What time of year are oaks planted? Oak: planting and care. Landing in open ground

The landscape design of a summer cottage, a park, a country house, a city sidewalk will perfectly decorate an oak tree, planting and caring for a tree is of interest to many amateurs and experts. Oak is a broad-leaved tree, the geography of which is from temperate to equatorial latitudes. In addition to all the power of sound, oak deserves a kind of sacred attitude. This tree was raised even by ancient peoples, believed in the power of its energy, power. Indeed, the appearance of an oak tree symbolizes fertility.

Pedunculate oakДуб черешчатый

An oak can be grown from a planted acorn, but it is much easier and faster to buy a ready-made seedling.

The colorful color filling of the tree at different times of the year allows you to receive aesthetic pleasure throughout the year, therefore, the owners of even the smallest land plot try to emphasize their status by growing this tree.

Description of the plant, its types and varieties

Oak is a well-known plant. But not many people know that it belongs to the beech family and there are many more varieties of oak in the world than it might seem. There are about five hundred of them.

Mature oakВзрослый дуб
Mature oak

Each type of oak is different from its counterparts:

  • Crown shape
  • Sheet shape
  • The color of the leaves
  • Fruit color

Despite the fact that sometimes the oak does not look like itself, there are still some common features of this durable and representative tree species:

Big size. This is the main common feature. Oak has such a character that it is difficult to imagine it in dwarf forms. The name of the tree implies something solid, big.

Many gardeners have a desire to grow this beautiful tree, but there is not enough space. For such cases, low varieties are bred.

Fruit. For all representatives of this family, the fruit is an acorn. This name is known to everyone. The “berry” from which everyone made little men in childhood is immediately presented.

Different colors, different “hats” on it are the exceptional features of the variety. It is interesting to know that such hats are called “plushki” and are similar to the headdress of the Pope. The sizes of acorns also vary.

Durability. The expression “centenary oak” is not in doubt and is often used in literature. A tree can live up to 500 years or more.

Frost resistance. Almost all types and varieties of oak are frost-resistant to a greater or lesser extent. Depending on the region of growth, the leaves may remain on the tree or fall off.

Wind resistant. It takes very strong gusts of wind to pull the oak tree out of its dwelling.

Of the numerous representatives of oaks, the following varieties are known and common:

  • Petiolate
  • Chestnut
  • Red
  • Velvet
  • Stone
  • Large-fruited
  • Willow

On the territory of Europe, the petiolate species is most widespread. On the basis of such oak, decorative varieties have been created:

Atropurpurea. The leaves of this oak are dark red in color. They turn purple in autumn.

Oak leaves

Compacta. The variety was developed for small areas. You cannot call it a dwarf, but in comparison with an ordinary giant 30 meters high, a three-meter oak is a toy. The crown of this variety is round.

Variegata. A white leaf with green splashes is a varietal characteristic of this oak.

Fastigiata Koster. The crown of the tree is formed without additional pruning in the form of a pyramid.

The red oak is also a representative of the beech genus. It is most commonly found in North America and differs from its counterparts in its red foliage.

Chestnut oak, due to its super frost-resistant wood, has been logged for a long time for use in the production of building materials. Now this species is listed in the Red Book, and work is underway in the reserves to restore the population.

Despite the opinion that oak has no place in the garden, you can still find decoration for the garden from a large or small oak.

Expert Opinion

Julia Yurievna

I have a large garden and vegetable garden, several greenhouses. I love modern methods of plant cultivation and soil mulching, I share my experience.

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Care of a tree

What time of year are oaks planted? Oak: planting and care. Landing in open groundWhat time of year are oaks planted? Oak: planting and care. Landing in open ground

Chestnut oak leaves.

It is not easy to plant an oak, it, like any plant, needs care. Decorative trimming or artificial shaping of the trunk – it all depends on personal aesthetic needs.

In addition, the oak needs constant lighting. Therefore, the young tree sprout should not be in the shade of large trees or grass. You should regularly remove weeds, weed the growing area of ​​the seedling. Additional moisture, fertilization is necessary in the early years and in the dry season. It is necessary to constantly fluff the soil. In addition, it is important to prevent any diseases of the young sprout.

It is less resistant to powdery mildew, which can damage young trees. This fungal disease affects both the leaves and stems of the tree, and is carried by the spores of the fungus. To prevent this disease, it would be good to treat the young seedling with a solution of copper sulfate. And with an obvious threat, a solution of fundalose and colloidal sulfur is used.

In conditions of excessive moisture, there is a place for mulching the near-trunk area with wood chips or peat. The same actions are carried out for the winter period, for the frost resistance of the tree trunk. It is better to insulate young trees by processing with garden pitch and additional wrapping with fabric materials. In addition, you should protect the oak from harmful insects. These can be oak barbel, moth, leafworm. For prophylaxis, solutions of decis and kenmix are used.

How fast an oak grows

Oak is a plant that develops slowly. Don’t expect quick results and expect to harvest acorns in a year or two.
The specified plant reaches the height of a medium-sized tree at the age of 9-10 years. In another ten years, the first fruits may appear. Although, as a rule, fruiting occurs at the age of 40-45 years. But even at this age, it is not worth waiting for acorns every season. The crop appears every 4 years. Although a sprout grown in a pot develops more quickly, such a tree will die faster. This is due to the improper development of the rhizome in a pot. Therefore, if you want to lay a century-old garden, it is better to grow an oak from an acorn.

How to plant and care for an oak seedling in your garden?

The mighty oak is a well-known deciduous tree, which is often used for landscaping parks and squares, creating picturesque alleys. It gained popularity due to its vitality and undemanding care, the planted seedling can grow in one place for more than 300 years. How to plant an oak tree in your garden? The tree has a strong root system and a spreading crown, so it is difficult to grow it on a small plot of land. In this case, summer residents should pay attention to undersized, decorative varieties.

What does an oak tree need and where to plant it

Of all the varieties of species, only the stone oak is distinguished by the ability to grow in the shade.

In other characteristics, all oak giants or babies are similar:

  • Love sunshine
  • Prefer fertile soil
  • Drought tolerant
  • They love space
  • Long-term stagnation of water at the roots is undesirable
  • The acidity of the soil should be close to neutral

When choosing a place for planting, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of growth. The slow growth of an oak sapling should not mislead the gardener.

If the tree is comfortable in a new place, then soon it will spread its powerful roots over long distances. And then the buildings and paths will suffer great damage. Strong roots destroy the foundations of the house and buildings, paths and pools.

Oak seedlings for plantingРассада дуба для посадки
Oak seedlings for planting

This feature of the tree forces you to plan a planting away from any structures.

In the far corner of the garden, the oak will not bother anyone, and under its shade in the summer it is good to relax in a hammock. And how the children will rejoice if they are allowed to make their own secluded corner on the branches.

Species with a wide domed crown give a lot of shade, so only shade-loving and hardy plants survive near such a tree.

If there is no place for a large oak on the site, but there is still a desire to grow it, then for this you need to choose an instance with a neat rounded or conical crown. Such a tree will be able to act not only as a soloist, but also keep company with other deciduous plants.

Oak does not tolerate the neighborhood with conifers. Spruce loves acidic soils and, showered with needles around itself, creates comfortable conditions with its help. In such conditions, the oak will not grow.

When planting varieties such as:

one must take into account their instability to spring frosts. Young shoots can be damaged even with small recurrent frosts.

The correct choice of place and the creation of comfortable conditions will ensure the tree’s rapid growth and development.

Choosing a large size oak in the nursery

Most often, when landscaping and performing landscaping work, oaks are planted on the site as adults. The fact is that they grow for a very long time – their period is centuries. Therefore, it is more advisable to plant already formed plants.

Large-sized animals are selected in specialized nurseries. It is desirable that the conditions in which the tree grew were as close as possible to the conditions in which it will find itself after transplanting.

Planting of large-sizedПосадка крупномеров

When planting a pedunculate oak, the main criteria are:

  • age and height of the large size. It depends on the requirements for the landscaping results. Thus, in our nurseries, both young oak trees 1-2 m high and adult trees, whose height exceeds 5-6 m, are represented;
  • the appearance of the tree, the location of its branches. All oaks have a spreading, spherical crown, but each of them is unique. Large oak trees may look slender with an elongated trunk, or, conversely, more luxuriant, if the crown starts relatively low. By their appearance, “structure”, the seedlings are selected in accordance with the requirements of a specific design project;
  • the health of a large-sized person. This aspect requires special attention. Oak trees are susceptible to a variety of diseases, and therefore it is important to select healthy plants. The leaves should not have darkening, deformed areas, foreign inclusions. The trunk and branches should be strong, covered with non-cracked, healthy-looking bark.

In good nurseries, large-sized animals are grafted and processed – this allows them to be protected not only from most diseases, but also from parasites.

Breeding methods, cultivation

Growing your favorite tree is not very difficult. There are several ways. Which one to choose depends on the type:

Buy a seedling in the garden center. This method is the easiest and fastest. This option turns out to be the only one when growing new varieties that multiply by grafting.

Growing from acorns collected under an oak tree. If a gardener wants to follow the entire growing process from an acorn to a tree, then he will certainly be interested in this way.

Sprouted acorns for planting

Growing a seedling found in the forest. The method does not allow observing the process of sprouting of an acorn sprout. But this disadvantage is compensated by the rapid growth of the tree and eliminates the risk of decay of acorns during storage.

Garden centers currently do not set themselves narrow tasks. They sell fruit trees, flowers, and conifers. Deciduous trees purchased to decorate the estate are no exception.

Buying planting material in a garden center is not the most economical, but the fastest way to become the owner of an oak tree.

The company selling large-sized trees will deliver it to the garden even faster. In this case, an adult tree will decorate a corner of the garden within a few days after the idea.

For the second method – growing from acorns, planting material must be collected in the forest under an oak tree.

Harvest time is spring or fall. During the autumn harvest, it will be necessary to provide this “seed” with stratification at home. Temporary cooling of the seed for a month will replace the winter that it experiences in natural conditions under the snow.

In the spring, a week after the snow melts, you can walk on acorns. At this time, they are already beginning to hatch. This method is good because:

  • No need to stratify
  • It can be seen which acorns are viable
  • Planting immediately after collection
  • There is no storage time and no need to rack your brains on how to ensure the safety of seeds

Any method is good and depends on the gardener’s choice.

The best varieties of oak

In the northern latitudes, in temperate and tropical climates, about 600 varieties of this plant grow. For the purpose of landscaping garden plots, parks and city alleys, undersized varieties of ordinary (pedunculated) oak are used. These are Asplenifolia, Fastigiata, as well as Fastigiata Koster and Concordia. The main characteristic features of these varieties are:

  • height – from 15 to 30 meters;
  • crown – spreading;
  • the leaves are notched, dense, of a rich dark green hue.

The second most popular is the red oak, or northern oak. It is called so due to the characteristic color of the leaves. In spring, when blooming, they have a reddish tint, in summer they are completely green, and in autumn they turn red, crimson, even brown. The Aureus variety takes precedence.

What time of year are oaks planted? Oak: planting and care. Landing in open groundWhat time of year are oaks planted? Oak: planting and care. Landing in open ground
Oak leaves

Correct landing

How to plant an oak tree? For planting oak, the pit must be prepared in advance. It is best to do this at least two weeks before planting. In order for the earth to settle, the pit must be watered abundantly several times.

The soil mixture is prepared from:

  • Land from the garden – part 1
  • Humus – 2 parts
  • Oak leaf land – 2 parts
  • Fertilizer type AVA lasting 3-5 years – one handful
  • Sand – part 1

Planting materialМатериал для посадки

Such a recipe will allow the tree to take root quickly and provide it with food for several years.

Planting a finished seedling from a pot into open ground is carried out as soon as possible after purchase:

  1. A seedling in a pot is watered 2 hours before the intended planting. Such a procedure will help to extract it from the landing tank without damage.
  2. A drainage layer of 10 cm is placed at the bottom of the planting pit.It can be broken brick or just rubble.
  3. The planting hole is filled with prepared soil

Together with a lump of earth from the pot, the seedling is transplanted into a pit. The soil level when planting in open ground remains the same as in the pot. After removing the plant from the pot, the earth can be shaken off a little.

Around the roots, the soil is compacted with a fist or a wooden mortar. Trampling of the soil is not always possible to control. In this process, you can overdo it a little and damage the delicate roots of the plant that provide it with nutrition.

It is better to plant oak seedlings immediately after digging up. The pit is prepared in the same way as in the previous method.

Acorns collected in autumn, or better in spring, are planted to a depth of 5-7 cm.

Watering any plantings must be done daily. It is impossible to transfuse or dry delicate sprouts. The soil should be slightly damp, but not wet.

Expert Opinion

Julia Yurievna

I have a large garden and vegetable garden, several greenhouses. I love modern methods of plant cultivation and soil mulching, I share my experience.

Ask a question

Комментарии (26)

  • Artem

    28.07.2017/13/07 at XNUMX:XNUMX |
    I have long dreamed of planting and growing an oak tree myself, and this tree has always inspired me. I was afraid that it would not work out on my own without the intervention of professionals, but I was able to. I grew a very good seedling from a cutting.


    Julia Expert Plodogorod

    03.07.2019/19/18 at XNUMX:XNUMX |

    Hello Artem! Yes, this plant also propagates by cuttings. However, rooting of green cuttings is not always successful. The fact is that the planting material taken from mature trees hardly takes root.

    Therefore, it is better to take shoots of annual or biennial trees. In the first case, the probability of rooting is about 80%. If the tree is two or even three years old, then the chances drop to about 50-60%.

    Oaks reproduce well with acorns if you decide to have another pet. An easier and faster way is to buy a young oak tree in the nursery, but it is quite expensive and not always convenient.

    If you decide to repeat the grafting experience, we recommend that you carry out the work in early June. If the mother plant is more mature, then it is better to take cuttings in May. To increase the chances, you can use heteroauxin.


  • Vladimir

    30.08.2017/17/22 at XNUMX:XNUMX |

    Yeah … we also have an oak tree in our garden, it was planted by my grandfather! A very beautiful and massive tree, the decoration of our garden! He planted three oak trees, but only one grew. He should have just read this article!

  • Anna Evans


    View all posts by Anna Evans →
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