Trakehner horse

The Trakehner breed of horses has been created for a whole century in East Prussia. During the Great Patriotic War, it was on the verge of extinction, but it still managed to be saved. Today, these horses are the pride of the Germans, they deserve an award by participating in sports. This article will tell about the history of the breed and its characteristics.

Trakehner horse breed

History of the breed

At the beginning of the 18th century, the Prussian cavalrymen had a need for hardy and fast horses. In this regard, in 1732, a stud farm was founded on the territory of East Prussia. He was in the small town of Trakenen. He had more than 1400 horses at his disposal, including Barbary, Persian, Spanish, and Arabian horses. To obtain a new breed with the desired traits, local forest mares were crossed with stallions of these breeds. Soon riding English stallions and even 2 Don stallions arrived at the plant. For almost one century, horses were selected from half-breeds that had good signs:

  • height;
  • strong constitution;
  • long body;
  • long straight neck, etc.

During the selection, attention was also paid to the nature of the horses – preference was given to individuals with a good disposition and those who demonstrated the correct productive movements in the gaits. In the middle of the 19th century, crossbred descendants of forest mares and thoroughbred stallions were crossed only with producers of the Arabian breed and thoroughbred horses.

Attention! Trakehner horses have repeatedly won European trials, which is why they deserve recognition.

During the Second World War, difficult times came for the breed. A significant part of the breeding stock died during the evacuation to the western part of Europe. Soviet soldiers also managed to capture representatives of the Tarkenen breed. In the post-war period, the number of livestock decreased sharply, however, thanks to German enthusiasts, the breed was still managed to be preserved.

Attention! Later, the German breed began to be used in equestrian sports. Since the Trakehner horses have proven themselves well in various types of competitions, they have become in demand in other countries.

External Features

The Trakehner breed still attracts the attention of the general public. In Germany, it is bred as a sports one. The Germans preserve the purity of the blood of these horses, allowing only purebred Trakehnens, Arabs and stallions of the English riding breed to be reproduced. All representatives of this breed line are branded on the left thigh. It has moose antlers on it.

Trakehner breed: appearance

Trakehner breed: appearance


  • animals are quite large, growth at the withers reaches 165-169 cm;
  • the body is long;
  • the neck is thin, high, with a beautiful bend;
  • the chest is wide, muscular;
  • shoulders prominent;
  • medium-sized head with a wide frontal part;
  • the eyes are large and expressive;
  • the profile is slightly concave, although it can also be straight;
  • the limbs are long, straight, with well-developed joints and large hooves;
  • the position of the legs is correct;
  • the croup is oval, the muscles are well defined;
  • suits – karakov, red, black, bay, very rarely – gray.

Trakehner horses have a good disposition, show humility and endurance, they are easy to train.


Trekenen horses need good care. They are kept in clean stables. Each individual is allocated a separate spacious stall, it is equipped with a drinking bowl and a feeder. The water must be fresh. Once a month, all inventory in the stables is disinfected, and the bedding is changed 2 times a week.

These animals are quite active, so they need not only daily walking, but also training, in which certain skills and skills are honed. These horses must be in good physical shape, because they often participate in sports and show their beauty and grace at exhibitions.

Horses of this breed often participate in sports

Horses of this breed often participate in sports

To avoid the development of skin diseases, animals need to be washed. This is done once a week, and in the hot season – more often. The wool is washed using special products, and the mane and tail are washed with horse conditioner. Horses are bathed with water at room temperature, and then wiped dry.

Attention! It is important for the owner of a thoroughbred horse to monitor the condition of his hooves.


Trakehner horses are demanding in terms of nutrition. In order for the foal to form properly, grow up strong and hardy, the following is introduced into its diet:

  • hay;
  • cereals and legumes;
  • roots;
  • fresh grass;
  • vitamins;
  • mineral supplements.

Horses are fed 3 times a day in small portions. The transition to a new diet is carried out gradually so as not to provoke indigestion. Drinking water is changed daily, and drinkers are washed with hot water. In the horse’s diet shortly before the competition include more foods containing protein.

Attention! After eating, at least 1,5 hours should pass before the start of the workout.

Trakehner horses are the national pride of Germany. Thanks to the efforts of connoisseurs of the breed, it was possible to preserve it, despite the fact that in the post-war years these animals almost disappeared. Now such horses have spread all over the world, they are considered one of the best in the sports field.

Anna Evans


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