Tulips: description of flowers and their cultivation

Tulips: description of flowers and their cultivationIn order for your garden to glow with bright colors in the spring, you need to take care of planting bulbs in the fall. One of the most beautiful primroses is the tulip flowers: by planting the bulbs in the fall, you can enjoy their lush bloom in April. Caring for tulips is easy, especially if you have selected good planting material and pre-processed it.

Homeland of tulips and description of flowers

The birthplace of the flower is Kazakhstan. Tulips are widespread in central Russia.

Check out the photo and description of tulips – one of the most beautiful early flowers:

Tulips: description of flowers and their cultivationTulips: description of flowers and their cultivation

In height, they reach from 5 to 100 cm. The stem of the flower is straight, with a round cross-section. Leaves are elongated, lanceolate with arcuate venation, covered with a waxy bloom. They are sessile and are arranged alternately on the stem. The description of the colors of tulip flowers is striking in its variety: they can be white, yellow, red. There are orange, purple, black, etc.

Tulips: description of flowers and their cultivationTulips: description of flowers and their cultivation

As you can see in the photo, tulip flowers are usually single, two peduncles rarely ripen.

Planting and flowering dates: the plant is planted from mid-September to the first week of October, flowering occurs mainly in the spring (from late April to early June).

Frost resistance: tolerates winter well.

Names of varieties of tulips and their photos

Many different varieties of tulips have been bred, which are subdivided into groups in appearance and flowering time. With the right selection of early and late varieties, flowering plants will delight you for 1.5 months.

Below are the varieties of tulips with the names and photos of plants, one of the first who begin to fill the site with bright colors.

Variety name Brief description

Simple late:

Tulips: description of flowers and their cultivationTulips: description of flowers and their cultivation

Shirley (White flowers with lilac strokes.)

Tulips: description of flowers and their cultivationTulips: description of flowers and their cultivation

Toronto (Yellow-orange with pink flowers, petals with burgundy veins.)

Terry early:

Tulips: description of flowers and their cultivationTulips: description of flowers and their cultivation

Miranda (Red large double flowers with shiny petals.)

Tulips: description of flowers and their cultivationTulips: description of flowers and their cultivation

Dante (Crimson red double flowers)

Triumph tulips:

Tulips: description of flowers and their cultivationTulips: description of flowers and their cultivation

Aviator (Lilac-crimson flowers.)

Tulips: description of flowers and their cultivationTulips: description of flowers and their cultivation

Alba (Dark red flowers with a white border.)

Terry late:

Tulips: description of flowers and their cultivationTulips: description of flowers and their cultivation

Ice Cream (Light pink flowers with green strokes.)

Tulips: description of flowers and their cultivationTulips: description of flowers and their cultivation

Abigail (Purple-violet bushy flower.)

Hybrid Darwin:

Tulips: description of flowers and their cultivationTulips: description of flowers and their cultivation

Parade (Red flowers)

Tulips: description of flowers and their cultivationTulips: description of flowers and their cultivation

Khdozhnik (Yellow-red flowers)


Tulips: description of flowers and their cultivationTulips: description of flowers and their cultivation

Louvre (Lilac flowers with light fringes.)

Tulips: description of flowers and their cultivationTulips: description of flowers and their cultivation

Fabio (Red flowers with yellow fringes.)

Tulip care: watering and feeding flowers

A well-drained neutral or slightly alkaline soil with a high nutrient content is suitable for growing tulip flowers. The plant prefers sunny and sheltered places. In one place without transplanting it grows well for 3-4 years, but it is recommended to plant it in a new place every year.

Tulips: description of flowers and their cultivationTulips: description of flowers and their cultivation

Tulip bulbs must be examined before planting and damaged planting material must be discarded. The fact is that the risk of disease in scratched bulbs is too high to be planted next to healthy ones. The planting material remaining after inspection should be soaked in a 0.1% decis solution for about 15-20 minutes.

Watering tulips should be done regularly and abundantly, provided that the weather is warm. Watering is stopped 3 weeks after the end of flowering. The soil between the plants is loosened and weeded.

The first dressing of tulips is carried out after the emergence of shoots (1 tbsp. L. Urea per 1 m2. The second time the soil is fertilized before the appearance of buds. The third dressing of tulips is necessary during the period of active formation of buds. The fourth is at the beginning of flowering. When caring for tulip flowers from fertilizers use superphosphate, potassium sulfate and special fertilizers for flower plants.

Another tip for growing tulips: for the winter, the plot is mulched, and in the spring the mulch is removed. The bulbs can also be dug up and stored in a cool, dark place.

Tulips are propagated by bulbs. They are planted in autumn in pits at a depth of 3 times the height of the bulbs. The distance between them is made by 15-20 cm. They are sprinkled with earth on top and slightly trampled. The soil is dug up and leveled 10 days before the work is carried out, and when planting, wood ash, humus, nitrophosphate are introduced into it.

Tulips are affected by penicillosis, fusarium, bulbous and tulip sclerotiniasis, bacterial rot, gray mold, variegation. The most dangerous pest for them is the bulb mite.

When digging and planting, it is important to feel the tulip bulbs, trying to squeeze them lightly in the palm of your hand. Soft fingers that sag under pressure should be discarded and destroyed, as they can be affected by disease.

Decorating flower beds with tulips

Tulips are used in flower beds and flower beds, they are planted in groups on lawns, in alpine hills. They are beautiful in combination with crocuses, lilies of the valley, daffodils, chionodox.

Tulips: description of flowers and their cultivationTulips: description of flowers and their cultivation

Tulips can be planted on the lawn or under trees. In this case, medium-sized tulips with increased endurance are selected, which will not be drowned out by the grass.

To emphasize the beauty of tulips, characterized by elongated lines, low-growing flowering plants can be planted in the foreground. Their flowers differ from tulips in color and shape of petals. Pansies and jaundice emphasize the slenderness of tulips and cover them from below. At the same time, they themselves do not lose their attractiveness.

Anna Evans


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