Tuvan horse breed

The Tuva breed of horses showed its best qualities during the years of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, until that moment the animals were used for agriculture and were not so popular. This is a very ancient breed that has managed to survive to this day. Mongolian horses and heavy trucks are related to its origin. Read more about the characteristics and advantages of Tuvan horses below.

Tuvan horses

Historical information

Information about the origin of the Tuvan breed is scarce. It is known that horses have been used on the territory of modern Mongolia for centuries. They served the Mongols faithfully – they accompanied the invaders in battles, provided them with meat, skins and milk. The modern Republic of Tyva is located next to Mongolia. When the Russians began to gradually populate Siberia and the territory of the sources of the Yenisei, the locals adopted their horse breeding skills.

It is believed that the progenitors of Tuvan horses are Mongolian stallions, which later crossed with horses that arrived on the territory of Tuva with Russian peasants – heavy trucks, trotters. The blood of their descendants was later renewed with the blood of the Kuznetsk breed, which was bred in Western Siberia.

Modern representatives of the breed are divided into 2 types: riding and draft. The first species is slightly larger: growth at the withers is 8-9% greater than that of draft stallions. The second type is characterized by compactness and dryness of the body.

Attention! During the war years, more than 50000 stallions and mares of this breed, the inhabitants of Tuva gave the Red Army, for which they received gratitude from Budyonny himself.

Exterior Features

Tuvan horses are quite large, but at the same time they look graceful. Consider their inherent external characteristics in detail:

  • the average weight of an adult stallion is 340-350 kg;
  • height – 127-140 cm;
  • the physique is strong;
  • the back is straight, long;
  • the neck is dense, muscular;
  • croup rounded, shortened;
  • the chest is deep enough;
  • the head is large with a straight profile;
  • auricles are compact, sharp;
  • limbs are strong, medium length;
  • tail, mane and bangs are thick;
  • the color of 30% of animals is bay, less common is gray, red, piebald, caraca, black and white.

Attention! A characteristic feature of Tuvan horses is the uniqueness of their color. Two identical colors among these animals will not be found.

Tuvan breed

Tuvan breed

Representatives of the Tuvan breed mature late – by 3 years, but they can be used for reproduction for 23-25 ​​years. Animals are undemanding to the food base, for which they are valued at home. Another advantage is their adaptability to the harsh local climate. Not every breed of horse can be bred in mountainous areas, where it is very hot and humid in summer, and there are severe frosts in winter. Vegetation on the territory of Tuva is scarce, but these animals are able to be content with little.

The Tuvan horse is hardy and efficient, it can move through difficult terrain. It is used not only for riding, but also for transporting small loads. The Tuvan horse is able to go without food and drink for a long time, it tirelessly travels long distances without stopping.

Attention! The police of the Republic of Tuva use local undersized horses, because they are unpretentious and hardy.

Horses of the Tuvan breed appeared thanks to the method of folk selection. The genes of the Mongolian horses and heavy trucks made these animals so strong and hardy. The local climate also influenced the development of valuable qualities in horses: they are undemanding to food and have strong immunity.

Author: Olga Samoilova

Anna Evans


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