Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.

What do the colors mean?

The psychology of color and the meaning of colorsПсихология цвета и значение цветов

Have you ever wondered why you choose clothes of this or that color, surround yourself with interior items of a certain shade. After all, what surrounds us speaks of our state of mind, mood and thoughts. It turns out that color can tell much more about our inner world than a daily horoscope.

In the distant 18th century, an amazing science was born. Doctors have noticed that a person is recovering faster or slower in a room of a certain color. Bit by bit, people collected facts that are inherent in this or that shade, and in the twentieth century psychologists around the world have adopted the fact that color can tell a lot about the state of mind and feelings of a person.

The psychology of color can not only reveal to us the secrets about ourselves, but also help in solving a particular problem, in achieving a goal, in the mood for a successful outcome of the case, and even attract love.

Let’s do an experiment: close your eyes and imagine the thing in your favorite color. Now look at the result, you will probably learn a lot about yourself or what you think is obvious.

Purple rose care

The rose requires fairly regular treatments, especially in the first year after planting. Observing simple rules, you can achieve abundant flowering.

Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.

Watering rules

Watering should be done often (on dry days – up to twice a day), but not much, so that the water has time to leave the soil. It is not recommended to be too cold, it is better to pick up several containers ahead of time and let them settle. You need to water at the root, it is not advisable to get water on the leaves and flowers.


Cut the rose:

  1. After winter, removing dead shoots growing inside the bush, and simply extra to give shape.
  2. During the warm season, cutting off dead buds, old or too long branches, wilted leaves.
  3. Before wintering, according to the level of the shelter.

Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.

Additional fertilizing

Roses should be fed throughout the season. Both natural fertilizers (manure, humus, ash) and purchased mineral fertilizers are good. Before the formation of the first buds, nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be applied to the soil. The optimal composition of ready-made mixtures contains phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.

Learn about the importance of feeding with phosphate, potash, and nitrogen fertilizers.

Pest and disease control

Roses are very susceptible to various diseases (rust, gray mold, powdery mildew) and pest attacks (mites, larvae, etc.).

To prevent the appearance of these misfortunes, you should adhere to the rules of care, protect plants from dampness and mechanical damage, cut off withered flowers and leaves in time, regularly inspect the bushes for lesions.

If a problem is found, the affected parts of the plant should be immediately cut and burned, and the bushes should be treated with products designed to combat the specific problem, for example, Bordeaux liquid.

Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.

Purple in psychology

Purple in psychologyФиолетовый цвет в психологии

What color will you get if you mix blue and red? That’s right, purple. Psychologists say that its interpretation is a rather complicated process, since two opposites merge in it – the calmness and balance of blue and the passion of red. And therefore, its shades will help to understand it in more detail, or rather, if you understand which color dominates, you can understand its nature and influence on a person.

• Dark purple, when blue wins in saturation – characterizes excessive authority and even rudeness.

• A light shade, on the contrary, soothes, especially in stressful situations. It also promotes the development of intuition.

• When there is more red, then the manifestation of pride is possible.

• Lilac, on the contrary, causes a manifestation of love, sensuality and tenderness. Therefore, it is recommended for pregnant women. Even ancient artists who painted portraits of expectant mothers used this palette. They explained their choice by the mystery and mystery of the birth of a new life.

  • Psychology loves the color purple: a person thinks with his heart and is capable of spontaneous actions.

Ready for new acquaintances, easily converges with people, but he himself does not strive to show his inner world. The man is driven, with the right approach, he can easily be won over to his side. At the same time, he has outstanding creative abilities, and, like any subtle nature, is vulnerable.

If purple prevails in clothes, then it has a calming property on the state of mind. It also increases self-esteem.

But the main thing is not to overdo it, it is best to choose small accessories or jewelry with stones of this shade. If your favorite color is purple, for example, a delicate pendant with amethyst, a ring or sapphire earrings will suit you.

In-demand shades

One of the downsides to purple hair color is its unpredictability. It is always difficult to predict what the result will be. Therefore, two girls who have used the same remedy can easily get a different result: lilac, eggplant, purple, fuchsia, pink, ash, pearl, etc.

We suggest exploring the options for fashionable combinations:

Black purple

There is a synonym for it: brown-purple. A great theme for black and very dark hair. It is very discreet, practically does not change the native color of the hair. May cast blue or pinkish highlights.

Blue violet

A deep and beautiful color for women with transparent skin, under which wreaths and capillaries are clearly visible. The aristocratic type is characterized by pallor of the integument, light blue, the absence of a pronounced blush.

Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.

Pink purple

It can be bright or muted. The strawberry range is especially in vogue today, but it goes exclusively to blondes. A dull semitone, close to fuchsia, reminiscent of burnt out in the sun, looks beautiful on young ladies with bright blue eyes.

Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.


It can be achieved only after complete discoloration. Ideally, after that you need to paint your head with ammonia-free paint, and apply the appropriate tint balm.

Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.

Ash or gray

The same grandmother’s coloring. Silvery motifs perfectly paint over gray hair, softly cast with lavender, look fresh and unusual. By the way, this is a super trend today. Looks cool with a platinum blonde. Ideal for ombre, highlights, ends coloring.

Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.

Idea! To understand whether the chosen color suits you or not, use special crayons. They are applied to the test strand and look at the result. They are quickly washed off with regular shampoo.

Red: the psychology of colors

Even in ancient times, red was considered a symbol of everything beautiful: the red sun, the maiden is red. But in psychology, its meaning is twofold. On the one hand, it is love, passion, dedication, and on the other hand, it is a symbol of war and aggression.

People who surround themselves with this color are bright, purposeful, do not like loneliness and are always in the spotlight. Extraordinary personalities with a strong will and are able to move mountains in order to achieve a goal.

Cheerful optimists choose bright red, scarlet color. Brave and fearless travelers.

Dark, burgundy – domineering, to some extent aggressive nature. Therefore, in order to maintain balance and harmony with yourself and others, you need to know a few points:

The psychology of colors distinguishes red as the main, dominant one.

• A person with internal torment and anxiety should not focus on red. He’s exciting.

• If you need to make an impression and win the opinion of the majority to your side – this color is yours.

• In order not to overdo it with the saturation of red, you can dilute it with other colors, for example, calm white.

• Lovers of this color will love jewelry with red stones: a ring with a pomegranate, or a set with topaz.

Varieties of white terry lilac

The photo below shows some varieties of white terry lilacs. They are distinguished by the degree of terry, the number of corollas, the color of the buds. They have one similarity – the white color of the flowers. They are more demanding, more often get infected and get sick, suffer from pests if they are not properly cared for.

Important! It is necessary to grow white lilacs in sunny areas. In the shade, the decorative qualities of the shrub are reduced.

Memory of Kolesnikov

Terry white lilac The memory of Kolesnikov, shown in the photo, is the only one whose buds are painted in yellow tones. Desaturated, pale color. It is called creamy yellow. The flowers are white. Their diameter reaches 3 cm. It has 3 rows of oval-shaped petals. Rising, the petals cover the central part. They resemble polyanthus roses. Large inflorescences with one pair of panicles grow, far removed from each other. The shrub blooms profusely, for a long time.

Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.

Miss Helen Wilmont

The bush reaches a height of 3 m. The blossoming flowers are terry, they consist of 3 corollas of white color. The petals are wide, pointed at the end. The tops of the petals are bent, more than 2 cm in diameter. Forms erect, ribbed brushes of 1 or 3 pairs of panicles. They protrude above the bush. The leaf blade is large, elongated and pointed, green. The flowering period is long – from mid-May to June.

Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.

Monique Lemoine

Monique Lemoine forms cream-colored flowers with a greenish tint. They resemble levkoy. There are 4 or more corollas, due to which the flower is very terry. The shape of the petals is pointed, often dissected. They are slightly curved, as a result of which the central part of the flower is closed. The inflorescence consists of one pair of panicles, can be covered with leaves. The flowering period is long, the aroma is weak. Shrub of medium height, compact, late flowering.

Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.

Princess Clementine

Lilac Princess Clementine is referred to white terry. It forms creamy buds with a greenish tint. When fully opened, 3 corollas become white in color. Petals are oval, slightly curved. The leaves are rather large, light green. The pyramidal inflorescence consists of 1-2 panicles. Possesses a pronounced aroma. The bush is not tall, with an average flowering period.

Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.

Jeanne d’Arc

The shrub grows up to 3 m. It forms white, double flowers, more than 2 cm in size. The petals are located in 2.5 or more rows, curl inward, then bend horizontally. When closed, the buds are creamy. The inflorescence is large, takes the form of a narrow pyramid, and is fragrant. They protrude slightly above the bush. The leaves are bright green. It begins to bloom in May, the duration of the period is 2-3 weeks. The shrub has an average flowering period.

Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.


The flowers are white, without shades, fragrant. Belong to the densely doubled group. The unopened bud takes on the shape of a rose with rounded petals. Has dense leaves of bright green color. Inflorescences look good on shrubs and when cut. They have a pronounced aroma. A shrub with a medium flowering period. Its dimensions are up to 2.5 m, the bushes are compact. Suitable for small garden areas.

Important! Lilac Liega grows well in urban conditions. Loves lit areas. Delivers partial shade.

Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.

Blue in psychology

Blue in psychologyСиний цвет в психологии

It is associated with the sky, water, which you can look at endlessly. He is also associated with luxury and nobility. Remember the expression “blue blood”.

People who love this color are used to getting their way, but unlike aggressive red, they do it extremely tactfully, using diplomatic and intelligent methods.

These are very responsible individuals who can be entrusted with any, even the most difficult, task, which they will cope with on time and impeccably. Conflicts are not for them. Calmness and pacification in any situation allow these people to achieve heights in their careers and creativity. The same can be said about people with blue and blue eyes. For kids, blue is the color of safety. If the baby draws parents and loved ones with a blue or blue pencil, he feels protected.

On the other hand, they are prone to melancholy and depression. The dark blue color in psychology also indicates arrogance and stiffness.

You should choose clothes and interior items of this shade if necessary:

• Find calmness and self-confidence;

• Resolve a difficult life situation;

• Moderate appetite. The blue plates will help during the diet.

• To guide the child in a calm and judicious way during the studies;

You can choose both a wardrobe item of this color and jewelry with topaz, sapphire, spinel.


Lilac color in the interior of the kitchen can hardly be called a traditional solution. Familiar colors tend to be more credible. But you will be surprised what a different mood he can carry in himself! We look at specific examples that do not differ in similarity.

“Lilac + peach”

  • The interior of this kitchen does not want to be ranked as any particular style – yes, there is a hint of country music, but rather, it is just the embodiment of home comfort and warmth. The color of lilac and peach is incredibly consonant. Here they are the basis, the main logical focus. They are complemented by brighter little details – plates on the walls, colored glasses, photographs. The tree was also successfully selected – we are more and more convinced that dark rocks have no place next to quivering lilacs, sunny warm shades in this regard are much better.

The color of lilac and peach in the design of the kitchenЦвет сирени и персика в оформлении кухни

“Lilac + silver”

  • Since the lilac color goes well with silver and white, it is logical to use it in a high-tech interior. This additive feminizes laconic surfaces and steel shine. Having studied the trends, we found out that it is now actual to emphasize it with a strip of patterned wallpaper, highlighting the seating area or the dining table.

Lilac color with silver shades in the interior of the kitchenСиреневый цвет с серебристыми оттенками в интерьере кухни

“Lilac + chocolate”

  • The next photo shows the classic kitchen interior, which can be found in many modern apartments. Everything is simple, convenient and practical – and individuality is lost behind this thoughtfulness. There is no need to give up your beloved white and gray, you just need to add two additional touches. Here their function is performed by silky chocolate and matte lilac, and they are united together by a mosaic on a kitchen apron, of these two colors.

Yellow in psychology

Yellow in psychologyЖелтый цвет в психологии

Everyone associates this color with the sun, warmth, comfort and summer. Even Goethe wrote that he excites, pleases and excites. As with purple, yellow is obtained by mixing red – passionate and green – purposeful colors. Hence such a positive effect of the yellow one.

People who like this color strive for self-improvement, the discovery of something new and breakthrough. And also get rid of the bonds and gratings of bad habits or surrounding boredom. By the way, people who use alcohol or tobacco don’t really like this color until they decide to part with their weakness.

These are people who are adequate, able to make the right decision in a moment. Gifted in any field of activity, be it art, politics or profession. And at the same time they do not like the ordinary at all.

But the main thing is not to abuse this color in clothes or room space. Since its dominant component can cause aggression, overexcitement or hostility towards others.

Color psychology recommends paying attention to yellow in the following situations:

• When you want to attract attention or captivate people with a certain idea;

• If you are overtaken by blues or depression, yellow will cheer you up. During the holiday, he will make accents of yellow in the room: balls, flags, napkins, then the holiday will be cheerful;

• If there is an important event ahead: an interview or exam, yellow will help you focus.

• Women who choose citrine earrings or ring gain self-confidence and self-esteem.

Taste and style – color combinations in clothes! How to choose?

Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.

The art of color matching is not given to everyone, and many women periodically experience difficulty trying to combine different colors or shades in their outfit. A stylish look is 99% made up of the right combination of colors in clothes, makeup, accessories.

If the colors are not combined correctly, it feels like something in the look is “wrong”. This is due not so much to a conscious understanding of the fashionableness and style of things, but to the physical laws of color perception.

Billiard color or wormwood color

This shade in itself is not striking, but if you are noticed, then it will be difficult to take your eyes off. Billiard is the color of calmness, respectability, wisdom and good luck. And what woman does not suit the color of fortune? In addition, bright, grandiose combinations can be made with this shade.

Consider the combination of wormwood and pale pink, Victorian pink, rose color, deep red, alizarin, orange, copper-red, pale yellow, apricot, thrush egg, light green, gray-blue, blue, lilac, orange. beige, tan and chocolate.

Turquoise green

Rare, bright and calm at the same time. He inherited the versatility of turquoise shades and the calmness of dark turquoise. The color will take root in any wardrobe. Combinations with this color can be restrained, modestly intelligent. This color can be present both in a business style and in a casual one for relaxation.

Jewelry made of gold, silver, emeralds will look good next to this color. It is better to choose transparent stones: pink, blue, orange, cold green shades. Decorations made of wood will suit him.

What is the combination of the turquoise color of the green hue? The combinations are not obtrusive, but with character you can get with pale pink, coral lilac pink, pale sand, pink coral, ocher, regatta, emerald, pale blue, dark pink, taupe, lilac, blue lilac, beige-pinkish, silver, gold, bronze, brown.

Turquoise blue

This color is traditionally considered turquoise. He is bright, but not dazzling. Energetic, sociable, this color to face all. Color is changeable in combination, it will give you a special personality.

This color is good both on the beach and in the office, and will be comfortable at parties and at home. Don’t pass up this color: versatile, a color with character, perfect for any wardrobe.

From jewelry to combine will be gold, silver, pearls, topaz, amber, coral, turquoise. Any blue shades in the stones and jewelry are welcome.

Consider color combinations of turquoise with hot pink, red rose, yellow ocher, pink coral, orange, blue-green, cold light green, aquamarine, purple, blue, white-blue, white, straw beige, silver, gold, bronze, brown …

Pale turquoise color

This color is similar to aquamarine. Delicate, gentle, flowing color of transparent sea water. It cannot be called pale or bright. It will suit any color type.

This color in its calm bliss is best worn on vacation, summer celebrations. The relaxation that this color promotes will be superfluous in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Jewelry that matches a dress or blouse in this shade of turquoise: pink-orange coral, shells, pearls, gold and silver. Decorations in the color of a pale carnation, yellow and orange shades of stones or jewelry will suit him. It is advisable to use non-transparent stones.

Pale turquoise color combination: with peach pink, carmine, golden yellow, pink coral, orange-coral, aqua, cold shade of green, sky blue, burgundy, lavender, aquamarine, beige, silver, gold, bronze, brown.

Pale lilac color

Fresh, delicate violet color, it creates a true spring, sunny mood. This shade will refresh the skin of the face, soften the features, and emphasize the hair color.

Pale lilac will look good on both spring and summer outerwear and underwear. Dresses, suits, sweaters of this shade should be worn on vacation and holidays. In the office, pale lilac will distract from a serious attitude towards specific activities.

Pale lilac is combined with such colors as pink, red magenta, purple, yellow-beige, green-yellow, apricot, carrot, mint, green peas, sky blue, violet blue, amethyst shades, golden beige, yellow -brown shades.

Grape Gothic or dark grape color

This is a mysterious, evening, purple shade. What is hiding behind the dark veil? Passion, secret desires, the dark side of “I” … Unlike black, Gothic grape is more emotional color. It has more personality and character than other shades.

Combine dark grape with pink, magenta, fuchsia, red-orange, dark red, apricot, yellow-green, pale yellow, light green, bright emerald, gray-blue, light blue, lilac, neutral beige, yellow -beige, light brown, brown colors.

Glycine color or gray-lilac shade

If lilac is a bright, saturated shade, then glycine shimmers with restraint. He did not lose the tenderness and romance of lilac, but acquired the calmness, stability and wisdom of gray. This shade will speak of the constancy of the owner, sensuality and maturity of character. Not recommended for representatives of the “winter” color type.

Combine a gray-lilac shade with pale pink, baby pink, strawberry red, dark red, saffron, pale yellow, light yellow, gold, thrush egg color, marsh green, dark gray blue, denim, light blue, beige , gray-brown, dark brown shades.

Lavender color

Intense lilac shade. Shrill and calm at the same time. Only a contrasting appearance can withstand his onslaught. The boldness of the lavender shade emphasizes self-confidence, although it is still not suitable for the office. Flamboyant and “detached from reality”, he does not contribute to the working spirit. But if you decide to conquer with your mystery, then this color is the best fit for this.

Lavender prefers contrasting combinations. Such as pearlescent pink, fuchsia, yellow ocher, pale yellow, light orange, poisonous green, light green, menthol, blue violet, sky blue, grape, dark purple, beige, brown and dark brown …

Blue-lilac color

Calm, balanced shade of lilac. It can be called everyday. Unlike all other shades of lilac, it will not cause a strong resonance in everyday office duties. But its main element is holidays, travel, rest.

Like lavender, blue-lilac will inspire confidence, but not due to brightness, but due to the stability of the prevailing blue hue.

Blue-lilac combines such colors as pale pink, strawberry, yellow, apricot, light orange, wormwood, malachite, menthol, indigo, pale blue, amethyst, gray-purple, yellow-beige, yellow-brown, brown

Lilac amethyst or lilac pink

Sexy, seductive, challenging. It is a more delicate and lighter relative of the red-violet hue. It has more enthusiasm than languor. The amethyst color is more dynamic compared to other shades of lilac, so you can see sportswear in such shades, more muted amethyst tones will fit into the casual style.

Like all shades of lilac, lilac-amethyst is not well suited for office work, but it fits more into everyday life than others.

Consider combinations of lilac amethyst such as honeysuckle, magenta red, greenish yellow, golden, light orange, menthol, mint, light green, cobalt, electric blue, dark lilac, lilac, peach beige, light brown, yellow-brown.

Purple colour

Classic lilac, medium saturation shade. Bright personality, romance, femininity. It is ideal for representatives of the spring and winter color types.

This shade amazes the imagination with its integrity, sophistication, and oddly enough, its rarity. In addition to femininity, something otherworldly lurks in this shade: a mystery associated with another world. Therefore, the lilac color can attract natures inclined to metaphysics, and alienate practical people.

Lilac color is combined with pink, bright red, pale yellow, ocher, pale carrot, menthol, emerald, pale green, aqua, denim, red-violet, violet-purple, beige-apricot, light yellow brown, red-brown

Dark turquoise color

This color is similar to aqua. This is not the brightest turquoise, it is also suitable for everyone, but especially the representatives of the “summer” color type should take a closer look at it. Unobtrusive, careful, soft color serves you not noticeably. Without focusing on itself, the color, first of all, presents you, favorably shading the skin, gives the eyes a blue-green sheen or creating a contrast with brown eyes.

Dark turquoise is as versatile as turquoise blue. From jewelry, transparent stones of any blue, lilac, pink shades are suitable; pearls, amber, agate, garnet, turquoise. Feel free to combine gold and silver with this color.

What color does this shade of turquoise match? Soft, discreet. Perhaps you will like combinations of turquoise with coral lilac pink, raspberry coral, green yellow, light sand, orange sorbet, blue-violet, lilac, light lavender, burgundy, lavender, thrush egg color, cream, light beige, silver, gold, bronze, brown.

Topaz blue

It is also considered turquoise. This is a more sporty option, T-shirts are often in this color. But the dresses look great too. This bright shade is gentle in its own way and is more suitable for recreation, holidays, sports than for the office.

Red coral, gold, silver, pearls, turquoise, topaz, diamonds and amethysts, lilac, yellow, orange and pink stones will look with it.

What goes well with turquoise? Defined, intense colors such as pale pink, deep red, pale yellow, pink coral, orange, green turquoise, violet blue, blue, regatta, pale turquoise, deep lilac, lavender, gray, silver , gold, beige-brown, brown.

Color “Atlantis” or turquoise green

Self-confidence, independence, personal responsibility, creativity are the qualities that the color “Atlantis” expresses. In this color, you will feel free from the “impossible”, and partners will see unlimited potential in you.

Color “Atlantis” is universal and suitable for all color types. Turquoise green is combined with red, red rose, saffron, yellow-orange, gold, golden, aquamarine, malachite, cobalt, royal blue, blue, glycine, lilac, light pink-beige, brown, dark brown

Color baltic or gray-blue color

This is dedication to an idea, perseverance in achieving it, intellectuality, the ability to discard all unnecessary. This shade is pleasant, it does not distract attention, but makes you relax and make more rational decisions.

The Baltic color will look good on representatives of the “spring”, “summer” and “autumn” color types. This shade will be appropriate both in the office and on vacation.

Gray-blue color is combined with white-pink, lilac, dark-lilac, red rose, peach, sand, ocher, emerald, azure green, blue, cobalt, electric blue, white-blue, glycine, beige-peach , gray-brown and dark brown.

Spring green color

This is a light shade of blue-green color – one of the few universal colors that is perfect for representatives of all color types. You are probably surprised by this name, because spring greens usually look light green in color. But this color fits perfectly into the spirit of spring mood. It is a very energetic color, capable of awakening from winter grayness and apathy.

Strong colors are suitable for this shade of blue-green. Such as: geranium, pink, iris, red, dark red, orange, orange sorbet, sand, light yellow, gold, viola, blueberry, light lilac, lilac, bright purple, brown, dark brown.

Viola color

Viola is blue. It will suit all color types. The color is expressive, catchy, but the eyes do not get tired of it. Plus he is very feminine and elegant.

After a long winter, viola is one of the first flowers to bloom in the sun, but what if it is not flowers that make spring so elegant? Blue is the color of the holiday and everyday life, with it weekdays are easier, and weekends are richer.

Resonant colors are suitable for this color. Such as: magenta, purple, dark pink, red, dark red, orange, orange sorbet, light yellow, gold, light sand, spring green, neon green, azure, blueberry, lilac, dark purple, brown , dark brown.

Blueberry color

Dark blue color. Cold, intense, it requires a bright make-up. It is rather an evening color, and in combination with flowing fabrics, it is designed to conquer in the dim flickering of lights.

It will suit representatives of the summer, autumn and winter color types. But keep in mind, this vibrant color makes the skin look pale. It slims your figure and enhances the contrast between your face and hair.

The dark blue color is combined with pale pink, amaranth, cherry, orange, yellow-orange, light sunny yellow, sand, blue-green, with spring greens, with aquamarine, viola, blue, with light pale lilac, dark lilac, brown, dark brown, black-brown flowers.

Bright turquoise color

As with coral shades, turquoise has catchy tones. But bright colors are needed for a bright life. The bright turquoise color is surprisingly rare and beautiful. He attracts eyes to himself, carries away with him. Tropical diva, bird of paradise – this is the definition of the image that this color creates.

But not everyone can afford it. For this color, the exterior must have the highest contrast. Representatives of the “winter” and “spring” color types can afford it, provided they have bright makeup.

Bijouterie for clothes in a bright turquoise color should be selected from transparent stones of any blue or green shade. Avoid pale jewelry. Gold and silver, pearls, coral and turquoise will suit you too.

What color goes well with turquoise? The same bright, sonorous. Take a closer look at combinations such as pink, yellow, yellow-green, pink-coral, neon green, dark blue, electric blue, aquamarine, dark pink, purple, regatta, cream, gray, silver, gold, beige brown, old bronze.

Bright lilac color

Lilac like coral or turquoise can be very vibrant. In this case, all the properties of the shade are enhanced.

A bright lilac color is an indicator in the definition of the “spring” color type, since the appearance of the “summer” color type will be pretty spoiled by it. If you are “spring” or “winter” and want to significantly stand out from the crowd, then a bright lilac shade will give you extra attention.

Combine bright lilac with pink, bright red, sunny yellow, apricot, bright orange, turquoise green, bright green, scartez, viola blue, azure blue, bright purple, pale lilac, light beige , light brown, brown.

Persimmon color

A shade of orange, of such brightness that it will not spoil the representatives of the “summer” color type. The decrease in brightness brings into this color the tenderness of love romance, which will stand next to the courage of a teenager and not the constraint of a child. Persimmon color will make your look dynamic and sociable. Adventure will always be with you.

This shade of orange is combined with light pink, magenta, burgundy, red, red, yellow, ocher, emerald green, billiard, neon green, blue, electric blue, light azure, orange-beige, mocha and chocolate color.

Coral red & terracotta

Intense spicy color. And soft and bright at the same time. The red-terracotta color gives off to the east, its slowness, stormy colors, sunset. This color can bring peace and tranquility and … a thirst for adventure. The color is suitable for an evening dress, swimsuit, leisure wear or business suit.

Coral products, gold, silver, emerald, garnet, diamonds or alexandrite can become a decoration.

This coral shade is combined with pale yellow, magenta, dark red, scarlet, mustard, thrush egg color, azure, sky blue, blue-green, Prussian blue, dark gray, silver, gold, white, light gray, brown, black-brown.

Iris color

Pink-lilac shade. Cold, intense, moderately bright. It will suit representatives of the “summer” and “winter” color types. You can choose bright accessories and shoes for this color. This color is piercing and exotic. During the day it pleases with its strength, and in the evening twilight it becomes mysterious. Iris color “from the ship to the ball”, if you want to get to the club after work, bypassing the house, then this color is perfect for you.

It matches colors such as pale pink, fuchsia, dark pink, red, rose color, orange, orange sorbet, pale yellow, gold, light sand, olive, light green, blue, blueberry, lilac, purple, brown and dark brown.

Bright coral pink-orange

Or a shade of scarlet, which differs from the classic coolness. In the northern regions of Russia, this color is not found in the natural environment. This is exotic, but it looks expensive and inspiring. It is worth combining this color very carefully. Use this color as the main color or use it in bright accessories such as a belt, beads, etc. Do not use in a 1: 1 ratio with other bright colors. Dilute it with soft and neutral shades.

Consider combinations with coral, bright pink-orange, yellow-green, purple, yellow-purple, tomato, sand, green, azure, sky blue, black sea, dark blue, silver, gold, white-beige, nude -white, gray, brown, dark brown.

Coral red orange

A warm red shade, not as bright as the classic, but no less intense. He will not hurt the eyes, suitable for all types of appearance. Expanding your wardrobe, feel free to add coral red, because Lady in red is the image of a beautiful lady, for him it is quite on the shoulder. You can put it on wherever and whenever you want: color for both summer and cold weather; for recreation, for a holiday and for work.

A good combination of coral red-orange with light yellow, pink-orange, hot pink, bright pink-orange, dark burgundy, muted yellow-orange, with the color of spring greens, Prussian blue, gray, lilac, gold, silver, white, sandy light beige, dark gray, brown, dark brown.

Coral lilac pink

An intricate pink shade that is difficult to identify. Ideal for a cold, non-contrasting appearance. If the “summer” color type manages to get this color into their wardrobe, then it will be a pearl, among other not bright, wonderful colors. Silver, coral, pearls, moonstone, amethyst, topaz, diamonds or alexandrite are suitable for lilac-pink.

Colors that match coral lilac-pink: champagne, pale pink, hot pink, raspberry, burgundy, muted yellow-orange, aquamarine, Prussian blue, dark gray, lilac, gold, silver, white-beige, sand -beige, light gray, brown, dark brown.

Coral raspberry

Coral raspberry differs from raspberry in less pinkness. This color is closer to red: intense, expressive, it is still colder than classic red. Coral-crimson is perfect for both the office and the holiday. This color is also acceptable in the autumn-winter time, as it is combined mainly with dark colors. For cool looks who can’t afford bright red, this color is a godsend. Know about it and use it with pleasure.

Combine coral crimson with sand, lilac, gray-lilac, red, cherry, spring green, wormwood, Prussian blue, dark gray, rich lilac, silver, beige pink, beige yellow, straw, medium gray, sepia brown, dark dark gray.

Coral neon pink

Bright summer butterfly. Not everyone can afford this cold shade. The soft features of neon pink will crush, everyone will see a bright spot, not you. But if you try to have a color more similar to you, then you will get rid of this annoying circumstance. Pearls, turquoise, silver, gold, coral, amber will suit this color.

Take note of the combination of coral neon pink with light yellow, with delicate warm pink, cold pink, red, saffron, menthol green, azure, denim, sky blue, dark blue, silver, gold, white-beige, gray, light beige, brown, dark brown.

Coral rose-orange

The border between pink and orange has been crossed, but remained somewhere nearby. The color is bright enough for “winter” and moderate enough for “summer”. Warm enough for “spring”, “autumn” and neutral for “summer”. This color can be called universal. It is soft and spicy, like the aromas of the east. Delicate sunset color of the sky on a warm day just before dusk. Accessories for this color can be turquoise, coral, amber, amethyst, gold, silver.

The combination with coral pink-orange can be built both in contrast and in likeness. Warm shades will give a feeling of summer heat, cold ones – the proximity of the sea, summer rain. Try to match it with amber, delicate warm pink, cold shade of pink, dark pink, golden copper, muted yellow-green, azure, denim, sky blue, royal blue, silver, gold, white-beige, gray-white, light beige, brown, dark brown.

Coral Pink Peach

Complex, soft, caring color. It seems to be both warm and seemingly cold. Shiny things embroidered with sequins and beads are perfectly combined with it. The color is festive, but not intrusive. You won’t want to be nervous in this color, because it personifies relaxation itself. If you want to be considered happy and peaceful (when you pretend, you start to believe, and faith works wonders), then this color is for you.

What color goes well with coral pink-peach color? The same soft and cozy. Sand, carrot, coral pink-orange, soft sunny, muted crimson, olive, azure, denim, hyacinth, royal blue, gray, silver, gold, white-beige, beige, brown, dark brown.

Coral light pink

In this range, it is a cold shade. I would call it sonorous. It is bright enough, but discreet. This color is the same line between orange and pink. The image that light pink coral creates – sensuality and inaccessibility, due to its coolness and sophistication. Light coral pink clothing can be casual and festive. Combine it with gold, silver, pearl, turquoise, topaz accessories.

Combine coral light pink with honey, rose red, sand, alizarin, gray-pink, olive, azure, denim, gray-blue, royal blue, silver, gold, white-beige, beige, sepia, brown-red, with the color of milk chocolate.

Coral hot pink

This color is so bright that it practically glows in the dark. Be careful with him, he can easily for). But in the right hands, any selection is good. If you look at the top left picture, you can see black sunglasses on a girl with a low-contrast appearance. They compensate for the lack of brightness. You can also use bright headbands and headbands.

Pair this coral shade with vibrant colors just like it does. For example, with amber yellow, magenta, dark red, reddish orange, azure, aquamarine, blue-green, Prussian blue, dark gray, silver, gold, white, beige gray, beige yellow, light gray, sepia brown, black-brown.

Hot lips color

Or the color of a red rose. It is no longer bright red, but not fuchsia yet. Decisiveness and balanced decisions, speed of reaction and the ability to assimilate a huge amount of information in a short time. It’s all a shade of red rose.

But be careful with this shade when wearing it for a business meeting. If your partners are pretty exhausted, the shade will annoy them, rather than inspire confidence.

The “hot lips” color is suitable for all color types. Combine the color of red rose with pink-beige, light magenta, coral, red-orange, pale yellow, American wormwood, emerald, white-green, cobalt, gray-blue, anthracite, red-violet, glycine, brown-beige , cream, taupe and brown.

Geranium color

Or a shade of coral. This is also one of the favorite colors, but it is absolutely bold to wear it, unfortunately, only representatives of the “spring” color type can.

Consider in the picture how the skin color of the fashion model fades next to the geranium dress. You can correct the situation with an intense tan or a combination of geraniums with flowers that suit you.

Coral color is combined with pink, red, dark red, orange sorbet, yellow-orange, with a soft sunny yellow and sandy color, as well as gold, marsh color, olive, thrush eggs, azure, denim, lilac, dark lilac, brown, dark brown, gray-brown flowers.

Poppy color

Or an orange-pink color. Its exoticism in its pallor. This shade is close to the peach color, beloved at all times, perhaps this explains its excessive popularity. In addition, he plays amazingly on tanned skin, but on pale skin it may seem inconspicuous.

Orange-pink will suit representatives of color types “spring”, “summer”, “autumn”. And it will be combined mainly with soft, complex colors. Such as: lavender, red, alizarin, peach, brick, gold, light sand, beige, pea color, wormwood, blackbird egg color, gray-green-blue, denim, lilac, dark lilac, brown, dark brown …

Which shade of red is right for you:

Gingerbread color or tan color

This is hard work, respectability, intelligence, intuition, sensitivity to changes in the mood in the team. Such leaders are worth their weight in gold. The color is perfect for business meetings and negotiations. He creates an aura of understanding and a willingness to make concessions, although most often the other side has to give in. This shade is suitable for all color types.

Yellow-brown combines such colors as grape, red, dark red, saffron, carrot, red, light yellow, pale gold, wormwood, bottle, lime, dark blue, gray-blue, gray-beige, yellow-beige, brown, dark brown.

Cherry coffee or deep burgundy

Saturated, impudent, proud. It gives the appearance a royal touch of arrogance and forces you to be taken seriously. Burgundy is a versatile shade. It will suit all color types. In addition, this color is slimming.

Cherry coffee has an inner strength. Although it looks low-key, it comes from the red color, which means that it has a tonic effect.

The burgundy color is combined with beige-pink, lilac, with the color of a rose or “hot lips”, with red, white-yellow, gold, the color of American wormwood, with “atlantis”, the color of a fainting frog, Baltic, cobalt, red-violet, glycine, light beige, dark brown, black.

Fondant color or mocha color

Dear brown shade. Although he himself is quite muted, you can create bright combinations with him.

Brown, like green, is the color of maturity and stability. Together with expensive materials and accessories, your importance and attractiveness to others will increase.

This shade is suitable for everyone, except for representatives of the “winter” color type. Mocha color is combined with pale pink, beige pink, strawberry, saffron, dark red, light yellow, ocher, billiard, pea color, light blue, sea blue, dark blue, glycine, light pink-beige, brown beige, brown and dark brown.

American wormwood or sand color

The shade is very close to not bright gold, but this is restraint, respectability, intelligence, constancy.

The color of American wormwood will be very useful in a business suit: it does not distract attention and gives the interlocutor the opportunity to fully concentrate on the questions. A light, soft shade creates a positive opinion of you in the eyes of your partner.

This shade is suitable for representatives of the “spring” and “summer” color type. Consider sand color combinations such as pale pink, jelly, cherry, lingonberry, red, burgundy, gold, yellow-green, pale yellow, emerald, pale green, Baltic, cobalt, glycine, light beige, yellow brown, brown.

American mountain color or pink-beige shade

It is close to a natural body shade. It excites the imagination. If you want to attract the attention of men, this shade will come in handy.

Representatives of the “autumn” color type should be discarded from the color of the American mountain, since in it their face will give off an unhealthy redness. You should not choose things of this color and color type “winter”. This shade is too pale for them. Pink-beige looks better on tanned skin.

Pink-beige is combined with such shades as pale pink, lilac, dark lilac, jelly, red, pale orange, ocher, marsh green, wormwood, gray-blue, cobalt, gray-blue, neutral beige , the color of coffee with milk, light beige, gray-brown and dark brown colors.

Early Wheat or Winter Yellow

A delicate yellow shade that is neither cold nor warm. Filled with femininity and charm. Due to its middle position and light tone, it is suitable for representatives of all color types. With it, you can create exotic combinations, both bright and soft. It will look great in the office and at a banquet. Its main gift will be joy and tenderness, which will imperceptibly creep into the hearts of contemplators, and, naturally, this areola will fall on its owner.

The color “early wheat”, or winter yellow, is combined with Victorian pink, pearl pink, fawn, strawberry, salmon, sand, bamboo, pale green of cold and warm shades, malachite, denim blue of dark and light shades, lilac, flesh-colored , gray-brown and yellow-brown.

Coral pearlescent pink

Pale, delicate shade. Will look good on both white and tanned skin. It goes well with jewelry made of pearls, moonstone, mother-of-pearl shells, turquoise. Your look in this color will be mysterious and weightless. The color is good for both midday and summer nights.

Combine this coral color with equally subtle shades. Such as white-yellow, coral pink-peach, dark lilac, aquamarine, azure, heavenly, denim, hyacinth, lilac, pale lilac, gray-blue, white, beige, gold, flesh, brown, dark brown.

Coral Pale Peach

This warm shade looks good on golden skin. And if you have a cool body shade, then you can discover this color with a good southern tan. And if neither the solarium nor the beach shines on you during the harsh summer days, then self-tanning can help (it will give a golden hue, which is difficult to achieve in the usual way). This color is good for both office and leisure use. Enjoy this warm piece of summer.

Perhaps you will like the combination of coral pale peach color with yellow-gold, carrot, alizarin, rusty, burgundy, olive, azure, gray-blue, denim, hyacinth, lilac, white, gray, gold, warm light beige, pink brown, dark brown

Pale yellow color

Another universal color. This sunny color is considered cold, probably because it resembles a winter dawn. But it is also the color of spring chickens. Pale yellow, naive, innocent, joyful color. Unlike yellow, it does not oppress others. It is not flashy, but fresh, light, radiant. I want to look at him and look at him. Pale yellow goes well with summer dresses and sundresses, swimsuits and pareos.

Pale yellow is combined mainly with restrained colors. Such as: poppy, geranium, honeysuckle, red, dark red, pale orange, orange sorbet, sand, gold, light green, pale green, neon green, turquoise, denim, lilac, gray lilac, brown, dark brown.


Color psychology: green

Psychology of colors greenПсихология цветов зеленый

This color is located between warm yellow and cold blue and, thus, denotes calmness and poise. This is the color of nature: green leaves and herbs. Associated with freshness and coolness.

People who give him preference are ready to help in any situation. They are conducive to conversation and trust. By themselves, they are not secretive, but not many are allowed into their inner world. They love stability in everything, up to conservatism in the little things. Uncertainty creates fear. They always keep their word and take on serious obligations, which they often cope with. But with all these positive qualities, they are prone to jealousy and are selfish.

Psychology, the color green is also loved by those who have a deep inner world, love to learn and learn everything new, travel, make new acquaintances.

This color and its shades will help in such situations:

• If necessary, calm down and put your thoughts in order;

• Determine the choice of the right decision or course of action in certain situations;

• Self-assertion in the family, circle of friends or work team;

• In health, it will help to normalize high blood pressure;

• If you need to adapt to a new social circle and feel confident, you can wear a ring or pendant with an emerald. Also, lovers of green can buy jewelry with alpanite, the color of juicy grass in our online store.

“How to fit it into the interior?”

The lilac color is quite capricious, revealing its best qualities only in a suitable environment. It is minor, therefore, in combination with pulsating warm colors, it fades into the shade, and is traditionally complemented by the same cold scale. Lilac is not so demanding on light, acquiring a bluish tint in its absence, which also looks expensive and unusual. Yes, it is noticeably colder, so it is suitable for lovers of freshness and spaciousness. As a rule, the interior is built in advance with an eye on it, but we will consider several options where lilac is a secondary character.

White color in psychology

From physics lessons, everyone knows that white contains the rest of the color spectrum. That is, falling on white all colors are reflected from it. This is why it is so cold in Antarctica. Artists claim that in nature it is very rare to find this color in its unsurpassed purity without impurities. Surprisingly, this is true. This is perhaps the most mysterious and mysterious color. Its interpreted takes place on an intuitive level. But it is associated with holiness, purity and brilliance.

People who love white are very tidy and love order both in the space around them and in the head. They are reasonable, make informed decisions. But they can be secretive and close themselves from others in their world, especially if the profession is associated with creativity, art or education. Nothing should interfere with them during work and brainstorming. Color psychology claims that too much white in clothing or in a room can create boredom or a sense of detachment. Therefore, it is worth diluting it depending on everyday needs: yellow, red, green, blue. White goes well with anyone.

Choose white if:

• Want to complete a long-started business;

• Put thoughts in order;

• Forget sorrows or unpleasant memories;

• Jewelry with cubic zirconias or diamonds will help in overcoming the fear of starting something new.

Home staining technique

If you nevertheless decide to paint your head yourself, read the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Prepare the necessary tools;
  2. Dilute the bleach in a bowl. Follow the instructions strictly;
  3. Wash off the substance with shampoo at the prescribed interval;
  4. On wet strands, begin to apply the coloring pigment. Separate thin sectors with a brush, process the partings first, then the entire length. Start at the crown, then the temporal regions, parietal, occiput;
  5. Withstand the right time and rinse off the product;
  6. Use a fixing balm.

Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.
With a pink

Cold beauty

Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.Psychology of color and the meaning of colors: blue, purple, red, yellow, white, pink, gray, green.
Playful tips

Advice! To keep the color vibrant and intense, buy a good tint balm. This will help to delay the correction procedure longer, which means it will preserve the health of your curls.

Pink in psychology

Pink in psychologyРозовый цвет в психологии

Pink is a delicate girlish color and it is considered feminine, it is not in vain that they talk about a beautiful girl “blood and milk”. It is a fusion of neutral white and passionate, sexy and energetic red.

People who love him are gentle, take care of people and animals. They love to be decorated with cute beautiful things. They do not tolerate lies, but sometimes they are too trusting and they are easily misled. Dreamy natures, sometimes they do not see the negative that surrounds them, the expression of seeing the world through “rose-colored glasses” is completely suitable here.

For couples, it symbolizes romance and tender trusting relationships. Moreover, the more white in the shade, the more beautiful the feelings.

However, a person who likes bright shades of pink is capable of betrayal and hypocrisy.

Pink color in psychology is able to come to the rescue if:

• The person suffers from insomnia;

• Relieve stress associated with a change of environment or place of work, the same applies to changing schools for children;

• You are tired of routine work and want to relax;

• Want to reduce feelings of resentment or aggression;

• Earrings with corundum or a ring with pink topaz will help to become a more delicate and feminine representative of the weaker sex.

“Living room”

The lilac color looks best in the interior of large spaces, where there are many opportunities to beat its airiness. He is partial to the elements of antique architecture, arches and high ceilings.

“Lilac + milk”

  • Like blue in the interior, lilac is suitable for a sublime Empire style, merging wonderfully with shades of silver and white. In this era, delicate colors literally went crazy. Even perfumers created, inspired by blooming gardens – the aromas of lilac, rose, jasmine were in use. This charming atmosphere can be recreated in your living room – let the delicate fabrics resemble fragile petals, and daylight fills the space as much as possible.

Lilac and milky colors in an elegant living roomСиреневый и молочный цвета в изящной гостиной

“Lilac + shades of white”

  • Lilac is often found in Scandinavian interiors, combined with traditional smoky and milky tones. The fact is that the Scandinavians have a beautiful legend that the lilac color is the product of the rainbow and the sun. Such a romantic description cannot leave you indifferent, so take inspiration from the Swedish living room in the following photo.

“Lilac + yellow”

  • Lilac + yellow in the interior are well suited to each other, but are considered an alarming combination, so one color will have to be slightly modified. Pale yellow will look too superficial, therefore, we use a harmonious shade, peeped from nature – the greenish color of swelling buds.

“Lilac + purple”

  • Saturated purple color in the interior + lilac is a classic of the genre. The hero of our article in the next living room fades into the background, playing only the role of the background. Its porcelain tone is able to exquisitely set off the blues and sapphire colors, making the overall atmosphere more elegant, referring to the aesthetics of the rocaille era.

“Lilac + pink”

  • And of course, the girlish lilac color goes well with the same pink, naive and light. There is no need to draw parallels with the atmosphere of the boudoir, the photo below shows an example of a completely modern stylish living room. The purple carpet almost merges with the grayish floor and is well set off by the red furniture, and the sakura-colored pillows are a bright addition.

The combination of shades of purple with each other

The combination of shades within one color scheme is something that everyone can afford. At the same time, one simple rule should be remembered: do not combine cold and warm shades in one set. Well, then – everything is at your discretion.

A complete set in one tone is boring, so combine two or three tones of different saturation. For example, if you choose a deep blue-violet color as a base (suit, dress), then emphasize it with a lavender or lilac cardigan. A blueberry sweater will look great when paired with a light purple skirt or trousers.

Sunflower Teddy Bear (Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear)

For many years, this plant was considered exclusively as a raw material for the production of vegetable oil. However, even now you can fully enjoy the beauty of a wide variety of decorative varieties of this culture. The teddy bear is perhaps the most famous of these. Large 22 cm double flowers will honor any flower garden. Due to its relatively small (up to 1 m) height, this sunflower looks equally presentable both in the distant plan of flower beds and in small monoclumba.

Salvia Love and Wishes

By planting this variety of salvia in your garden, you will not only add a bright purple touch to your flower garden, but also fill your garden with an indescribable aroma, which, among other things, will attract pollinating insects to your site. It is curious that it is not the flowers that exude it, but the rich green foliage of this plant. Love and Vishes loves bright sunshine and well-drained soil. Blooms from May to October.

Dahlia Karma Fuchsiana

A vibrant and showy variety of dahlias with pink petals and a lemon-yellow heart. The appearance of plants – with large lush inflorescences on a long stem – allows them to be used not only for decorating a flower garden, but also for cutting. The maximum height that these plants can reach is 80 cm, which means that they must be tied up. Tall dahlias will adorn any flower garden.

  • Why dahlias don’t bloom – 7 possible reasonsWhat happens to dahlias that refuse to bloom and cease to delight with bright colors? You will find the answers in the article.

Purple + pink

This combination can look vulgar, catchy and tasteless, or elegant, light and gentle. It all depends on what kind of shades of purple and pink you choose to complement each other. They are quite close in tonality, and therefore are perceived as something natural. Avoid “poisonous” pink when choosing colors. Give preference to pastel shades of this color, but purple can be rich, deep.

In the interior, this combination is most often used to decorate bedrooms. By choosing clothes in pink and purple, you can create a great summer outfit or even an office look. This combination is also relevant when creating evening make-up. Purple will accentuate green and brown eyes especially well.

Penstemon Schoenholzeri

These overseas guests came to us from North America, but, despite the fact that they are very popular in their homeland, these beautiful flowers are still exotic for our region. And although foreign flower directories rank most of the varieties of this plant in the fifth USDA hardiness zone, in reality many of them are successfully grown in regions with a rather harsh climate. Penstemon prefers sun or light partial shade.

Purple + yellow

Purple and yellow are a gorgeous and vibrant combination, inspired by nature itself. It is for this reason that it is so harmonious for our perception. Give preference to bright or delicate yellow shades, clean, without admixtures of gray and other colors. They will most successfully emphasize the depth of purple and its richness. In this case, there may be completely different proportions.

For interior decoration, a combination of purple and yellow is used, as a rule, when creating a retro style.

If we talk about clothes, then absolutely different proportions are used. For example, a purple dress and a yellow handbag. In the photo you see an almost equal presence of both colors, but at the same time one of them is inferior in saturation, and this is correct.

Anna Evans


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