Vietnamese fighting chickens

Fighting breeds of chickens include Vietnamese or Ga Dong Tao. However, at present, it is almost impossible to meet these feathered pets somewhere outside the country, where they were bred several hundred years ago. Vietnamese chickens are found mainly in villages in Vietnam. But if earlier they were grown to participate in cockfights, now they are mainly bred for meat, or as a decorative function, to decorate the yard.

The main feature of Vietnamese fighting chickens are thick legs. At first glance, to an inexperienced poultry farmer seeing such individuals for the first time, it may seem that the bird has problems with limbs. However, in fact, the paws of these feathered pets are in order, and they do not at all prevent the chickens from moving around and actively looking for food.

The egg production of these feathered pets is quite low – only about 60 eggs per year. The shell color is cream. Laying hens reach a live weight of two and a half to three kilograms, and roosters gain weight up to four kilograms. Sexual maturity in chickens occurs at the age of eight and a half to nine months, and in roosters a little earlier, at about seven and a half months. Individuals grow quite slowly, like their plumage.

Vietnamese is a breed of chickens that has a massive, rough, loose physique. The toes are very poorly developed due to the enormous thickness of the paws themselves. The plumage on the body is not very lush, hard. And its color can be different: white, black, fawn and other colors and shades.

Basically, this bird is grown for meat, which has a pleasant taste. But the legs of these chickens are especially popular among the Vietnamese. They are considered a delicacy. For their preparation, young individuals are selected, whose age does not exceed six months.

For Vietnamese chickens, it is necessary to create certain conditions of detention. They do not tolerate harsh winters and cold. Therefore, first of all, the poultry house should be seriously equipped and insulated so that feathered pets feel warm and comfortable in it. Lighting and temperature conditions are of great importance for them. In the cold season, the bird should be fed with additional feed containing a large amount of vitamins and minerals. It is advisable for these chickens to be vaccinated in order to avoid the appearance and development of various diseases.

You can keep Vietnamese chickens with individuals of other breeds. These feathered pets are distinguished by a calm character. They do not come into conflict with other birds, do not fight or show aggression, although they are fighting. But at the same time, these chickens do not trust a person, they are shy and timid.

For such birds, it is necessary to fence in a walking area so that they walk on fresh green grass and gather pasture, and also can stretch their legs. This allows feathered pets to gain weight faster and look for insects, berries, plant seeds and other useful products in the grass.

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Anna Evans


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