Variety Setton: How to grow onions?

Setton is a Dutch type of onion. It has excellent characteristics and many advantages, including high yields. You can get it subject to all the rules for growing a crop, starting with the preparation of planting material.

Characteristics of the variety, advantages and disadvantages

Setton is a mid-late onion variety. After germination, 110 days pass before harvesting.

The main characteristics of culture:

  • rounded shape of the bulbs with a narrowing to the tail;
  • narrow neck;
  • average fruit weight – 110 g;
  • pen height – up to 45 cm;
  • dense yellow-brown dry scales;
  • juicy white pulp;
  • pleasant semi-sharp taste.

Setton is a biennial crop. In the first year, sevok is obtained from seeds, and a marketable turnip will be available only the next year. This feature should be taken into account when choosing a landing method.

The basis for breeding Setton was another variety of onions – Sturon. The result of the selection work was the following advantages:

  • undemanding to the characteristics of the soil;
  • high yield – up to 6 kg per 1 sq. m;
  • aging almost 100%;
  • high resistance to the formation of arrows;
  • cold resistance – in the absence of snow, the culture tolerates temperatures well down to -15 degrees;
  • high disease resistance;
  • long-term storage – with proper organization up to 7-8 months without germination and decay;
  • good preservation of sevka – even during winter storage it does not dry;
  • versatility – onions are used fresh, for heat treatment, conservation.

Setton has no flaws. The need for certain growing conditions is the norm for onion cultivation, therefore it is not considered a minus.

Optimal growing conditions

Setton is considered an unpretentious variety, but in order to obtain all its advantages, certain conditions must be provided:

  • Well lit area. The beds should be located in an open, level area.
  • Remoteness of groundwater. It is better to organize the beds on a hill or make them high. With a close occurrence of groundwater, drainage should be taken care of.
  • Optimum temperature. Setton should be planted in open ground when the air warms up to 12 degrees.
  • Compliance with the rules of crop rotation. Onions should not be returned to their original place for at least 3 years. You can not plant it after other bulbs. For planting, it is good to choose beds after cucumbers, nightshade, green manure. After garlic and carrots, the culture feels bad.

Setton can be grown on many types of soil, but to ensure a good harvest, it must meet certain requirements:

  • sufficient fertility;
  • pH level 6,5-7;
  • moderate moisture.

Loamy soil is best suited for growing onions. During digging in the fall, organic matter is recommended. It can be rotted manure or humus. For 1 sq. m requires 3-5 kg ​​of fertilizer. Another option is potash-phosphorus fertilizers.


Setton is planted in open ground with seedlings or seeds. In each case, there are certain terms and features.


Growing Setton seedlings from seed takes an average of 55 days. In the northern regions, they should be sown in the last week of March or the first week of April. For the southern regions and the middle zone, these terms can be shifted by 2-3 weeks.


You need to act according to the following algorithm:

  1. Culling of planting material. It is necessary to soak the seeds in warm water for 3 hours. All specimens that have surfaced should be thrown out, since they will definitely not give seedlings.
  2. Disinfection. To do this, prepare a solution of potassium permanganate. It should be light pink, be sure to wait until the crystals are completely dissolved. In a solution of potassium permanganate, the seeds must be kept for half an hour.
  3. Warming up. After soaking in a solution of potassium permanganate, the planting material should be washed and dipped in hot water for 40 minutes. The temperature should be no more than 45-50 degrees.
  4. Охлаждение. Seeds must be removed from hot water and immediately placed in the refrigerator or cold water. Half an hour is enough.
  5. Germination of seeds. This step is optional, but will speed up the process. Seeds should be placed in a damp cloth and moistened periodically. It will take no more than a week before the emergence of seedlings.
  6. Preparing containers for seedlings. You can use boxes or containers, peat tablets and cassettes are convenient.
  7. Soil Preparation. You can buy a ready-made mixture or prepare it yourself. The earth must be sufficiently loose. It is necessary to make grooves in it, deepening by 1 cm. Leave 4-5 cm between rows.
  8. Seed sowing. It is not necessary to deepen or ram them, it is enough to sprinkle a centimeter layer of soil on top.
  9. Maintaining a temperature of 18-20 degrees. When the first shoots appear, the temperature regime must be reduced. The optimum daytime temperature is 14-15 degrees, at night – 10-12 degrees.
  10. Watering. Seedlings should be watered abundantly, but without stagnant moisture. Adjust the frequency of watering according to soil moisture. It is recommended to first water the seedlings 2-3 times a week, then 3-4 times a week.
  11. Fertilizer. After 2 weeks, the seedlings will need top dressing. You need to use liquid organic matter. After 2-3 weeks, carry out another top dressing. This time use mineral fertilizers.
  12. Hardening. It should be started 1-1,5 weeks before planting the crop in open ground. First, it is enough to take the seedlings out into fresh air for a quarter of an hour. At home, it can be marked on an open balcony or window. Gradually increase the time in the fresh air.

Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to water it abundantly. The beds need to be prepared in advance – loosen and level. Make grooves and water them well. Leave 20-30 cm between rows.

Pruning of roots and leaves of plants is recommended. They should be shortened by a third. Carefully plant the bushes in the prepared grooves, keeping a distance of 10 cm between them. Carefully sprinkle with earth.

Onion sets

Sevkom Setton can be planted in spring or autumn. Spring planting should be done at a temperature of 12 degrees. Usually they occur at the beginning of May, and in the southern regions at the end of April. Landing work can be carried out immediately after the snow has melted, if additional agrofiber or film is used.

Winter sowing is carried out in October-November. The exact landing time depends on the climatic features of the region. It is necessary to plant sevok 2-3 weeks before frost, when the temperature drops to 5 degrees.

Regardless of the chosen sowing time, you need to prepare the beds in advance and act according to the following algorithm:

  1. Culling of planting material. Only strong onions without signs of disease and mechanical damage should be used. It is recommended to sort planting material into 3 groups by size.
  2. Warming up the sevka. Keep the material for 1-2 weeks at a temperature of 40 degrees.
  3. disinfection. Use a solution of potassium permanganate. It is enough to soak the sevok for a quarter of an hour, then dry it.
  4. Well preparation, deepening them by 4-6 cm. Leave 10 cm between the holes, and 25-30 cm between the rows.
  5. Planting sevka. Planted bulbs should be sprinkled with earth.

Covering material should be used for winter planting. In the spring it can be removed with the onset of heat.

Outdoor crop care

Setton needs standard care, represented by a package of works.


Setton should be watered regularly. Watering is especially important at the beginning of the growing season before the bulbs begin to actively grow. It is recommended to water the crop once a week, and in the dry season, double the frequency of watering. For 1 sq. m should consume no more than 10 liters of water.

Watering onions

Around the beginning of July, bulbs begin to ripen. At this time, watering should be moderate.

Watering should be completely stopped 2 weeks before harvest.

Loosening and weeding

Due to loosening, the soil becomes breathable, and moisture is retained in it longer. The soil should be loosened regularly and at least once every 2 weeks. It is recommended to carry out such work after watering or heavy rain. It is impossible to loosen the earth too deeply, 3 cm is enough.

Getting rid of weeds is a prerequisite for caring for onions of any variety, including Setton. Weeding is good to combine with loosening. Work should be carried out as needed.

Plant residues from the garden should be removed, and for the prevention of diseases and pests, it is better to burn them.


In addition to fertilizing during the autumn digging of the site, several top dressings are required after planting the crop in open ground. The first time fertilizers should be applied half a month after sowing. At this stage, it is better to use organic. It is better to apply fertilizers in liquid form. For 1 sq. m requires 1 liter of liquid.

The second top dressing is carried out 3-4 weeks after the first fertilization. At this stage, it is worth using mineral compositions. Effective ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate. For 1 sq. m need 15 g of fertilizer.

Until the third feeding, you need to withstand the same period. This time the applied fertilizers should contain calcium.

During the month before harvest, only natural fertilizers are allowed. Chemicals during this period should be excluded.

Fighting diseases and pests

Setton can be affected by downy mildew, neck rot, rust. Affected specimens must be immediately removed and burned. Treat the remaining plantings with a fungicide.

Prevention of fungal diseases is copper sulfate. Spraying is carried out when the feather grows to 15 cm. It is necessary to dissolve 10 tsp in 1 liters of water. substances and add 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap. This volume is enough to spray 20 square meters. m, you need to process only the leaves.

Dusting or spraying with tobacco dust will help to cope with a common onion fly pest. Effectively mix it with black pepper and ash.

Harvesting and storage of crops

The optimal time for harvesting is the end of summer. Onions should ripen, but not sit out in the ground, so it is important to remember the ripeness time for this variety. A sign of the readiness of the crop for harvesting is the massive lodging of the feather. Good dry weather should be chosen for harvesting.

The crop should be stored in a dry and warm place. The optimal temperature regime is from 0-4 degrees. The room should be ventilated, and the humidity level should not exceed 75%.

It is good to store the setton using grandmother’s methods – knitting braids, stuffing nylon stockings. You can also use various containers – wooden boxes, cardboard boxes, special nets. Efficiently and simply spread crops on the shelves.

Periodically, onions in storage should be inspected and disposed of damaged specimens. This reduces crop losses.

Growing Setton is no more difficult than other varieties of onions. Compliance with all the rules will ensure a good harvest and long-term storage. It is important to properly prepare planting material and carry out disease prevention – some are found only when onions are stored.

Anna Evans


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