Terek horse breed

The Terek breed of horses is the pride of Russian breeders. These animals were bred on the basis of purebred Arabian horses, as a result of which they inherited many of their qualities. At the same time, having supplemented the source material with local unique breeds, the breeders managed to significantly expand the list of horse advantages, as a result of which it gained wide popularity among world horse breeders.

Terek horse

General characteristics

Terek horses were bred by domestic breeders in the period from 1920 to 1940. The entire breeding process was carried out on the territory of the Terek and Stavropol stud farms. The goal of the breeders was to create a hardy, strong and calm mount for the needs of the army. The Kabardian, Karachai, Don varieties were taken as the source material for the new breed line. To improve performance, local breeds were also crossed with Arabian thoroughbreds.

Work on the creation of the Terek variety ended in the early 40s. The breed was officially recognized and included in the breeding register in 1948. In 1949, for the work done, all those involved in the breeding were awarded the prestigious Stalin Prize.

The main characteristic features of the exterior are:

  • muscular body with a developed chest;
  • high croup;
  • long neck, characterized by a graceful bend;
  • the head is small with a slightly convex forehead;
  • the limbs are long, slender, with small but strong hooves;
  • the muscles of the thighs are well developed;
  • the tail consists of silky long hair.

The initial standard of the breed assumed the growth of stallions at 153,3 cm. Mares at the withers reach no more than 150,8 cm. The oblique body length in animals is 150,3 cm and 150 cm, respectively. But it is worth noting that today the representatives of the breed line have already significantly outgrown the standards. For a stallion, a height of 162 cm is considered normal. For mares, this figure increased to 158 cm.

The color of representatives of the Terek variety in most cases is silver-gray, but there are also animals with bay and red color.

The strong constitution of the horse is complemented by a strong skeleton and a strong tendon-ligamentous apparatus. Thanks to such features of the physique, the animal is distinguished by high endurance, working capacity, and exceptional riding qualities. The horse easily withstands a fast gallop.

The color of Terek horses can be different.

The color of Terek horses can be different.

Reference. The nature of the animal is calm and obedient. The horse, as a rule, does not show aggression towards a person or other living creatures.

Terek horse types

After breeding the Terek breed of horses, many breeders continued to work on it. The main purpose of such activities was to further improve the characteristics of the animal and explore new promising areas of development. As a result of such careful selection, three types of horses appeared in the pedigree line, each of which suggests its own exterior features.

Characteristic or basic type

The characteristic type is actually the original standard. This type includes all the founders of the pedigree line. Also, about 40% of the mares participating in the breeding had an appearance characteristic of the main direction.

Among the typical body features in such animals are:

  • evenly developed muscles with a dry physique;
  • strong muscular body with a wide, deep chest;
  • the back is wide with a flat short loin and a slight deflection in the withers area (may be absent);
  • long neck with a beautiful bend;
  • a light head with a straight or slightly concave anterior surface and a broad forehead;
  • pointed ears of medium size;
  • straight wide croup with pronounced muscles;
  • strong, properly folded legs with a minimum amount of fat and developed hips;
  • grandmothers are medium in size;
  • strong, neat hooves, shaped like a glass;
  • the tail and mane are relatively short.

In general, the constitution of the animal is strong and dry. Also, the advantages of horses include developed ligaments and tendons. The eyes of such living creatures are large and expressive.

It is worth noting that the characteristic type of Terek horses also suggests several shortcomings in addition. These include:

  • the hock joint of the hind limbs is located at an angle of less than 140 degrees (saber legs), as a result of which the step of the animal is shortened;
  • convergence between the hocks of opposite legs;
  • protruding ears;
  • slightly sagging back.

Terek horse of a characteristic type

Terek horse of a characteristic type

Light or oriental type

Light type horses in their appearance are more like Arabian horses, which were used in the breeding process. Their physique is leaner, more graceful. The body is smaller in width and size.

These animals are demanding on the conditions of detention. Breeding in the herd way is not suitable for them. But, despite this, they are highly valued among breeders for their breed characteristics.

The main features of the constitution of horses of the eastern type include:

  • strong bones, it is distinguished by a small thickness of the bones;
  • long neck with a characteristic bend;
  • a light head with a pike profile, to which, in many representatives of the line, a slight bulge is added in the forehead;
  • high sacrum.

Of the pronounced shortcomings of the Terek horse of a light type, only a soft back is distinguished.

thick type

Representatives of this branch of the breed, unlike the eastern one, on the contrary, are more obese, overall with well-developed muscles and wide bones. Their characteristic features include:

  • strong muscular body with a deep chest and strong bones;
  • short and wide neck;
  • lower withers;
  • the head suggests coarser features;
  • dry feet with the correct addition.

In the process of breeding such animals, males of both archery and Arabian horses were used. The dense type of Terek horses is considered the least common. Only 20% of the queens of the total number of the breed line have features characteristic of this species. Such stallions and mares already belong to the riding-draft direction.


The scope of the Terek horse is extremely extensive. These animals are used in almost all types of equestrian sports. Their stamina and agility often make them a favorite in distance races. Maneuverability and developed muscles allow them to take places in competitions to overcome obstacles (show jumping). Terek stallions are also used in driving and triathlon.

Reference. The developed intelligence of horses greatly simplifies training. At the same time, animals remember a large number of commands, which makes them valuable for use in dressage and circus arenas. The spectacular appearance of the horses also contributes to this.

The calm nature of the animals also makes them indispensable in children’s equestrian sports. Horses are friendly to children, which makes it much easier for them to work with animals. Also, this characteristic makes it possible to use Terek horses in hippotherapy, which is becoming increasingly widespread in domestic open spaces.

The Terek breed of horses has gained wide popularity among horse breeders due to its graceful exterior, endurance, speed and calm disposition. An impressive list of advantages allows such animals to be widely used in equestrian sports, as well as in circus shows and working with children. In addition, the Terek variety is widely used to improve the qualities of other breed lines.

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Anna Evans


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