Sowing pepper seeds

Together with tomatoes, pepper is one of the most popular seedling crops. Preparatory work for this process begins even in winter, and already with the onset of the first warm days, seedlings can be planted in open ground or in a greenhouse.


Planting this crop in open ground is possible only in the south of Russia. Summer residents who live in other regions, including Siberia, usually do this in special greenhouses, since only in such conditions can an optimal microclimate be created for crop growth. The soil temperature for planting should be above 15 degrees, which affects the choice of the most optimal time. Preparatory work for planting sweet bell peppers is best done in January or February, as March is sometimes warm enough for seeds to be planted. In the process of planting seeds, it is imperative to take into account the precocity of a particular variety, since it is this factor that affects the duration of the harvest.

If the pepper is in greenhouse conditions, then the first fruits can be obtained after 100 days, but in an unheated place it takes at least 4 months. In addition, here it is necessary to add the time that it takes for the emergence of seedlings. Thus, if it is necessary to obtain this vegetable at the end of summer, seedlings should be planted in the last days of February or a maximum until mid-March.

When using the lunar calendar, planting should also take place in early summer, resulting in a harvest in late summer or early autumn.

The necessary conditions

In order for pepper seeds to germinate and give a good harvest at the end, certain conditions are necessary. First of all, you should properly prepare the soil, saturate it with useful trace elements and substances, which will contribute to a more optimal and efficient growth of pepper. In addition, you need to make sure that the temperature regime allows the seeds to sprout.

The processing of the seeds themselves is also important, because the future of the crop depends on it. It is best to use the instructions from the seed manufacturer or find out everything empirically.

Sowing pepper seeds

Soil preparation

The quality of the soil is of paramount importance in the development of the plant. To this end, it is prepared very carefully, since otherwise the entire crop can be completely nullified. If financial opportunities allow, then it is best to purchase a ready-made substrate in a store, but it is quite expensive. If you need large volumes, you will have to spend money. In this case, it is best to use a mixture that is prepared on its own. This is a fairly simple process, but as a result, it will be possible to obtain components that significantly improve the composition of the soil. The ideal solution for pepper is to use mixtures of garden soil, peat, humus and wood ash. Thanks to this, it will be possible to provide the soil with all the necessary nutrients that contribute to faster and more efficient growth of pepper. In addition, you can mix peat, sand and humus in equal proportions, which is also a fairly effective way to improve the condition of the soil.

At the same time, close attention will need to be paid to soil disinfection.. To do this, disinfect the soil by steaming or heating. The first method is to pour boiling water over the earth and cover it with dishes until it cools, and the second involves placing the soil in an oven with a high temperature. Soil treatment with a manganese solution is also considered quite effective, which destroys all pathogens and makes the soil as clean as possible.

It should be noted that disinfection has a downside, because along with harmful microorganisms, beneficial bacteria are also killed. To restore the microflora, it is necessary to immediately fill the soil with water so that it stands for about 2 weeks in a warm room.

Seed preparation

Seed preparation is one of the most critical stages, which determines the rate of pepper germination, as well as the quantity and quality of the crop. In addition, the resistance of seeds to various diseases and external factors depends on this. Step by step instructions will help you do everything right.

Sorting and selection

As part of this stage, the selection of the highest quality seeds takes place. In order to achieve maximum efficiency, it is necessary to independently sort out all the seeds and remove the smallest ones. In addition, summer residents are advised to soak the seeds in a salt solution for 20 minutes. During this time, it will be possible to get rid of all the hollow elements, and the remaining ones can be cooked further.

During sorting, it is also necessary to check for damage or mold on the seeds, as they can infect other seeds and destroy the crop. The main task of the sorting process is to leave only the highest quality material, which will allow you to get a good harvest in the future.

Sowing pepper seeds

Heat treatment

Regardless of whether the seeds were collected independently at home or bought in a store, they must be subjected to heat treatment. This procedure is quite simple and for its implementation you just need to wrap the grains in a cloth and put it on the heater.

Sowing pepper seeds


This procedure is necessary in order to carry out complete disinfection of seeds. Various pathogenic microbes and bacteria can remain in the seeds after they are planted. All this carries the risk of complete destruction of the crop, therefore must be disinfected and disinfected.

One of the most effective ways is to use a potassium permanganate solution, for which you need to dilute about 5 grams of potassium permanganate per 200 ml of water. It is enough to keep the seeds in this solution for about 30 minutes and you can no longer worry about the presence of any pathogens. After such procedures, it is imperative to rinse the seeds under running water and dry them using a regular towel.

Sowing pepper seeds


A distinctive feature of this procedure is that it allows you to prepare the seeds for growth in soil conditions, as well as provide a stronger immune system. Thanks to this, a good harvest can be obtained at the output. For soaking, it is enough to put the seeds in a damp cloth, then send them to the bag and refrigerate. It is best to keep them in the vegetable compartments, which are characterized by zero temperature.

Sowing pepper seeds


This procedure is not mandatory, however, most summer residents resort to it in order to reduce the growth time of pepper. After germination, it will be much easier for the seeds to reach the surface of the soil. To do this, it will be enough to take the usual wet gauze and put the seeds there. Periodically it needs to be moistened with water. You can roll gauze in the form of a snail. In the same way, toilet paper with seeds placed in it is folded and periodically moistened slightly.

To speed up the germination process, you can also use special preparations.

Sowing pepper seeds

Ways of planting

To date, there are several ways to properly sow pepper seedlings at home. Regardless of which planting container is used, it must be treated with special disinfection compounds and the seeds placed to a depth of no more than one centimeter.

In boxes or plastic containers

In this case, containers are used, the height of which is not more than 100 mm. Crushed stone or expanded clay is poured into the container, thanks to which it will be possible to get rid of excess water. After that, soil is poured into the container, leaving a few centimeters free from the edge.

Using a regular ruler, small depressions are created into which pepper seeds are planted. In this case, the distance should be at least 3 cm from each other, otherwise they will not be able to develop. To ensure maximum results and ease of work, it is best to use tweezers. After the seeds are laid, they must be sprinkled with earth, as well as compact the soil and carefully pour water.

Sowing pepper seeds

In cups

On the market today you can find special plastic glasses that have a removable bottom. It is necessary in order to get rid of excess moisture, which is of paramount importance for the effective growth of pepper seeds. If ordinary cups are used after yogurt or other similar products, then several holes must be made in the lower part so that water does not remain inside the cup. Then soil is poured into the container, a recess is made in it and the seed is sent there, sprinkling it with earth on top.

If the cup has a removable bottom, then it will be much easier to disembark than when using the usual option.

Sowing pepper seeds

Peat pots or tablets

This method is one of the most popular and effective, as it allows you to quickly and safely prepare seedlings. The landing algorithm is practically the same as that presented when using plastic cups.

After the plant has fully grown, it must be transplanted into open ground or a greenhouse, using ordinary peat containers for this. The main advantage of using this method is that the plants are not injured during transplantation, so they can continue to grow at the same pace. In addition, on the market you can find a huge number of containers that differ in their dimensions and boast affordable prices.

For optimal results, you can also use peat tablets, which are placed in separate glasses before planting the seeds. They are laid out in such a way as to provide the seeds with everything necessary for rapid growth.

Sowing pepper seeds

In cassettes

In some cases, cassettes are used to obtain pepper seedlings, which are plastic molds with cells. The main advantage of this method is that up to 12 plants can be grown on one device. It is also possible to find special cassettes that are closed with a lid, as a result of which it is possible to guarantee the ideal microclimate for the germination of pepper seeds.

It is necessary to lay a mixture of soil or peat tablets in the cells, and only after that you can begin to sow the seeds.

Sowing pepper seeds

In hydrogel

Hydrogel is a unique polymer that is able to absorb huge amounts of moisture. Today on the market you can find hydrogels in the form of powder or granules, each of which is distinguished by its effectiveness. In order to prepare a hydrogel for growing pepper, you need to take 1 tablespoon of powder and a liter of water, and the mixture will be ready in 30 minutes. Pepper seeds are laid out on the surface of the resulting hydrogel, so that in the future the plant will not need watering. It is not necessary to place them too deep.

After the sprouts appear, it will be necessary to remove the seeds with an ordinary spoon and transfer them to glasses. A distinctive advantage of the hydrogel is that with its help you can get perfectly germinated seeds and safely transplant them into another container. This greatly increases the yield of the crop.

Sowing pepper seeds


After sowing is completed, it is necessary to ensure the proper level of care for the seeds. It is extremely important to monitor the temperature, which must be at least 25 degrees, otherwise the seeds will not be able to germinate. For irrigation it is allowed to use water at room temperature. If it is unfiltered, then it needs to be cleaned. The ideal solution is to use rainwater to speed up the germination process.

After the seeds sprout together, they need to dive in order to ensure further normal development. If you strictly observe all agricultural practices, use high-quality seeds and carry out all work at the highest level, then on the fifth day you can see seedlings.

Sowing pepper seeds
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Anna Evans


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