Short-legged chickens creepers, their characteristics

Creepers are chickens that are not very common among poultry farmers who raise poultry for both meat and milk products. Basically, these feathered pets are popular among those who love decorative individuals. The main distinguishing feature of this breed is short legs. Creepers are found everywhere, both in European countries and in the New World.

These short-legged hens are characterized by not very high egg production, amounting to only about 150 eggs per year. The average weight of one egg is about 50-55 grams. The shell is creamy. Adult individuals reach a live weight of two and a half kilograms, roosters gain weight up to three kilograms.

Creeper chickens, photos of which can be viewed on our website, have an unusual appearance. It is quite difficult for them to move because of their short legs. Basically, it is this factor that plays a decisive role when poultry farmers choose this breed. However, breeding them is quite difficult. This is due to genetic characteristics that adversely affect the fertility of the bird. As a rule, a quarter of all embryos die during incubation, another quarter are chickens without pathologies, with normal legs. The rest – 50% of hatching chicks are born with short legs and often do not live to puberty.

However, despite the low survival rate of the young, the hens have a well-developed brooding instinct. They become wonderful, caring mothers.

If you want to breed such a breed of feathered pets in your backyard, the poultry farmer must understand that chickens with short legs should be kept separately from the rest of the poultry population. For them, it is necessary to make stairs so that the chickens can climb onto the perches, or make the perches themselves lower than usual. Drinkers and feeders should also be placed lower than for hens with normal leg sizes.

It is very important to prepare a paddock for creepers so that they can move freely on the grass, without clinging to it, stones, and other obstacles that are high for them.

Bird feeding should be balanced, of high quality, in order to maintain a normal balance of all trace elements and vitamins in the body. In winter, vitamin and mineral supplements should be additionally fed to feathered pets, making up for the lack of green fodder.

The breed of chickens with short legs belongs to decorative poultry. It requires attention and more careful care than other breeds of chickens. However, if desired, it is not difficult to provide individuals with good maintenance.

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Anna Evans


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