterinary help if the young individual also has other symptoms – weakness, stagnation, muscle tremors, diarrhea, loss of appetite. If the animal is not gaining weight or the weight gain is too slow, it is also worth inviting a veterinarian for an examination. Based on the clinical picture and the laboratory tests performed, the animal will be prescribed a treatment regimen.

Anna Evans


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